Document exposing a SALE to buyers of propellant



I did it on YouTube because it can not be read as a figure:


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Enterprise with 3 Pistons compressing air to create thrust.


While bigger me propellant will generate more force by blowing air with a piston.
I love the new design, Victor.
But don't get too hopeful about making a fortune.
Your ideas won't work because they are scientifically impossible.
They break Newton's Laws of Motion.
Have you ever thought of teaming up with a cold fusion inventor?
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You blew it, Victor. Your picture shows it above the atmosphere where there is *NO* air to compress. Sad.
Victor carries the gas with him.
The craft is supposed to gain thrust by moving it backward and forward, in contravention of Newton's 3rd law.

Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.

ie No matter what you do with the air inside a closed system, it will have no effect on the system's direction of motion, because the forces cancel each other.
Any time I mention this to Victor, he just ignores it.
Victor carries the gas with him.
The craft is supposed to gain thrust by moving it backward and forward, in contravention of Newton's 3rd law.

Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.

ie No matter what you do with the air inside a closed system, it will have no effect on the system's direction of motion, because the forces cancel each other.
Any time I mention this to Victor, he just ignores it.

Gotcha! :) Yeah, Victor does a LOT of ignoring - can't tell if it's stubbornness or complete ignorance.
Victor carries the gas with him.
The craft is supposed to gain thrust by moving it backward and forward, in contravention of Newton's 3rd law.

Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.

ie No matter what you do with the air inside a closed system, it will have no effect on the system's direction of motion, because the forces cancel each other.
Any time I mention this to Victor, he just ignores it.

Already I tried this turbine piston in my house and not there is a reaction to the rear, only moves forward, my piston filled with air.

I need to place the piston in a box, to test the system shut down. I know that it will work because it worked without box.

Apparently, as a piston, which pushes air, does not create a force back, or, the force of the air forward, is stronger than the force back.

Very affectionately,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Third law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.

But didn't you see all of his conclusive experiments when he blew into a bag and was knocked off his feet by the reaction? There were pictures and everything.
Victor, I would love you to earn lots of money and live in a big house from your ideas,
but this one is going nowhere.
Despite what you believe, it is impossible.
But didn't you see all of his conclusive experiments when he blew into a bag and was knocked off his feet by the reaction? There were pictures and everything.

Yes, a bag does the same as a turbine aircraft. But in mis experiments with piston, managed to drive toward the side opposite a plane turbine. The opposite occurred. So I think that within a closed system it will work. I only need to fill the piston a little air and expel him.
Victor, I would love you to earn lots of money and live in a big house from your ideas,
but this one is going nowhere.
Despite what you believe, it is impossible.

Let us hope the experiment system closed.
How much are you willing to sell your invention for?

If the closed system is positive, say that my propellant is worth more than one billion of dollars ($1000.000.000). But I'm not sure of what said me in another forum.

For this reason, I have 15 years inventing.

The problem is, that do I not belong to a company, laboratory or University. And magazines don't want to publish my propeller. For this reason public it in forums and I need to gather some money, to go to an office of the periódico of my State. And publish the letter of sale, printed in powerpoint.

I have not many illusions with this money from sale of my propellant.

This is what wrote to me on another forum:



There are ideas that seem to make sense or are practical, but in reality do not work because they violate various proven behaviors of the physical world.

If you don't mind, please go build your prototype. If it works, post a video of it. Or better yet, don't. Take it to an aerospace company and sell it for a billion dollars, because that is what your idea would be worth, if it worked.

Unfortunately your "if" is about $999,999,999 short.
this is what is consisted in science,
you are supposed to do your own research.

you remind me of a guy that goes by tesla2(what i know him by),
he's also an inventor,
but always " inventing " what has and does already exist.


what ever happened to your new particle discovery?
victron or what ever it was.
this is what is consisted in science,
you are supposed to do your own research.

you remind me of a guy that goes by tesla2(what i know him by),
he's also an inventor,
but always " inventing " what has and does already exist.


what ever happened to your new particle discovery?
victron or what ever it was.

I don't have a lab.