Did God answer prayer for healing?

Dubious claims should be supported. If you cannot support a controversial claim, do not post it.
I have a relative's child, in 2001, after taking MMR jab, suffered from regression and became autistic.
This is individual case, researchers won't know.
There are many cases like this not reported.
Healing is Adams place.
That's exactly what I was just thinking.
Adam and the garden was invented by the Sumerians long before it reappeared in the bible so they say...and there are real clay tablets that say so...I wonder what the truth really is.

Moderator note: Saint has been warned for posting claims that vaccines cause autism. TWICE he has been asked by a moderator (me) to provide the references or source he is relying on. He is still continuing to make claims without ever attempting to provide any evidence in support.

Due to accumulated warning points, Saint is now banned from sciforums for 1 day (automatically).
Did God answer prayer for healing?

A Christian cancer patient pray for healing, but God did not heal him and he dies after 1-2 years of radiation therapy, what does this mean?

The pastor told the patient's family that it's God will to heal or not heal, dying is not a tragedy for a saved Christian, his soul is saved, he goes to heaven a better place than the earthly world.

This is a typical answer, anyone also can say that.

How do we really know God's will to heal or not to heal?
Is everything supernatural bull-shit?
It doesn’t matter.
Death is an absolute guarantee.
Death is a part of life.
Eating and drinking is a part of life also, but you wouldn’t pray for someone to not eat and drink.
Moderator note: Saint has been warned for posting claims that vaccines cause autism. TWICE he has been asked by a moderator (me) to provide the references or source he is relying on. He is still continuing to make claims without ever attempting to provide any evidence in support.

Due to accumulated warning points, Saint is now banned from sciforums for 1 day (automatically).
People still don’t want vaccinations, or to vaccinate their children, because they believe vaccines are dangerous. Despite what any study says.
People still don’t want vaccinations, or to vaccinate their children, because they believe vaccines are dangerous. Despite what any study says.
Yes. It is true that some people have false beliefs and that their actions are influenced by those false beliefs. So what?
Yes. It is true that some people have false beliefs and that their actions are influenced by those false beliefs. So what?
It is only your opinion that it is false.
People do not trust big pharma.
Most people believe that big pharma care only about making profit.
Do you think they are wrong?
Or do you think big pharma are a caring bunch?
Jesus did mass healing in the Gospel, but today when Christians try to minister in the name of the Holy Spirit, nothing so miraculous will happen.
Probably Gospel's story is bull-shit.
It is only your opinion that it is false.

Have you read anything about "Phase 1", "Phase 3" etc. vaccine trials in the press over the past year? Any idea what those are?

People do not trust big pharma.
And so?

Most people believe that big pharma care only about making profit.
Most people?

Do you think they are wrong?
About what they believe, or about big pharma caring only about profit?

Who is "big pharma", and how do you decide what it cares about?

Or do you think big pharma are a caring bunch?
Of people, you mean?

Lots of people work for "big pharma". I'm confident they show the usual range of caring and not caring, typical of human beings in other many other professions/industries.

Have you read anything about "Phase 1", "Phase 3" etc. vaccine trials in the press over the past year? Any idea what those are?

And so?

Most people?

About what they believe, or about big pharma caring only about profit?

Who is "big pharma", and how do you decide what it cares about?

Of people, you mean?

Lots of people work for "big pharma". I'm confident they show the usual range of caring and not caring, typical of human beings in other many other professions/industries.
I’ll look into it
I am not sure holy spirit exists or not, but the bible says yes.
Jesus promised to give every believer holy spirit, and the Spirit is God himself.
Of course, because the Bible is just a book, a story book.
There is no physical evidence of God whatever.
No, I am a sinner, a sinner cannot prove God's existence,
unless God is also a sinner. :rolleyes: