
what do you think about cloning

  • i think cloning is the beginnig of a great era

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • i think it is totally wrong

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • i think it's great

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • i dont have an opinion

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
easy use a chemical to trigger a different Opteron {Opteron = set of genes that runs on a feed back loop or pathway can be turn off or on digitally}

Biorobitics is just mouths away will nanorobitcs is well decades if not longer… tell me how would you tell a naorobot to do a different task!

If you look at it we know much MUCH more about how to make a biorobot then how to make a nanorobot also Biorobots are already self-replicating! Will nanorobot would need to be made in a factor like today silicon chips and that ain’t cheap!
easy use a chemical to trigger a different Opteron
why trash your body with chemicals?
Biorobitics is just mouths away will nanorobitcs is well decades if not longer…
tell me how would you tell a naorobot to do a different task!
some kind of a signal to which a particular group of nanites responds. 5 signals within an interval - go clean the lungs, 8 signals - increase his lung capacity (while diving)

If you look at it we know much MUCH more about how to make a biorobot then how to make a nanorobot
where's your thrill of research?

Will nanorobot would need to be made in a factor like today silicon chips and that ain’t cheap!
no- they won't be cheap either way, but can be very valuable for specialized professions - law enforcement, military, astronouts, spies...

and biorobots also get more easily damaged by outer factors imo and can disfunction under such factors
i.e. radiation, big pressure, toxic surrounding

I think we need a law to protect DNA. I specifically used the "out of the garbage" scenario because one could argue that whatever a person intentially throws away no longer belongs to them. But simple theft cannot cover the action of stealing someone's DNA to create a clone. I'd equate that more to rape.

Suppose someone steals your DNA, creates a clone and you find out about it when the fetus is 2 months along. Do you have the right to demand an abortion? I'd say yes.

This is going to get really complicated because I will guarantee that as soon as cloning becomes feasible, people will want to clone movie stars, sports personalities, what have you.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against cloning. But it sure opens up some interesting legal questions.

Anybody got other interesting scenarios...?
no months away let me pull up the citation... by the time the first nanorobot comes out biorobots of the virus and single cell prokaryote size will be use for everything! making drugs, fibers, gene therapy, we could design high organism as well like dinosaur, dragons, super humans like the "Nexus" seen in blade runner ect. Biorobots only rot because there parts are edible. If you look at it from affair both technologies are nanorobotics its just mine is in the well studied and developed field of carbon based and your is all hypothetical scifi of silicon based!

Im going to start a whole need thread for this one!
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
thx spookz I tryed searching on google but got fed up quickly what did you put in the search box?

sorry but I read over these..there is still no viable proof for the statement that your clone would be like you in personality. Not even twins are that much alike. I'm not convinced..

ce la vie

Why the hell should you bother cloning when you can fuck someone and get a kid the natural way? Mystery to me.
Because cloning like designer babies you have the ability to know what the child will be like ahead of time. Though it is agued that how they behave will not be predictable. how the clone will look and how healthy the clone will be is proven predictable.

How about someone who is infertile and can f*ck all they want and never have a kid?

I think, though, that cloning will probably be used as much by people who have a child who died, and who want to recreate that same child. Seems like a huge waste of time/money to me, but what the heck, it's their dime. I would feel a bit sorry for the kid, though, who'd have all these expectations to live up to. Not that people don't put ridiculous expetctations on their kids already (be like your older brother; I wanted to be a doctor but couldn't so you're going to be one; etc.).