Do machines already exceed human intelligence?

Do machines already exceed human intelligence?

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is there a noticeable difference in the way they walk?
Yes, European boys "stride" with measured steps, whereas American boys "swagger' as they see fit!.........:D

Question is if AI will measure every step or eventually will rely on muscle memory.
Walking is really a very intricate balancing act of a controlled forward fall.
It is truly amazing that humans can sleepwalk, which must be a function of subconscious homeostasis that remains functional while the subject is asleep (unconscious).

How long after learning to stand unassisted do babies begin to walk?
International studies suggest that most babies start walking within 2-3 months of learning to stand (Ertem et al 2018). But it isn't the absolute passage of time that matters so much. It's the sheer amount of practice and hard work. When babies are learning to walk independently, they fall down.
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Question: Do machines already exceed human intelligence?

1. Calculators and computers can do complex maths far faster than humans, and more accurately.
2. Programs can look at ten million pictures and pick out the criminal suspect in one of them in seconds.
3. Autopilots can fly aircraft far more accurately and efficiently than humans can.
4. Elevator controls effectively never make mistakes.
5. Therefore, machines are already exceeding human intelligence in many areas.

The Human neurological reference frame is far superior to any machine . However , this does not apply to all humans ! In reality a machine cannot create a machine that can outsmart some humans because that machine has been programmed by Humans . A neurological reference frame has an unspecified universal volume to think in where Sofia for example , is limited to constant information .
...a machine cannot create a machine that can outsmart some humans because that machine has been programmed by Humans .
Machine learning AIs are getting pretty good at teaching themselves things that - not only did the developers not program into them - but indeed, their programmers are unable to understand.

If you wish to argue that AIs are not really learning anything beyond what their programmers taught them to do, note that you could make the same argument about human babies. They are programmed by their parents' genes. One could argue that everything a baby learns is what is was programmed to learn by their parents' coding.
Machine learning AIs are getting pretty good at teaching themselves things that - not only did the developers not program into them - but indeed, their programmers are unable to understand.

If you wish to argue that AIs are not really learning anything beyond what their programmers taught them to do, note that you could make the same argument about human babies. They are programmed by their parents' genes. One could argue that everything a baby learns is what is was programmed to learn by their parents' coding.
Learning in humans isn't genetic . A humans neurological reference frame begins to form as a Fetus , our 5 senses allowing for detection's whilst in the womb of vibrations and sounds . Our neurological reference frame then stores this information has data in the frame . We are of course then born to experience more sensual experience , gaining data from information as we progress in storing the history of memory . Memory is then just a function of access . We learn from circumstance , mostly we store stereotypical data from information such as education.
Learning in humans isn't genetic . A humans neurological reference frame begins to form as a Fetus , our 5 senses allowing for detection's whilst in the womb of vibrations and sounds . Our neurological reference frame then stores this information has data in the frame . We are of course then born to experience more sensual experience , gaining data from information as we progress in storing the history of memory . Memory is then just a function of access . We learn from circumstance , mostly we store stereotypical data from information such as education.
And that is qualitatively different from a machine-learning AI how?
And that is qualitatively different from a machine-learning AI how?

A machine does not learn , it is programmed . You could program a machine with all knowledge but that just means the machine would have a good memory .

The difference is the application of knowledge and creating new knowledge .

For example a top notch Ai machine would explain perfectly that c is constant and the speed is blah blah , the machine would argue you was incorrect if you said the speed was zero ,which it is .

Some people are Ai and their intelligence is limited to memory recall , they cannot accept new programming or comprehend it .

I can tell by your posts you have an open access mind ,unlike machines .
Some people are Ai and their intelligence is limited to memory recall , they cannot accept new programming or comprehend it .
That seems to be the case with you.
You better check up on the new AI programming of GPT3, a text-based AI, just like humans. It uses the internet as its memory and it is indistinguishable from human verbal intercourse.

You just tell it to do something and it does it and writes you the program how it does it.

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory. Wikipedia
Number of parameters: 175 billion parameters
And the new baby in the works,
GPT-4 Will Have 100 Trillion Parameters — 500x the Size of GPT-3
Are there any limits to large neural networks?
That seems to be the case with you.
You better check up on the new AI programming of GPT3, a text-based AI, just like humans. It uses the internet as its memory and it is indistinguishable from human verbal intercourse.

You just tell it to do something and it does it and writes you the program how it does it.

And the new baby in the works,
Actually I am a NGI , natural general intelligence that does not rely entirely on my own neurological reference frame and memory access to be creative and constructive .
People who just repeat what can be looked up on google are robotic in nature , neurological sterotypicalism , they play it safe rather than venturing outside their own neurological reference frame .
''I am clever because I know more'' is a stereotypical Dunning and Kruger effect that most people subjectively think , having no personal attributes of their own .
Actually I am a NGI , natural general intelligence that does not rely entirely on my own neurological reference frame and memory access to be creative and constructive .
I see, the universe is your mind?
People who just repeat what can be looked up on google are robotic in nature , neurological sterotypicalism , they play it safe rather than venturing outside their own neurological reference frame .
In cases where the internet has not been consulted at all, somebody must keep track of the latest developments.
Clearly you haven't.
''I am clever because I know more'' is a stereotypical Dunning and Kruger effect that most people subjectively think , having no personal attributes of their own .
An interesting observation by someone who's subjective belief is that their uninformed personal mental attributes are superior to someone who actually does some research and only claims knowledge of mainstream science, but tries to look at things from different perspectives.
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A machine does not learn , it is programmed . You could program a machine with all knowledge but that just means the machine would have a good memory .

The difference is the application of knowledge and creating new knowledge .

For example a top notch Ai machine would explain perfectly that c is constant and the speed is blah blah , the machine would argue you was incorrect if you said the speed was zero ,which it is .

Some people are Ai and their intelligence is limited to memory recall , they cannot accept new programming or comprehend it .
This is false. All of this is false.

Your knowledge of machine learning does not seem to have made it into the 21st century. It behooves you to do some reading on the subject to update your knowledge on about a quarter of a century of development.

People who just repeat what can be looked up on google are robotic in nature , neurological sterotypicalism , they play it safe rather than venturing outside their own neurological reference frame .
''I am clever because I know more'' is a stereotypical Dunning and Kruger effect that most people subjectively think , having no personal attributes of their own .
You are being ironic but you don't know it.

You are speaking about things you know nothing about.
This is false. All of this is false.

Your knowledge of machine learning does not seem to have made it into the 21st century. It behooves you to do some reading on the subject to update your knowledge on about a quarter of a century of development.

You are being ironic but you don't know it.

You are speaking about things you know nothing about.
I need to know very little on a subject to be able to think about that subject . We has humans can access our neurological reference frame very fast , we can adapt and change things .
I tell you what Dave for fun , we will rename the colour red , blue , and ask Ai what colour is the red car ? The Ai will recall the colour is red and answer red , the Ai will be confused when we tell the Ai , it is the colour blue . The point being information changes all the time , Ai becomes obsolete in no time at all .
I need to know very little on a subject to be able to think about that subject . We has humans can access our neurological reference frame very fast , we can adapt and change things .
But if there's nothing in there but garbage, you won't get anything but garbage out.
But if there's nothing in there but garbage, you won't get anything but garbage out.
Well in my neurological reference frame I have present knowledge and thoughts . Additionally I have a ''section'' of my neurological reference frame where I store my neurological diversity . What that means is if present knowledge and thoughts presented to me are BS , my neurological diversity will kick into neurological chaos mode searching my neurological reference frame for the correct answer , accessing the data and re-presenting correctly based on the recall of information .