
Of course it is. If I failed to pull my own chain I'd be in a terribly bad way, wouldn't you say? What was it now, I just said I watched?

What I find amusing, though, is the frank admission that you came here to pull chains. You should have stuck to the fifth.
And you missed an "o" in there.

Marquis do ya need some cheese?
It seems to me you are starting to whine...
I always need cheese. And Wine.

In some places it's a room-temperature red. In others, that red has to be chilled. And then, of course, there's the white... best enjoyed on a hot summer's day in the backyard, lying on the grass with friends, as long as you're not planning to be up all night and don't mind a rather sore head come the morrow.

So what, Mr. C2PO, is your whine?
Hey guys have you tightened the rules recently? I got lots of friends that seem to be fleeing this place in droves to other forums because friends have been banned, I just wondered what's going on?
the mod team seems to have some kind of band clamp around their craniums.
i dunno man.
this will never be a prestigious site when it caters to horseshit.
Well there's a revelation.

Whine's a whine, you can try to disguise it later but your goal was clear from the start. I mean really, if one wishes to know what the rules are, all one need do is read them.
Dissemination is fairly transparent, you know, and not all politicians are actually employed in government..
If we are talking about goals, yours appeared to be to be as disagreeable as possible with no other justification than it makes you feel superior. I have good news for you. Your goal was achieved.

Gorlitz, not everyone on the site is an asshole. You'll soon learn to recognise those who are. You then either ignore them (best choice), or bait them (amusing, but ultimately fruitless, since they generally aren't too bright).
I always need cheese. And Wine.

In some places it's a room-temperature red. In others, that red has to be chilled. And then, of course, there's the white... best enjoyed on a hot summer's day in the backyard, lying on the grass with friends, as long as you're not planning to be up all night and don't mind a rather sore head come the morrow.

So what, Mr. C2PO, is your whine?

:D liked the post..
Actually I can't drink anymore. Sad but true.
But I liked Boons Farm wine to a good aged red. Tried some red once from the early 60's, good stuff. But I also sampled a 15 year old burn the hell out of your throat scotch wisky, and straight Jack D. and Jim B. Mixed. To beer. Sadly never got around to any white lightning. And I hated that bottle of Mezcal with the worm.
If we are talking about goals, yours appeared to be to be as disagreeable as possible with no other justification than it makes you feel superior. I have good news for you. Your goal was achieved.

Gorlitz, not everyone on the site is an asshole. You'll soon learn to recognise those who are. You then either ignore them (best choice), or bait them (amusing, but ultimately fruitless, since they generally aren't too bright).
A pox on your "appearances", rock boy. The amusing thing about you is that are essentially the same as I am, yet don't appear to want to acknowledge it.

Ophiolite, Gorlitz, can be fairly informative at times. He's also an arrogant little prick, but prefers to disguise it behind a veneer of politeness. He does, however, sometimes indulge himself in the odd fishing expedition. Like the one you just observed.
Ophiolite, Gorlitz, can be fairly informative at times. He's also an arrogant little prick, but prefers to disguise it behind a veneer of politeness. He does, however, sometimes indulge himself in the odd fishing expedition. Like the one you just observed.

Possibly not the most flattering description I've ever had but not the worst either, not sure there is really such a thing as a veneer of politeness I kind of think you either try to be polite or you don't, am I arrogant? probarbly at times though something I'm working on trying not to be, but if I am so it not because I am or feel myself to be superior in any way, quite the opposite in fact, often I find myself humbled by and in admiration of the knowledge and opinions others and perhaps it's probarbly from a desire to try to interact on such a higher level that I may come across as arrogant, but really more of an over compensation and a deep regard and respect of others that I should want to be seen at their level, but hey I'm not perfect by a long shot I have my fualts and I guess this is just one of them, not that I'm really that bothered I'm just here to have fun, learn and share knowledge with others not to judge or be judged. :)
You are here to be judged, whether or not you realise or acknowledge that.
There is absolutely no reason to post an opinion unless you have a desire to see how it is received.

The only opinions of interest, though, are those posted by those we perceive as being peers. And doesn't that begin to get complicated.
Actually there are all sorts of people that are very different from me in many ways but I'm still very interested in their opinion as I think they are likeable or interesting people. Also making an assessment of someones opinion on a particular point is not the same as actually judging a person.
You can look at the ocean and see only waves, or you can wonder what's beneath it.
Choice is yours.
Can you really know what is below the surface by only looking at the waves?
I've been a member here for many years...and have been a daily checker of threads. But so many interesting posters have been banned, or stopped posting...that I have looked for other forums. I've never complained about the moderation here...but I think it has contributed to so many members fleeing this site. I just want to scab Fraggle to the science forum....because I love his posts. :)
I've been a member here for many years...and have been a daily checker of threads. But so many interesting posters have been banned, or stopped posting...that I have looked for other forums. I've never complained about the moderation here...but I think it has contributed to so many members fleeing this site. I just want to scab Fraggle to the science forum....because I love his posts. :)

Well forums always have new members.