Did God answer prayer for healing?

perspective matters

Exactly. So, what should we expect from that?

1. Pluto reads Bible
2. Pluto listens to Christians talking about God
3. Both the Bible and Christians make bold claims about God.
4. Pluto expects claims to be true
5. No claims are ever shown to be true
6. Pluto responds accordingly

Please show if any of the points above are false or misleading.
Sculptor, if at the end of ww2 they had caught Hitler alive, would you preferred they gave him a life sentence? Yes or no please.
God never speaks to us directly, everything about God is assumption.
Then it would seem that you have no good reason to believe in God. Is that correct?

But many people think ghost is real. And they are afraid of entering haunted house at night. :p
Many people think Trump won the election. Many people think that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Let's face it: many people are wrong about a great many things.

Covid is from Satan, do you believe.
That be another one of your baseless assumptions, would it?
Did God answer prayer for healing?

A Christian cancer patient pray for healing, but God did not heal him and he dies after 1-2 years of radiation therapy, what does this mean?

The pastor told the patient's family that it's God will to heal or not heal, dying is not a tragedy for a saved Christian, his soul is saved, he goes to heaven a better place than the earthly world.

This is a typical answer, anyone also can say that.

How do we really know God's will to heal or not to heal?
Is everything supernatural bull-shit?
What atheists don't tell you is that there is evidence of life after death. What atheists will tell you is that reality is made of superstrings, which is completely made up and based on monstrous mathematics intended to beguile the unwary.
Atheism is a form of bullshit that is not based on empirical evidence; it's all based on negative thinking and negative emotions.
Atheism is a form of bullshit that is not based on empirical evidence; it's all based on negative thinking and negative emotions.
You really have no clue as to what you're talking about, do you?
What atheists don't tell you is that there is evidence of life after death.
Because there isn't.
What atheists will tell you is that reality is made of superstrings
The people that tell you that are string theorists. Which has little or nothing to do with atheism per se. (Gerald B. Cleaver happens to have constructed the first string-derived model and also happens to be a believer).
...intended to beguile the unwary
Citation needed.
you read from American autism society.
current MMR might be improved, but previous years one got problem.
you read from American autism society.
current MMR might be improved, but previous years one got problem.
No. This is false. Please attempt to educate yourself.

The claim that vaccines cause autism was based on a small-scale study by Andrew Wakefield that has since been proven fraudulent. Moreover, independent and competent follow-up studies have failed repeatedly to establish any link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Time to stop believing the nonsense, Saint.
Then you tell me what is the root causes of autism?
Any prevention and healing can be done?
Then you tell me what is the root causes of autism?
What a strange response from you.

Your claim was a repeat of the discredited claim that the MMR vaccine is linked to autism. I told you is it not. The correct response from you would be to do some research to try to show that you are right and I am wrong, if you really believe what you said and you don't believe what I told you.

Alternatively, if you accept that what I told you is true, you could use two words I don't think I have ever seen you use on this site: "Thank you". That's what regular people do when somebody helps them. They say thank you.

You, on the other hand, ignore what I told you and make no mention of whether you continue to believe the lie that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Instead, you try to divert the topic onto what might cause autism.

I'm not going to tell you what causes autism. Google it. It's not hard to find.

Now I expect you not to continue to make false claims about the MMR vaccine unless you have something to back them up.
We only know what may cause higher risk of getting autism, but we cannot prevent it effectively.
1 in 54 children of USA got autism, this is high rate, nothing can be done to make it better.
We only know what may cause higher risk of getting autism, but we cannot prevent it effectively.
Fine, but you're still getting away from the claim you made.

1 in 54 children of USA got autism, this is high rate, nothing can be done to make it better.
I'm not sure exactly what you're saying, or how it relates to your false claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism.

Do you now agree with me that the MMR vaccine does not cause autism, or are you going to present some evidence in support of your claim?

If you now agree with me, are you going to thank me for telling you something you did not previously know? That would be the polite thing for you to do.