Ether model

As a non believer in god I would be also a non believer in god did a little bit

So despite our ability to detect you know this universal ether is present. Good trick

OK quantum technology (side question - do you have access to quantum technology?) is out of the picture for detection so how do you know about this universal ether?

As I understand quantum entanglement the main problem is / was / still is mostly misunderstanding

The misunderstanding occurs from thinking once once we know the state of one particle that information is conveyed to the other particle which becomes the opposite state

Not so

The other particle has been in the other state since the entanglement, and remains in the other state, no matter how much separation occured

Hence no information needs to be exchanged. Know state of one, you know state of both

My "etherist's" reply:
Of course the standard quantist's approach to Quantum Entanglement (Q.E.) is different from my Ether Model's approach. There are very fundamental theoretic disconnects between the ether model and the current quantum model.

In my Model, Quantum Entanglement (Q.E.) represents radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern. Elemental ether units are the only actual participants in this phenomenon, with the pair of quantum units kinetically "walled off," like the cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism.

I will reiterate my Ether Model's explanation for Q.E. - Q.E. represents radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern. Elemental ether units are the only actual participants in this phenomenon, with the pair of quantum units kinetically "walled off" like the cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism.

So I cannot remember (and to lazy to check) how your ether model explains quantum entanglement but the explanation does not require explaining apparent faster than light exchange of information

Does your explanation explain how entangled particles remain entangled regardless of distance between them?

I disagree saying god did it is a simplification. I would go for saying god did it adds a thousand layers of complexity:)


In my Ether Model, Quantum Entanglement represents radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern. Elemental ether units are the only actual participants in this phenomenon, with the pair of quantum units kinetically "walled off," like cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism.
In my Ether Model, Quantum Entanglement represents radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern. Elemental ether units are the only actual participants in this phenomenon, with the pair of quantum units kinetically "walled off," like cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism.

The main "evidence" behind the Big Bang theory is the astronomical observation that the outermost bodies of our universe are receding at an ever-accelerating rate, which, according to quantum theory, must mean that there was an initial "Bang" event causing an expansion of the universe. However, in my Ether/Designed Creation model, there would be an alternative explanation for that observed acceleration, which would be that our universe is gradually being attracted toward another universe, which has been creationally programmed, because an old, "tired," universe (ours) would then be re-energized by a younger universe, the mutual gravitational attraction between the universes causing the outermost bodies to accelerate away from observers (us) inside our universe. One other astronomical observation worth noting in this connection would be that pairs of galaxies have been observed colliding within our own universe.
The main "evidence" behind the Big Bang theory is the astronomical observation that the outermost bodies of our universe are receding at an ever-accelerating rate, which, according to quantum theory, must mean that there was an initial "Bang" event causing an expansion of the universe
Nope not even close.
Stick to gibberish, when you write coherent sentences they are inevitable wrong.
If you write gibberish then it can't be pointed out that you are wrong, because no one can figure out what you are trying to say.
I would hate this response to myself.

I'm only digging if there's further questions to pondered.
A way to check my ether model against standard models of physics, that use relativity and standard quantum theory, would be to consider a pair of currently-unexplained phenomena, quantum entanglement (QE) and acoustic levitation (AL).

My ether model is based on the concept that a super-rarified universal ether, which operates through vibratory dynamics, and which later came to underpin the quantum forces we now observe, arose after original space underwent a change from pure space to a medium that supports a universal ether.

In my Model, it's proposed that original space was so pure it was free from everything else, so that it was extremely self-compatible, and consisted of ultimately-tiny "elemental" point-localities that oscillated reciprocally with each other, until oscillatory fatigue induced neighboring "points" to fall toward each other, as "Yin and Yang" couplet-units. Space now consisted of elemental "points" that were independently vibrating, instead of mutually oscillating, interacting with each other as their vibrations came into contact. Space also had to have very-tiny less-energic spaces between the vibrating units, to allow room for vibration to occur -Then, whenever a pair of couplets came into contact, their matching vibrations formed a larger tetrad unit. -In this way, larger and larger energy units could form within this ether "matrix," up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

With this kind of model, QE would represent radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern.. Elemental ether units would be the only actual participants in QE, with the pair of "entangled" quantum units kinetically walled-off, like cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism. -A key in this model for QE is that the two quantum units involved, like all larger energy units, were originally formed from much tinier ether units, and thus retain an ability to interact vibrationally with ether units in the ether matrix all around them.

In comparing this model for QE with AL, it's important to note that the above model of QE is based on the dynamics of "elemental" units of the ether, whereas the following model for AL is based on the dynamic interactions between somewhat-larger intermediate, or "etheroidal," units of the ether, with still-larger units, atoms and quantum units.

In AL, focusing intense sound waves of a suitable frequency of vibration upon an object can make the object lighter, and even levitate it. -The way my Model would account for this would be that the vibrational energy of the sound waves is conducted down the entire range of units making up the structure of the body, from its atoms down to its tiniest ether units. At a certain point of the process, enough vibrational energy is "felt" that many larger units, up to the size of quantum units and atoms, have interacted extensively enough with etheric units, that many of them are converted to somewhat smaller "etheroidal" "intermediate" units, which makes the object's atoms "lighter."

Such intermediately-etheric units are still close enough to their "parent unit's" quantum-size that, when the energy stimulus of the sound waves is removed, they can return to their previous normal atomic state. One could call such a process, of transitory ethereality of an object, "partial transient de-quantization."
It might make the model of sound-wave levitation in my last Post clearer if I describe one more detail of the model.

As sound waves are focused on an object, my model proposes that the energy of the waves passes down through the full range of units making up the object, from its atoms down to its tiniest ether units. -It would be important in this Model to note that the ether units, that are part of the universal ether matrix and are all around the object, would likewise be affected by the increased energy of the waves. My model proposes that, as a result of this increase of energy delivered to both the object and to the ether units surrounding it, there would occur an increase in the level of vibrational contact between the ether units that make up the object's atoms, and the ether units in the ether matrix all around them. This would take away some of the ether constituents of the atoms in the object, converting them to slightly smaller "etheroidal" units, intermediate in size between full atomic size, and the ether units that are even smaller. The result would then be that the object would "lose" some of its atomic structure, become lighter, and even levitate.
A simple way to apply my ether model to explain physical processes, like electronic transmissions and light, or photonic, transmissions, is to think of my model for quantum entanglement, as I've described in previous posts, and this ether model's concept of a universal ether matrix composed of elemental (first-causal) vibrating units, which form the building blocks of all the larger energy units, up to the scale of quantum units.

First, think of this model for quantum entanglement - of radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern within the matrix -then apply the same kind of concept to these transmissions in physics. In the case of an electronic transmission, one has a pair of quantum foci ("poles; "nodes"), with the transmission traveling from one to the other. -Applying the quantum-entanglement model to explain such transmissions, in the case of transmissions, there is also is a connection between two quantum-order points through the intervening ether matrix - but here, unlike in entanglement, energy is transmitted. The only difference in the two cases is that, unlike in entanglement, with a transmission, one pole is set at a higher level of energy than the other. As the two poles communicate through the ether matrix, via the electronic or photonic type of vibratory pattern in the ether they both have in common, the different energy-settings between the pair of poles will result in an energy transmission from one to the other, following a particular pattern of vibration in the matrix.

One just needs to keep in mind the models for quantum entanglement and for the ether matrix, and physics would become simpler and more rational.
A way to check my ether model against standard models of physics, that use relativity and standard quantum theory, would be to consider a pair of currently-unexplained phenomena, quantum entanglement (QE) and acoustic levitation (AL).

My ether model is based on the concept that a super-rarified universal ether, which operates through vibratory dynamics, and which later came to underpin the quantum forces we now observe, arose after original space underwent a change from pure space to a medium that supports a universal ether.

In my Model, it's proposed that original space was so pure it was free from everything else, so that it was extremely self-compatible, and consisted of ultimately-tiny "elemental" point-localities that oscillated reciprocally with each other, until oscillatory fatigue induced neighboring "points" to fall toward each other, as "Yin and Yang" couplet-units. Space now consisted of elemental "points" that were independently vibrating, instead of mutually oscillating, interacting with each other as their vibrations came into contact. Space also had to have very-tiny less-energic spaces between the vibrating units, to allow room for vibration to occur -Then, whenever a pair of couplets came into contact, their matching vibrations formed a larger tetrad unit. -In this way, larger and larger energy units could form within this ether "matrix," up to the size of quantum units and atoms.

With this kind of model, QE would represent radiated packets of etheric energy which have the same vibratory pattern.. Elemental ether units would be the only actual participants in QE, with the pair of "entangled" quantum units kinetically walled-off, like cool arms of a quiet, purring, universal ether mechanism. -A key in this model for QE is that the two quantum units involved, like all larger energy units, were originally formed from much tinier ether units, and thus retain an ability to interact vibrationally with ether units in the ether matrix all around them.

In comparing this model for QE with AL, it's important to note that the above model of QE is based on the dynamics of "elemental" units of the ether, whereas the following model for AL is based on the dynamic interactions between somewhat-larger intermediate, or "etheroidal," units of the ether, with still-larger units, atoms and quantum units.

In AL, focusing intense sound waves of a suitable frequency of vibration upon an object can make the object lighter, and even levitate it. -The way my Model would account for this would be that the vibrational energy of the sound waves is conducted down the entire range of units making up the structure of the body, from its atoms down to its tiniest ether units. At a certain point of the process, enough vibrational energy is "felt" that many larger units, up to the size of quantum units and atoms, have interacted extensively enough with etheric units, that many of them are converted to somewhat smaller "etheroidal" "intermediate" units, which makes the object's atoms "lighter."

Such intermediately-etheric units are still close enough to their "parent unit's" quantum-size that, when the energy stimulus of the sound waves is removed, they can return to their previous normal atomic state. One could call such a process, of transitory ethereality of an object, "partial transient de-quantization."
I believe what you are trying to describe is a quantum electrodynamic action. It has already been discovered. It is a very successful theory in quantum mechanics.
A purely etheric world, which followed after an oscillational world had transitioned to a vibrational-ether world, is what preceded our quantum-structured universe. Etherically finely-tuned, powerfully-fluxing, etheric forces produced energized foci conaining etheric mental Entitie(s). These etheric regions can't even be imagined from our world of quantum forces. Then, magnetic instability of this ether world led mentally-directing etheric Creator(s) of our quantum universe, along with enough other universes to allow revitalization of any "tired" universe by another stronger universe.

Truely truely amazing how this stuff (which can't even be imagined) IS being imagined

I believe what you are trying to describe is a quantum electrodynamic action. It has already been discovered. It is a very successful theory in quantum mechanics.

You'd have to read some of my earlier posts in this Thread to see that my Ether Model proposes that a vibrational ether dynamic, that we don't detect with quantum technologies, underlies, and is primary to, the overlying quantum forces we are able to observe.
You'd have to read some of my earlier posts in this Thread to see that my Ether Model proposes that a vibrational ether dynamic, that we don't detect with quantum technologies, underlies, and is primary to, the overlying quantum forces we are able to observe.
I had too much trouble trying to decode the other post you made, but I was able to decipher that QE=quantum electrodynamics and Yin-Yang=Yang-Mills in the post I replied to. At one point I think I hallucinated that you were talking about actual science.
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I had too much trouble trying to decode the other post you made, but I was able to decipher that QE=quantum electrodynamics and Yin-Yang=Yang-Mills in the post I replied to. At one point I think I hallucinated that you were talking about actual science.

Point of information RE your last Reply: In describing my Ether Model, I have used the letters "QE" actually to refer to "Quantum Entanglement" rather than Quantum Electrodynamics.
A helpful way to think of applying my Ether Model to phenomena like quantum entanglement (QE) is to think of it as representing a smooth transition of an energic impulse from point to point (in QE, connecting two quantum "focal points" regardless of how far apart they are, which is referred to in physics as "a still-to-be-defined connection between a quantum particle and a second, closely-related, particle.")

To apply the Ether Model, first think of a quantum unit as having an energy aura, composed of etheric and etheroidal energy units, which have the same kind of vibratory pattern as exists, etherically, inside the quantum unit itself. Physics presently doesn't accept the concept of "auras," although occult and paranormal theorists often refer to the concept; it has been claimed that "everything has an aura."

Next, think of this kind of aura as being connected to a universal ether matrix - such a matrix being a concept I've discussed in recent posts here: this matrix, like the aura, would consist of vibratory ether units. (I've also described here how, in my Ether Model, elemental ether units represent the basic "building blocks" of all larger energy units, up to the size of quantum units.)

Then, think of how such as network could form the framework for transmissions of closely-related vibratory patterns, through the matrix, between two related quantum points, even if separated by literally any distance of space.

Such a model, which provides for a connection of "one quantum focal-point and its aura: ether matrix: aura of second quantum point," could be applied not just to quantum entanglement, but also to other energy transmissions in physics.
"...the universe originated according to a creational design..."

OK, so Goddidit.

Is it really necessary to go any further? I mean if there was someone who created it, they created the laws of physics at their whim.
They could have ran the universe without ether if they wanted.

How is it possible to falsify such an idea?

Lets say you set up your test for ether.
If you find ether, your conclusion is "The Creational Designer made space with ether".
If, on the other hand, you don't find ether, you can simply conclude "OK, the Creational Designer made space without ether."

Your test did not confirm or falsify your premise.

That's not science.
For interested viewers, An article of mine has just been published in the Journal of Physics & Optics Sciences. The online link for this would be
This is evidently a scam journal , probably of Indian origin, to judge by the bad grammar, with zero credibility. The publisher's home page contains this priceless paragraph:

" Scientific Research and Community is Independent Open Access Publishers [sic] and encourages all the academic disciplines to publish their research globally. Scientific Research and Community finds the people from worldwide [sic] as community [sic] for publishing research in the arena of science and Technology. It is a Platform for all the Scientific researchers and Young researchers to promote their research values through this organizations. Scientific Research and Community is an Independent and Non Profitable Organization encourages [sic] people from Medical, Clinical, Health care, Engineering , Life sciences, Pharmacy research backgrounds. Scientific Research & Community is team [sic] with well qualified people as community [sic] and advisory board members who discovers [sic] new research and development for this organization."


They claim to have a peer review process but this is obviously lies, since they "accepted" your article within 24hrs of receiving it!

The contact address is given as 76 Westwood Rd, Coventry, which is an anonymous terraced house, in an area with a number of Indian restaurants: 76 westwood rd coventry

You've been had. How much did they charge you?

P.S. If you gave them any credit card or bank account details, I would keep a careful watch on your bank statements for the next few months.
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P.S. If you gave them any credit card or bank account details, I would keep a careful watch on your bank statements for the next few months.
I like this trolling. As I also like the trolling the U.S. ambassador to Japan gave to the the Chinese government after that high ranking military official went missing after that other Chinese dude did so theoretically, Xi Jinping, could remain president for life...

Anyway, that thing -Journal of Physics & Optics Sciences.- says non profit. So...?

Oh, and yeah, if I can hone in on one thing so, I don't have to read all the stuff, cause I don't have the inclination, and or time too, it's all the cooler. :)
I like this trolling. As I also like the trolling the U.S. ambassador to Japan gave to the the Chinese government after that high ranking military official went missing after that other Chinese dude did so theoretically, Xi Jinping, could remain president for life...

Anyway, that thing -Journal of Physics & Optics Sciences.- says non profit. So...?

Oh, and yeah, if I can hone in on one thing so, I don't have to read all the stuff, cause I don't have the inclination, and or time too, it's all the cooler. :)
Sure, it says non profit. But it is also a pay-to-publish operation.

It also says peer reviewed………yet accepts Michael’s paper in 24hrs.

And is run out of a terraced house in a residential backstreet in Coventry.