Bells, please unban my Fork account

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Back in May of this year I asked JamesR if he could give me another chance to be a member of these fine forums and he agreed, so long as I post sensible things. I asked him under the name Brainiac, so please refer to that as you may not have known.

If you feel you should be unbanned, perhaps you should PM an administrator and explain why this latest ban should be lifted, especially after you created about a dozen or so sock-puppets, each of which were subsequently banned.

Good luck with that, by the way.
So Son admitted that he is Fork who is a sock puppet of Braniac. So Son is a sock puppet too, so why is that account not banned?
What's wrong with letting him back? He might improve the quality of conversation around here.
Mod Hat — Closure

Mod Hat — Closure

As the topic question has been answered, and subsequent posts offer nothing of substance, this thread is closed.
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