Chauvin Verdict Thread

The jury has notified the court of a verdict. We are expecting public reading of the verdict in a matter of minutes.
Guilty on all three charges.

Wow, I didn't expect that. I thought the manslaughter charge definitely, maybe third degree murder.
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty

Derek Chauvin has been convicted on all three counts related to the slaying of George Floyd:

• 2nd Degree Unintentional Murder

• 3rd Degree Murder

• 2nd Degree Manslaughter​

Attorney Jay Kuo↱ outlined the differences, yesterday:

Under Minnesota law, to find a defendant guilty of second degree unintentional felony [murder],the jury must conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Chauvin caused Floyd's death while committing or trying to commit a felony—in this case, third-degree assault. That carries a prison term of up to 40 years if he's convicted.

For third degree murder, the jury would need to find that Floyd's death was caused by an act that was obviously dangerous, though not necessarily a felony. That carries a lighter maximum sentence of up to 25 years.

For the manslaughter charge, they'd have to find that Chauvin acted with “culpable negligence” by creating an “unreasonable risk,” one that “consciously takes chances of causing death” to another. That charge carries a 41 to 57 month sentence.

And, today, the jury found cause to convict on all three counts.


Kuo, Jay. "We’re at Closing Arguments in the Chauvin Trial. Here’s Exactly What The Jury Must Now Decide." The Status Kuo. 19 April 2021. 20 April 2021.
I’ve followed the trial and this should be seen as a celebration of our justice system. Heard a legal analyst discussing this today, and he said that Chauvin took policing back 100 years with his actions.
I wonder if we will ever learn the reason Chauvin murdered George Floyd in full public view.

Has anything changed in that respect after a guilty verdict?
I wonder if we will ever learn the reason Chauvin murdered George Floyd in full public view.

Has anything changed in that respect after a guilty verdict?

Chauvin has been found Guilty on All charges , thank goodness , just now made public . At this minute . Justice has been served . As it should be .
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Justice has been served
that is a different thread subject about what constitutes justice and it being metered out to be deemed completed.
thus justice would need to be completed to be served as an end result of completion
and ...
justice is highly subjective
to some it is getting money
to others it is taking a pound of flesh
to others it is acts that appease their need to enact equal moral atrocities
some will see justice as being chauven tortured to death slowly
THAT would be justice to what a lot of American believe about an eye for an eye
while others believe justice will be the execution of police officers & burning down police stations

there is some rather complex technical in-depth discussion around what constitutes justice as a public response to abuse of power via rioting
but that is well beyond most peoples capacity to mentally process.

to my civilized moral mind
justice will be served when the police systems have been reformed & there is
new policy
new testing
of police to make sure they dont have serial killers & psychopaths & borderline narcissist sociopaths working in their midst going unchecked as this looks like.
decades of racism which is nurtured into people from birth is not going to suddenly be swapped out for a shiny new Chinese made American labeled cell phone or cell phone app trend or fashion statement.
new laws defining basic concepts of collective conduct of purpose(mission statement involving legal definition)
reform of police management & systems

obviously the existing system is not working
the 911 dispatcher
the paramedics
the public
the supervisor who the 911 dispatcher called
the police standing around ... "just following orders" ...
nothing in the system was capable of stopping what was taking place
so the system has failed

i have faith in the police commissioners ability to stand at the front and sing the right hymns
does he have the intellectual power to complete the entire job from beginning to end ?
it will take more than 1 commissioner
it will be at-least 2 generations (10 years roughly[best possible outcome])

another debate now begins to enter the moral civil culture of the usa around how much money should be spent on prison & services for the convicted killer police officer
should he get better food than poor working class ?
should he get free health care ?
technically he should not be getting anything for free according to usa cultural moral capitalist social agreement.

will the convicted police officer get better food and treatment than black prisoners ?

I wonder if we will ever learn the reason Chauvin murdered George Floyd in full public view.

what is it you wish to have answered ?
a "motive" concept around your perception of how people think and act
to conform to something you have already decided is the process ?

you need to have a very clear idea of the question your asking if you want it answered to be be in a form that you understand.

how many other 'chauvens' do you think there are in the USA police force ?

the reason Chauvin murdered George Floyd in full public view

as opposed to murdering him behind closed doors ?

thus ...
the nature of your question
and what type of answer you are looking for
to service what ?
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No-brainers come as a surprise nowadays. But a pleasant surprise. And relief.

[the reason Chauvin murdered George Floyd in full public view]

as opposed to murdering him behind closed doors ?
Maybe that wasn't his second choice, but it happens much more frequently than the public ever hears about.
Why he did it in plain sight was: he didn't intend to go all the way; just show off how he could take down and humiliate a great big guy - in case anyone else in the neighbourhood entertained any doubts about who was boss. But he was enjoying it so much, he forgot to stop at just rendering the great big guy unconscious, as he had a couple dozen other suspects, and gotten away with.
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No-brainers come as a surprise nowadays. But a pleasant surprise. And relief.

Maybe that wasn't his second choice, but it happens much more frequently than the public ever hears about.
Why he did it in plain sight was: he didn't intend to go all the way; just show off how he could take down and humiliate a great big guy - in case anyone else in the neighbourhood entertained any doubts about who was boss. But he was enjoying it so much, he forgot to stop at just rendering the great big guy unconscious, as he had a couple dozen other suspects, and gotten away with.
That is plausible.I wonder if he also felt a duty of care/example to his rookies..."Don't be too gentle with these sob's.There is protection in numbers"

I wonder if he will pipe up when it comes to sentencing and directly explain his actions to the public in hope of some mitigation.
and then we have:
The judge overseeing the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Monday excoriated House Financial Services Chair Maxine Waters after she urged protesters to "get more confrontational" if the jury did not return a guilty verdict for the murder of George Floyd.

Judge Peter Cahill told Chauvin's defense team that the California Democrat "may have given you something on appeal that may result in his whole trial being overturned."

"I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function," he said.


end result...........=?
as opposed to murdering him behind closed doors ?

Here's the original report from the police on Floyd's death:

"He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later."

That is the "closed doors" version. Unfortunately for the police, there was video.

Here's the original report from the police on Floyd's death:

"He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later."

That is the "closed doors" version. Unfortunately for the police, there was video.
The report also said:

“At no time were weapons of any type used by anyone involved in this incident"

I don't think Chauvin intended to kill Floyd.
I assume that Chauvin meant to administer what is termed a"beatdown". (I find that there is a term for it disturbing. It indicates a prevalence of the action that is very disquieting.)
The veteran cop was going to teach the new guys how it is done. Hence he is saying "get up and get in" for the recording while he holds the victim on the pavement. If it had not been for a very brave teenager hiding out of sight of the cops recording their actions the cop's version might have been accepted as true and the new guys would have been corrupted.
I don't think Chauvin intended to kill Floyd.
I assume that Chauvin meant to administer what is termed a"beatdown". (I find that there is a term for it disturbing. It indicates a prevalence of the action that is very disquieting.)
The veteran cop was going to teach the new guys how it is done. Hence he is saying "get up and get in" for the recording while he holds the victim on the pavement. If it had not been for a very brave teenager hiding out of sight of the cops recording their actions the cop's version might have been accepted as true and the new guys would have been corrupted.
More ignorant twaddle.
A restraint is not a "beatdown" (no injuries, aside from minor skin abrasions, found on Floyd), nor is it a "choke hold". Ignorant people just keep conflating wholly unrelated terms. "Beatdown" is urban slang, not a police term.
It was a bystander telling Floyd to get up and in the car, not police. And the cops knew they were being recorded. Jeez, the amount of ignorant crap you spew.
More ignorant twaddle.
A restraint is not a "beatdown" (no injuries, aside from minor skin abrasions, found on Floyd), nor is it a "choke hold". Ignorant people just keep conflating wholly unrelated terms. "Beatdown" is urban slang, not a police term.
It was a bystander telling Floyd to get up and in the car, not police. And the cops knew they were being recorded. Jeez, the amount of ignorant crap you spew.

We must have watched very different vids.