Biology Riddles

That hard to say it could be many things depending on the genome and conditions. Transponing elements are considered to be the prime cause of mutations although depending on conditions radiation and mutagens can be the primary causes. During reproduction crossing over a chromosomes during meiosis is the primary cause of mutation.
Ah again spuriousmonkey you need to ask what kind of point mutation, if you ask what cause Thymine dimmers or a frame shift, Nonsense, ect. Then I could answer quickly and within 1-2 sentences.
I just want everyone to know that I don't know a single thing about genetics.
Why do I want everyone to know?
Well strangely I'm proud that I don't know anything about genetics. It has to be the most boring scientific subject, its to science what soccer is to sport.
Ok I'm done.
No spuriousmonkey what kind of point mutation? A point mutation does not need to be a single nucleotide mutation, it can be any form of mutation not detectable by karotyping.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I just want everyone to know that I don't know a single thing about genetics.
Why do I want everyone to know?
Well strangely I'm proud that I don't know anything about genetics. It has to be the most boring scientific subject, its to science what soccer is to sport.
Ok I'm done.

Dr. Lou, Do you know anything about flowers? I put up a riddle about daisy flowers and nobody has taken a stab at it.

Oh, by the way. Did you get those waffle irons?
Well how could I answer the question correctly if you can't give me a proper question?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

"Around nuclear power plants fish tend to be larger, why?”

I can imagine this is also not a proper question, since the answer is not valid in all situations.

The question could also have been: Around nuclear power plants fish tend to be dead, why?
no you ask "what is the main source of mutations in a genome? I ask which kind of mutations? since there are many types mutations caused by many sources I can not say which is the main source, if you asked "What is the most common mutation in the genome and what is its most common source" that would be a better question.

The question could also have been: Around nuclear power plants fish tend to be dead, why

But fish don't tend to be dead it’s a studied fact that they are bigger though, am I to believe that all the questions are to by hypothetical with hypothetical answers?
During the last summer many fish died near powerplants because the water there was warmer than in other areas leaving less oxygen.
I believe that the substitution of alleles during the copying of DNA causes the most genomic mutations. However, given that multiple triplets of alleles will code for the same protein, the most common cause of significant phylogenic mutation is cause by deletion of an allele, causing the rest of the gene sequence to be mis-aligned for protien transcription.