Did God answer prayer for healing?

Did God answer prayer for healing?

earth needs healing from terrible human pollution and rubbish.
needs a nice clean
dirty people who dont wash need a nice clean to heal
people had no drinking water also so now they have lots of free water
no water for washing for healing
no water for drinking for healing
now lots of free water
everybody's rich with gods work

gods work ?
answering prayers for healing the sick ?

You need to pray to Joe Pesci. May have a better chance of getting what you want.

(warning crude language)
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You can heal a person, or you can save it all together. The later includes what you see as death, but really you just go back to nature whence thou came,when your body stops serving its purpose your consciousness leaves it and it goes stale but you are now a free spirit or an imaginary being.
when your body stops serving its purpose your consciousness leaves it and it goes stale but you are now a free spirit or an imaginary being
Most likely become food for a beautiful flower. That is in harmony with the natural cycle of conservation of energy.
He certainly never seems to cause lost limbs to regrow...
Oddly he does for much lesser animals, like the Axolotl .

You may recognize this face as the poster animal of this blog, but the Mexican axolotl hasn’t been spoiled by fame. This hard worker not only can make copies like Xerox—regenerating a missing limb; tail; and parts of their brain, heart, and lower jaw—but it’s a favorite study subject among scientists.
James Monaghan, a biologist at Boston’s Northeastern University, began studying axolotls during a grad school project and stuck with them since.

“If they’re paralyzed in the back they can recover the functions of their legs … They can make all new neurons and new connections that allow them to use their legs again, which is really one of the most incredible examples of recovery.”
His most recent research has focused on what genes regulate the axolotls’ regenerative abilities, testing what happens when certain genes are turned on or off. The axolotl “is a great model because it has a wide tool set to study regeneration,” he said.
When I look at the state of this world (I mean how things really are) I fail to see the existence of a all-loving, all-forgiving and all-capable God.

Take a look at the state of this world:

We live in a sadistic, cruel and dystopian society where people are dying every day but nobody gives a shit about them because they are just a statistic.

Many people are seriously suffering every day because of various things but again no one gives a shit about their struggles because we live in a culture of apathy and sadism.

I believe that this culture of apathy toward one another and the extreme greed for money of some people will destroy us eventually if we don't do something about it in the future.

Lets look at the state of this planet for example: we pollute the earth, we destroy the only home that we've got (planet earth) and we kill completely innocent animals for food and we destroy their habitats. Humans only know how to destroy but never how to build a loving, caring and sustainable world.

Eventually nature is going to wipe us all out if we don't stop it with our greed and apathy toward each other and toward animals.
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Did God answer prayer for healing?

A Christian cancer patient pray for healing, but God did not heal him and he dies after 1-2 years of radiation therapy, what does this mean?

The pastor told the patient's family that it's God will to heal or not heal, dying is not a tragedy for a saved Christian, his soul is saved, he goes to heaven a better place than the earthly world.

This is a typical answer, anyone also can say that.

How do we really know God's will to heal or not to heal?
Is everything supernatural bull-shit?

We must bear in mind that Jesus spoke in parables and metaphors, this even confused his disciples at times.

We read that our physical existence is transitory, unimportant, we don't see it that way of course but that's what Christ alluded to.

Therefore the healing may not be referring to material, physical healing but spiritual healing, healing the damaged way we have of perceiving reality.

The "scales" that fell from Paul's eyes, enabling him to "see" again can be read as referring to how he saw the world, perceived reality, what he thought of as real, important.

Once he was "healed" by Christ he could "see" what he could not before.

Try to keep this in mind when reading the NT.
Therefore the healing may not be referring to material, physical healing but spiritual healing, healing the damaged way we have of perceiving reality.
That's a convenient copout.
Did God heal your crippled leg? Well, He didn't actually do anything but I learned to enjoy being differently abled.​
It works just the same without God, though.
That's a convenient copout.
Did God heal your crippled leg? Well, He didn't actually do anything but I learned to enjoy being differently abled.​
It works just the same without God, though.

This reminds me of a family secret story from about a century ago. My mother had a cousin who contracted white's disease while he was still in school which necessitated his wearing a leg brace. He saw a flyer for a tent revival meeting and became determined to go. Healing meetings were not something the family believed in so he had to overcome parental objections. His father insisted he could not go alone. He eventually talked one of his brothers into going with him. When he got home from the meeting the withered leg muscles were restored and he never required a leg brace again. He died of a massive coronary in his mid 70's.

It is what it is.
That's a convenient copout.
Did God heal your crippled leg? Well, He didn't actually do anything but I learned to enjoy being differently abled.​
It works just the same without God, though.

I have no idea what you actually mean by "copout", please explain what it is you take issue with.
I have no idea what you actually mean by "copout"...
Google 'copout".
...please explain what it is you take issue with.
I take issue with the idea that "the healing may not be referring to material, physical healing but spiritual healing, healing the damaged way we have of perceiving reality." There is no way of connecting that kind of "healing" with any god.

It's the same copout as when Billy Graham said, "God always answers prayer. Sometimes the answer is no."

I can do that too. Go ahead, ask me to heal something. I'll grant you the serenity to accept the results, whether you're physically healed or not.
Google 'copout".

"...an instance of avoiding a commitment or responsibility..."

I take issue with the idea that "the healing may not be referring to material, physical healing but spiritual healing, healing the damaged way we have of perceiving reality." There is no way of connecting that kind of "healing" with any god.

But as I explained Jesus did speak in parables and sometimes what the words appear to mean is not what he actually meant.

So what I wrote is not a "copout" at all, I'm not avoiding anything you are.

It's the same copout as when Billy Graham said, "God always answers prayer. Sometimes the answer is no."

I can do that too. Go ahead, ask me to heal something. I'll grant you the serenity to accept the results, whether you're physically healed or not.

I can't comment on something or defend something someone else said.
But as I explained Jesus did speak in parables
Jesus was pretty clear when he was speaking in parables. There is nothing to suggest that the healings were parables or that they were anything but physical.
So what I wrote is not a "copout" at all, I'm not avoiding anything you are.
Aren't you trying to suggest that healing is healing even if it isn't actually healing? That metaphorical healing counts as healing? That seems like a clear instance of avoiding responsibility.

If you think I'm avoiding something, what?
Jesus was pretty clear when he was speaking in parables. There is nothing to suggest that the healings were parables or that they were anything but physical.

Yet those he spoke to did not know he was speaking in parables unless he revealed that, as he did to his disciples, so he was not "pretty clear" at all.

The reported miracles may well have been physical, but they may also have had a deeper, spiritual significance, Jesus may well have used physical healing to explain God's desire to provide a more profound kind of healing.

Our physical existence is described as temporary, transient in the NT so what would be the true value in physical healing? If those miraculous acts were metaphors then they show that Christ had the authority to eradicate the bad and replace it with good.

The fact is the NT is profoundly mysterious, much of what Jesus said is difficult to understand, I don't claim to fully understand what his ministry was about, there are many unanswered questions.

Aren't you trying to suggest that healing is healing even if it isn't actually healing? That metaphorical healing counts as healing? That seems like a clear instance of avoiding responsibility.

I'm sharing my impression of what is written, its meaning, that's all, I'm not avoiding anything, I'm honestly trying to share my perception of what the NT contains, why it contains it and so on.

If you think I'm avoiding something, what?

Perhaps you're avoiding being frank and honest, perhaps you're avoiding admitting this is a mystery.
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Yet those he spoke to did not know he was speaking in parables unless he revealed that, as he did to his disciples....
You'll have to give a specific example of that.
The reported miracles may well have been physical, but they may also have had a deeper, spiritual significance...
That's just speculation.
Jesus may well have used physical healing to explain God's desire to provide a more profound kind of healing.
It doesn't really matter. My point is that you can make up all kinds of excuses for why a miracle didn't actually, physically happen.
The fact is the NT is profoundly mysterious....
And you can make it a lot more (unecessarily) mysterious by adding speculations to make it "true".
Perhaps you're avoiding being frank and honest, perhaps you're avoiding admitting this is a mystery.
It isn't a mystery. If no miracle happens, then no miracle happened. I see no need to pretend that it kinda sorta happened in some woo-woo manner.
The fact is the NT is profoundly mysterious, much of what Jesus said is difficult to understand, I don't claim to fully understand what his ministry was about, there are many unanswered questions.
The OT is full of threats and revenge. The NT is duplicitous. Everything can be justified and/or negotiated. And everything can be used to condemn any action.
It is a powerful tool to maintain obedience to the clergy because they have direct access to the word of god.