Can we define god?


Before we continue the current discussion on free will and determinism?

We have gone off to possibly a long tangent and I do not want to spoil the thread.

Supposition. What's your definition of god?

Supposition. I can't tell you unless you give your definition. My definition: I'm god, so we are all god in different ways. But god is a kid and right now he doesn't know jack shit about what you even think about him. We are all children at heart.

This ought to be interesting. Really how am I to guess your reactions? Did I not say that I have prepared myself for this discussion as god commands me to do so. I'm telling you I have no control over this:D

When did I say anything about a christian god. Clearly you have me pinned since christians believe that every person is God... I'm clearly an athiest. I said it is a word, and my next statements depend on your reactions. Feel free to jump in If you believe in free will and God can exist.
If there is a God he needs the power to intervene in human affairs..Last month when I crashed my motorcycle into a car, only a split second was the difference between snapping my arm and snapping my neck. I call it luck, whilst others call it a miracle. How can we tell the difference?
Supposition. I can't tell you unless you give your definition. My definition: I'm god, so we are all god in different ways.
Hmm, you didn't quote your previous post.
My comment "supposition" referred to your contention that we are all god in our own ways.
So you're god...
How does "god" differ from "human" in your world? What makes you god-like? What aspects of recognisable godhood do you have?

Did I not say that I have prepared myself for this discussion as god commands me to do so. I'm telling you I have no control over this:D
God commands you to do so, but you're god?
Talk to yourself much? In a threatening manner?

When did I say anything about a christian god. Clearly you have me pinned since christians believe that every person is God
No they don't.

Feel free to jump in If you believe in free will and God can exist.
Oh dear: you didn't even look at the threads I linked to did you? If god exists (and has omniscience) then free will cannot exist.
If there is a God he needs the power to intervene in human affairs..Last month when I crashed my motorcycle into a car, only a split second was the difference between snapping my arm and snapping my neck. I call it luck, whilst others call it a miracle. How can we tell the difference?

Fate has served you well to protect your mortality. The exagerative degree in the difference between the words. Lucky you weren't hurt or a miracle your alive. I didn't see the bumber almost hit your neck, but if it came close you might as well call it a miracle. How fast were you going? The only miricles I get when I drive fast are speeding tickets. As in where the heck did that Charger with the blue lights come from!!! lol
Let's take the first step.
Why God and not Goddess?
Are you sure that God is male and not female?
Hmm, you didn't quote your previous post.
My comment "supposition" referred to your contention that we are all god in our own ways.
So you're god...
How does "god" differ from "human" in your world? What makes you god-like? What aspects of recognisable godhood do you have?

What? Why would I speak of myself to boost my Ego, especially when that question is answered on another thread. I don't ever do this unless it serves a point. It serves no point here and I am going to assume you still believe I am god. Your definition please.
Let's take the first step.
Why God and not Goddess?
Are you sure that God is male and not female?
How does that particularly matter when it comes to the definition of what a god(dess) actually is?
Hi chaos. It was very very close..I snapped my right arm in two and had 3 operations in 2 weeks and 3 weeks in horsepital. If I had hit the car just a moment sooner I would have gone under it...Luck is a strange thing, I don't feel lucky, but lived through it. I've even got a new bike, though I can't ride more than 30 miles before the pain gets too much!
Let's take the first step.
Why God and not Goddess?
Are you sure that God is male and not female?

Unless you think women aren't people. God is just the idea that denotes aestetic beauty for nature. People use their "evil" nature to blaspheme the word in its entirety. Believing a word for all people is only for specific groups- The error in strict religious values. Also there is an error when one religion assumes the other will not understand its sentiments. These are individual faults on the person or peoples who shut their eyes to the rest of the world. Spread "Good" when the "Evil" is turned a blind eye.
Perhaps we are all part of God, and that's how he/she will know all our thoughts and deeds when we die and ascend into the 'spiritual plane.'
Unless you think women aren't people.
Foolish non-sequitur.
Is a god "people"?

God is just the idea that denotes aestetic beauty for nature.
Ah okay. You introduce YET ANOTHER definition (that still does not accord with any of the usual ones). Are you now claiming you're naturally beautiful?

People use their "evil" nature to blaspheme the word in its entirety.
And now you're wandering off into La La Land...

Believing a word for all people is only for specific groups- The error in strict religious values. Also there is an error when one religion assumes the other will not understand its sentiments. These are individual faults on the person or peoples who shut their eyes to the rest of the world. Spread "Good" when the "Evil" is turned a blind eye.
Do try to stay on-topic, please. It helps so much if you're anywhere near what the thread is actually about.

That's simple. Chaos told us he/she is god, so that's what god is; just some person posting on an internet forum.
Close the thread.
Hi chaos. It was very very close..I snapped my right arm in two and had 3 operations in 2 weeks and 3 weeks in horsepital. If I had hit the car just a moment sooner I would have gone under it...Luck is a strange thing, I don't feel lucky, but lived through it. I've even got a new bike, though I can't ride more than 30 miles before the pain gets too much!

That sucks my friend. I have always wanted a bike, but I know I would kill myself on one. I would try to show off and just end up end over end. While I'm floating up to heaven ill say, "Why do they put a front brake on these things anyway?"
Front brakes are stronger, your weight goes forward when you brake. You just need ABS.

You can't define God, that's the whole point. When someone does define some aspect of God and science disproves it, theists rethink their interpretations.
Foolish non-sequitur.
Is a god "people"?
Ok then smart one it's a particle that allows for space travel....

Ah okay. You introduce YET ANOTHER definition (that still does not accord with any of the usual ones). Are you now claiming you're naturally beautiful?
Well then god would be very complex then wouldn't It. Sure and if you think I am naturally beautiful we can get married.
Do try to stay on-topic, please. It helps so much if you're anywhere near what the thread is actually about.

What? God? He, She, It is found in understanding people. How should I find them then? That is what I am here for. It is not for me to understand it is for others to understand. For them to lift up their judgements of others and to peer within themselves. What have we done for this world but make anger and suffering and toil to the whole with our blind views. If you are stranded on the road in the middle of nowhere with cars passing by, no car will stop to help you. but when was the last time we saw someone walking somewhere far? and how do we feel about people at work? Well they just make a big joke out of it and cry and laugh as the wanderer avoids his shadow in the hot sun. Do you still not see how "good" judgements make for more choices?
Ok then smart one it's a particle that allows for space travel....
You're veering again. A particle that allows for space travel? :confused:

Well then god would be very complex then wouldn't It. Sure and if you think I am naturally beautiful we can get married.
So you can't provide any explanation for your nonsense?

What? God? He, She, It is found in understanding people.
Would this be a third "definition" from you?

How should I find them then? That is what I am here for. It is not for me to understand it is for others to understand. For them to lift up their judgements of others and to peer within themselves. What have we done for this world but make anger and suffering and toil to the whole with our blind views. If you are stranded on the road in the middle of nowhere with cars passing by, no car will stop to help you. but when was the last time we saw someone walking somewhere far? and how do we feel about people at work? Well they just make a big joke out of it and cry and laugh as the wanderer avoids his shadow in the hot sun. Do you still not see how "good" judgements make for more choices?
Your "inane comment" to "on topic comment" ratio is the wrong way round.

May I suggest you take another look at the thread title and OP, reacquaint yourself with what this thread is supposedly about and try to stay within the bounds of the subject matter? Thanks.
Front brakes are stronger, your weight goes forward when you brake. You just need ABS.

You can't define God, that's the whole point. When someone does define some aspect of God and science disproves it, theists rethink their interpretations.

So If I were to say, "we were all "God", then you were to ask, "What makes you say that?' and I responded in jest, "because I'm smarter than you". It doesn't matter athiest or theist or agnostic. Your front breaks collapse? Is that what your saying?

Maybe we should give the definition an obvious answer, then "it" might go mute.