Did God answer prayer for healing?

Sorry, just made the assumption that you and I, “we”, were all humans. Guess I was mistaken?
Who knows? It's the internet. Anything is possible.
The Romans, those that personally killed Jesus, it is thought at least, by some small handful of scholars and historians, that they were all humans, I mean as opposed to being aliens, or hollow earth dwellers, or something else creepy or crazy! I mean a Bigfoot living at the time could also have, but he is probably too nice to ever actually do it, and would probably have no reason to.

As far as I know, unless you are capable of time travel, you did not kill Jesus yourself.

At least as far as I know.
No one alive today did.

We are not guilty of the physical act of killing Jesus.

Were you thinking that we are?
So when you said "we killed Jesus" you were really saying that some Romans killed Jesus 2000 years ago. But you and I aren't responsible or answerable for that, are we?

Sorry, what are we talking about? What's the point of any of this?
But, my Mom has also passed away, so?
I'm sorry to hear that.

Why do you think that God chose to answer your Mum's prayers, while ignoring lots of other prayers?
And anyway, for the most part, God gave us authority over this World, to do with it as WE wish.
That's a very selfish doctrine you've got there. Ultimately a self-defeating one, too.
We invented rape, alcoholism, selfishness, greed, etc. A long list!
All of those things are allowed by your God, though, right? Condoned, in effect. He has the power to prevent rape, but chooses not to, for instance. Why do you worship a God who is able but unwilling to prevent rape?
World hunger, for example, is a completely avoidable human invention! Poverty is also on us!
But God created a world in which there is scarcity and inevitable competition for limited resources. Why, when he could easily have created one that didn't have those things?
And as far as natural disasters go, this planet we have, was never designed or intended to be a perfect eternal home for us. Only a temporary home. It functions as designed, to be good not perfect.
Why did your God choose to create an imperfect world for his Chosen People? Did he want them to struggle and suffer?
Evolution also, left on its own without God’s direct intervention, results in the genetic corruption and the eventual extinction of the majority of species. 99% going on 100%. Even with the 99% success rate of biological extinction plainly seen, this is still denied.
I don't understand. Are you saying that your God leaves evolution on its own 99% of the time, but steps in on rare (1%) occasions to make sure that evolution produces God's intended results?

Why did God create evolution in such a way that it required constant personal attention from him? Couldn't he have set it up to work efficiently in the first place, without the necessity for his continual intevention?

Oh, and Humans are responsible for the spread of Covid-19, not God. You know that.
I think you'll find that the spread of Covid-19 is a bit more complicated than that. But your God created Covid, did he not? He set up his world so that Covid could exist and thrive in it, killing off large numbers of his chosen people. Doesn't he care about all the deaths? Why doesn't he do anything to stop them?

Love after all, is the reason that evil even exists.
That's a deepity. Good one!
God wanted us to Love Him and Love each other.

But, for Love to be real, for Love to even to exist, it has to be free. If it is coerced or forced, it is something else, not Love.

So God gave us a free will.

For free will to be real, for free will even to exist, our choice of the opposite of Love, must also be possible, real, and free.

So in creating Love as a free choice, the potential choice of the opposite of Love, or Evil came into existence.

1) Love has to be a free choice to be real, and exist.
2) Free choice enabled the potential choice of the opposite of Love, Evil.
3) If the opposite of Love is chosen, Evil becomes actualized and real, and Evil exists.

Evil cannot exist unless it is chosen.

For Evil to be real, for Evil to even exist, it also has to be free. If it is coerced or forced, it is something else, not Evil.

And that is kinda why...

Love after all, is the reason that evil even exists.
How does the existence of parasites that burrow into human eyeballs relate to all this talk about human beings choosing evil over love? Did human beings make a choice somewhere along the line that meant cancer suddenly became a thing, when it wasn't before?

Do you think that everything bad that happens is a human being's fault - or perhaps humanity's collective fault?

What happened to that "good enough but not perfect" world that your obtuse God decided for whatever reason to create?
Naturalism, an unproven Atheistic belief system, is exclusively being used to interpret the data.
You're saying that you're not a big fan of the scientific method, then?

What alternative do your propose for gaining reliable knowledge? What do you rely on?
Freedom of thought not allowed!!!

This is how Atheism is taught, and force fed to children in schools, by masquerading as Scientific fact.
You must find it ironic that atheists often refer to themselves as "free thinkers" then, given how opposed to free thinking they all are in practice and all.

Can you please give me an example or two of how atheism is force fed to children in schools, and how it masquerades as scientific fact?

Are there any Christian scientific facts, different from the atheist masquerady ones?

When viewed through a Theistic belief system, the interpretations of the same data are very different.
Are scientific facts really about beliefs, though? What happened to the whole idea of testing hypotheses, etc.?
I thought the premise of the Christian belief in the divinity of Jesus was that he did not die.
Evolution is occurring...

Only in reverse!
You're only betraying that you don't have the first clue about what evolution actually is. It sounds like you think there's a direction to evolution - like it has an end goal in sight somehow. From that perspective, I suppose, evolution could move "forwards" (towards the goal) or "backwards" (away from it). But that's a complete mistake. There's no end goal for evolution. Hence there is no "forward" and "reverse".
Beneficial mutations can occur but they are extremely rare.

The majority of mutations are harmful.

Harmful mutations are not selected out or rejected, because they are often too minor to be fatal, and to minor to affect the reproduction of the species.
You mean not all harmful mutations are selected out. But some certainly are.

Suppose, for instance, that a human foetus's DNA happens to have a mutation that prevents a vital organ from developing - the heart, say, or the brain, or the lungs. That foetus certainly will not go on to reproduce and pass on that particular harmful mutation. In fact, all such foetal mutations are selected out.

Millions of people are walking around the Earth right now with harmful genetic mutations, but they can reproduce just fine!
Clearly there are degrees of harmfulness in genetic mutations. Who'da thunk it?
Over time, more harmful mutations are passed on than beneficial ones, which cumulatively cause the eventual extinction of the species.
Wow! You got that precisely ass-backwards.

Over time, individuals who carry too many harmful mutations are inevitably outbred by other individuals that lack those mutations (and who carry beneficial ones). That's natural selection in a nutshell.

What goes extinct is not the species, but the harmful mutations.

If this is true, then the number of species on the Earth should be reducing over time.

Which is exactly what we actually do see.
The truth is that human activity is currently reducing the biodiversity of the planet. It really has nothing to do with mutations etc.
Genetic Dilution is also going on, and it is not ultimately beneficial. It can have temporarily benefits, but Genetic Dilution causes the permanent loss of genetic code over time. And when it is lost, it is lost forever!
You really need to read something other than creationist pamphlets that are dropped in your letter box.

Get this: there's no ideal "perfect" genome. There never was. Over geological time, the overall volume of "genetic code" has increased, not decreased. At the start, there were simple codes and simple organisms.

Mutations don't just "delete" genes. They also add them. Call it "genetic augmentation" if you like.
With both of these occurring, God’s original design information, the original genetic code, is cumulatively corrupted and lost over time, not gained.
Why doesn't your God do anything to prevent corruption of his perfect design? Oh wait, no it's not perfect, you said. Just "good enough". A temporary fix. Right?
If evolution ultimately causes increased survival, stronger creatures, and more heathy variations, then the number of species should be exponentially growing in number and in frequency, but it is not.
Bad reasoning, once again.

Suppose that evolution somehow produced the "perfect" bacterium, which was effectively immortal and able to survive in any environment. That bacterium species would out-compete every other form of life on the planet, until it was the only life left. Species would gradually be out-competed by the "super bacteria" and disappear.

The thing is, measures of success like "stronger", "more healthy" and so are always determined by the environment. Research the term "ecosystem".
I thought the premise of the Christian belief in the divinity of Jesus was that he did not die.
He died, but his "spirit" remains and is remembered by Christians.

There is basically no difference between belief in Jesus and belief in Einstein, Newton, or Darwin.
They are all dead but the spirit of their teachings lives on in our memories. It's all allegorical.

I do wonder if Jesus was illiterate. AFAIK, he never wrote anything himself, did he?
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He wrote on the ground - John 8.
Did he? What did he write? No one knows. It's not in the bible.

I find that really odd. All the disciples quoting Jesus, but the only time Jesus actually wrote something, no one saw fit to quote it! Could he have been doodling?

Everybody doodles when they sit down in the sand.
I agree, but to a theist that is not a persuasive argument. All they do is ask : "How do you know"
Then what?
(1) Ask them for physical evidence that their god myth is real.
(2) Ask them how their god myth is any more credible than the myths of leprechauns, werewolves, and immortal hockey-masked serial killers that they do not believe in and which they may even consider blasphemous.

Things tend to unravel pretty quickly when you push these two questions on them.
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(1) Ask them for physical evidence that their god myth is real.
And they answer : "Everything you see is created by God".
(2) Ask them how their god myth is any more credible than the myths of leprechauns, werewolves, and immortal hockey-masked serial killers that they do not believe in and may even consider blasphemous.
And they answer: "I know when God is in my heart". "My cup runneth over!"
Things tend to unravel pretty quickly when you push these two questions on them.
Not the die-hards who come to spar on this site.

My favorite observation is that, if Jesus was conceived by immaculate conception (no male sperm), by god's own law he would have been a female and a clone of Mary. Can't make a male child without male sperm. There had to be a man and the "immaculate conception" might be an allegory for rape by a clergyman.

That usually shuts them up and makes them go away.
And they answer : "Everything you see is created by God".
And they answer: "I know when God is in my heart". "My cup runneth over!"

Then they have already lost the argument. Neither statement is rational. Conversation over. No further response warranted. We have already won. :cool:

Not the die-hards who come to spar on this site.
They have already been shown to be wrong... so who cares what they think?

I've been on this site a long time and I'm practically an expert at giving a professional smackdown to religious retards. Don't even give these dipshits oxygen. It's that simple.
I've been on this site a long time and I'm practically an expert at giving a professional smackdown to religious retards
I agree, but sometimes it is amusing to toy with them.

p.s. I am no stranger to this site . See number of posts.
Could he have been doodling?

Everybody doodles when they sit down in the sand.
When you read the story, it does kinda sound like that.

Children like to write their names. It's usually the first thing they learn to write. Maybe Jesus Christ, the Son of God was all He knew. :p
In my opinion there is no God and human life truly isn't precious.

A planet could smash into the Earth tomorrow ending all forms of life on this planet and no one in the universe will give a shit.

If there was a good-hearted and all-capable God then there wouldn't be so many diseases, infections and disfigurements and people also wouldn't die from so many diseases and body malfunctions. There would be no terrible pain and suffering either because God would make all pain gone, for good.

There would no ugly and disfigured people because God would have made everything and everyone perfect from the start.
God has a quandary. If he makes everything in perfect balance all would become static and time would cease to exist. Therefore there must be imbalance to remain dynamic and evolutionary.