Elements within Elements


Registered Member
Elements only reflect where we are within this current universe expansion,

As we know noble elements have 8 electrons in their valence shells, Nobles are sandwiched between a halogen and a alkali metal, one wanting to give up a electron and one wanting an electron, as shown in table,
I have come to realise there are many levels of expansion and the elements reflect where we are within this expansion,
Within this table you will see each noble shown in yellow sandwiched between a halogen/alkali metal, you will see these expand within Emerium element172 electron seq 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 also shown in yellow,
You will also notice in green/blue other elements that when condensed/expanded(earlier/later stages of expansion)are halogens/nobles/alkali elements, it is relative to where we are within said "universal expansion".
PRESENT 2 8 13 2
MN 25
past/future 2 8 8 7

PRESENT 2 8 14 2
past/future2 8 8 8

PRESENT 2 8 15 2
past/future 2 8 8 8 1

Everything expands within Emerium, there are expansions within expansions, the elements reflect where we are now within this expansion, Elements are not stand alone particles, everything is connected to everything.
Once you realise the stages of expansion it is possible to work out where we are within this "universe expansion",
I have no idea what you are talking about. Just looking at the really big picture, are you saying that the expansion of the universe has an effect on the electron configuration of the elements?
For a long time i believed our universe to be expanding in "lower dimensional space" but did not know what this space was,
I thought the answer lay within the elements/nobles, so i decided to expand the periodic table, And realised there was much more to the elements than i first thought,
Shown here http://alphaomegadotme.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/period-table-element-expandedtwindaanoblext1.xls

To me it seemed everything was expanding within "Emerium" the twelve noble element 172 electron seq 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2,

I then realised i could fit tables of elements together and noticed how the elements expanded between these tables, i also realised i could extend the periodic table to fractal infinity, and realised there are expansions within expansions,
i believe "isotopes" are but previous expansions of elements on the fractal levels.

I realised there was a symmetry to it all and that each opposing elements added to 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+1hydrogen, So the opposing elements rebalance themselves and give of a fractal hydrogen containning all that as gone before. You will see that the tables balance out at radon/francium.

I realised then i was left with blocks of Emerium 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 which then would join to another block of Emerium
2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2= 1+1 2 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 50 50 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 2 1 +1 which is emerium within emerium realeasing 2 fractal hydrogen,

I will try and show better but i have to go out now.
For a long time i believed our universe to be expanding in "lower dimensional space" but did not know what this space was,

What is lower dimensional space?

To me it seemed everything was expanding within "Emerium" the twelve noble element 172 electron seq 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2,

What do you mean by expanding within "Emerium"?

I then realised i could fit tables of elements together and noticed how the elements expanded between these tables, i also realised i could extend the periodic table to fractal infinity, and realised there are expansions within expansions,

What is fractal infinity? What expansions within expansions are you talking about.

i believe "isotopes" are but previous expansions of elements on the fractal levels.

What evidence leads you to believe that? What do you mean by fractal levels?

I realised there was a symmetry to it all and that each opposing elements added to 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+1hydrogen

What do you mean by an opposing element?

, So the opposing elements rebalance themselves and give of a fractal hydrogen containning all that as gone before.

What do you mean opposing elements rebalance themselves and what is fractial hydrogen?

You will see that the tables balance out at radon/francium.

What do you mean the tables balance out?

I realised then i was left with blocks of Emerium 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 which then would join to another block of Emerium
2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2= 1+1 2 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 50 50 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 2 1 +1 which is emerium within emerium realeasing 2 fractal hydrogen,

What do you mean left with 2 blocks of Emerium. What do you mean by they join to another block of Emerium? What do you mean by Emerium within Emerium and what is fractal hydrogen?

I will try and show better but i have to go out now.

That would be good. It would also help to define some of the terms you are using.
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What do you mean by expanding within "Emerium"?
Neither Dictionary.com nor Wikipedia include the word "Emerium." It sounds like woo-woo to me.

NOTE FROM THE LINGUISTICS MODERATOR: This is a place of science. To facilitate understanding, please utilize standard terminology that we all understand and use in a consistent way.

If you must coin a new word or use one that has been coined by someone else, PLEASE DEFINE IT.
I called element Z172 last in the My extended periodic table "twelve noble" "Emerium", but i understand for "understanding" i should just say "Z172" but to me it "needed a name",

What is lower dimensional space?

I believe our universe to be an electron expanding out to the next shell, I see "lower d space" as the space between each electron shell.

I see Emerium as the "Higgs" it is the "Element/Atom" that every other "element" expands within.

Each "universal expansion" is a fractal level,Z172 WITHIN Z172 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2WITHIN2 8 8 18 18 3232 18 18 8 8 2 > 1+1 2 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 50 50 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 2 1 +1

What do you mean by an opposing element?

If you have looked at the attachment you will see that when two "periodic tables" are joinned "up/down" has in "quarks", Each opposing element "when rebalanced" add to 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 +1.
85 astatine/radium =2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+1
86 radon/francium
87francium/radon =2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+1
88 radium/astatine

What do you mean opposing elements rebalance themselves and what is fractial hydrogen?

Each opposing elements are like to wound up elastic bands that when joinned, unwind and eventually settle in their balance( which is z172+1) This 1 is hydrogen which for better "terminology" is the creation of two joinning and producing "offspring/egg" which contains all information from parent "elements".

What do you mean the tables balance out?

When two tables join radon86(table1), opposes francium87(table2), radon86(table2) opposes francium87(table1), Expanding out to Z172/Z1>Z1/Z172.

What do you mean left with 2 blocks of Emerium. What do you mean by they join to another block of Emerium? What do you mean by Emerium within Emerium and what is fractal hydrogen?

Each of these opposing elements when joinned add to Z172+1, Releasing 1hydrogen leaving Z172(Emerium) from Z1>Z172 Z172>Z1

Posts:23EMERIUM 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2
I posted this in another thread "fabric of space" it was called "pseudoscience" which i can understand, but i worked this out using the "nobles", trying to show how everything is within Emerium Z172.

Everything expands within Emerium twelve noble element172,
I have tried to show how Emerium rebalances itself through "Noble space", you will see Emerium expands within Emerium, Emerium encases Emerium, Forming a lattice, This is how i see the fabric of space.

View 1st in smallest magnification and scroll down to see structure
I believe our universe to be an electron expanding out to the next shell, I see "lower d space" as the space between each electron shell.

Enough said, this has no place in the science section and should be moved to the fringe section where you can speculate and dream all you want without having to worry about the rigor of science.
Enough said, this has no place in the science section and should be moved to the fringe section where you can speculate and dream all you want without having to worry about the rigor of science.

Agreed! I've stayed away for some time now because this place has devolved so badly - and this thread is prime example of that. It's become pretty disgusting, actually.
For a long time i believed our universe to be expanding in "lower dimensional space" but did not know what this space was,
I thought the answer lay within the elements/nobles, so i decided to expand the periodic table, And realised there was much more to the elements than i first thought,
Shown here http://alphaomegadotme.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/period-table-element-expandedtwindaanoblext1.xls

To me it seemed everything was expanding within "Emerium" the twelve noble element 172 electron seq 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2,

I then realised i could fit tables of elements together and noticed how the elements expanded between these tables, i also realised i could extend the periodic table to fractal infinity, and realised there are expansions within expansions,
i believe "isotopes" are but previous expansions of elements on the fractal levels.

I realised there was a symmetry to it all and that each opposing elements added to 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+1hydrogen, So the opposing elements rebalance themselves and give of a fractal hydrogen containning all that as gone before. You will see that the tables balance out at radon/francium.

I realised then i was left with blocks of Emerium 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 which then would join to another block of Emerium
2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2+2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2= 1+1 2 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 50 50 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 2 1 +1 which is emerium within emerium realeasing 2 fractal hydrogen,

I will try and show better but i have to go out now.

The rising number series you quote is simply the number of solutions to Schrodinger's equation, for successively higher Principal Quantum Numbers. You can think of it as analogous to the higher numbers of harmonics of a resonating string that you can fit in as you go to higher frequencies. As you go up the Periodic Table, the atoms have increasing numbers of electrons and are forced to put them into more and more of these orbitals (the Aufbau Principle), because you can only put 2 electrons into each orbital (Pauli's Exclusion Principle.)

This is the standard atomic theory of chemistry. There is no need (or indeed basis) for all the woo-woo about "dimensions" you are associating with it.

Showing all the elements within their groups and how they expand between the "tables/nobles" and how they fit together,

You will see there are 11 of these groups/expansions (Mtheory/supergravity). There are expansions from each of these 11 groups/nobles that expand through each other group,

Each element as an opposeing element, You will notice that the lower elements hydrogen/helium etc have a superheavy opposing element which exerts more outside force upon said elements, the higher we go up our periodic table the less the opposing force upon each element. This gives the sense of weight/gravity.

We have to realise "elements" are not stand alone particles, Everything connects to everything.

Elements/physics only reflect where we are within this current expansion.
Enough said, this has no place in the science section and should be moved to the fringe section where you can speculate and dream all you want without having to worry about the rigor of science.
Agreed! I've stayed away for some time now because this place has devolved so badly - and this thread is prime example of that. It's become pretty disgusting, actually.

I have notified the moderator of this subforum. If he agrees (and I'm sure he will), this discussion will be relocated in one of the Not-Quite-Science subforums.

-- Fraggle Rocker, Moderator, Linguistics and A&C
I have notified the moderator of this subforum. If he agrees (and I'm sure he will), this discussion will be relocated in one of the Not-Quite-Science subforums.

-- Fraggle Rocker, Moderator, Linguistics and A&C

It seems a higher power beat me to it.
I have come up with a Simple Formula showing how each "table" joins.

Each Z WITH A CIRCLE REPRESENTS A COMPLETE "PERIODIC TABLE" FROM Z1>Z172 The circle represents the place of hydrogen in each table.

The "Tables of elements" are but building blocks, we have to look at what is built not each seperate "block".
We are builders but we tend to get stuck looking at a "brick" instead of seeing what has been built.

View attachment 6667 Formula

View attachment 6668 The expanding fractal multiverse, expansions within expansions

showing how tables are joinned. in the bottom chart you will see the beginning of a "wave structure" this "wave" passes through the above structure http://alphaomegadotme.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/grouped-elements-allaafex.xls
Here i have 3 tables of joinned elements http://alphaomegadotme.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/grouped-elements-old.xls

In table 1, I followed the electron sequences to work out each elements sequence, a few elements did not follow this sequence, Iron being one the sequence shows iron should be 2 8 8 8 but it is 2 8 14 2,
Also must note palladium which in my electron seq is 2 8 18 17 1 which balances between each joined table, But we believe its seq to be 2 8 18 18 having only 4shells,

In table 2 you will see a balance between the tables, each centre also as a balance shown in pink,

In table 3 you will see shown in "purple" what is believed to be the sequence of each element at this present time, These have detoured from the original sequence, only where it is shown in purple is it slightly different to the sequence, A place of changing energies, A expansion from within,

You will notice the "expansion in purple" happens where the opposing alkali metals join(blue), the expansions will carry on until the opposing elements rebalance to 2 8 8 18 18 32 32 18 18 8 8 2 +"1".

Showing 2 groups of alkali metals with 1 electron valence shell, 1 group stops at element 171, the second group shows expansion of element 172+1 which expands into next level where element 172+1 becomes a alkali metal, And the next expansion begins.
Element 172 closes each group, +1 +2 +3 etc,

Also nobles with 8 electron valence shell each is its own space but each fits within each, as do the other groups 3,4,5,6,7 valence shells,
Also showing nobles/halogens/alkali metals/alkaline earth metals grouped together.

Then all groups running within each other. This is how i see "expanding space",
The red/yellow areas are what i believe to be what we call "dark matter", We exist within the flow of the lower element space(white/grey/blue/green) goldilocks zone.

