Ether model

As an ether theorist (see my Thread "Michael Anteski's Ether Model," page 2) I would submit that quantum theorists have no clear idea at present of how neutron stars are formed. The Ether Model I describe in the above Thread can be used to rationally account for how a neutron star could form.

In my Thread, I proposed that a universal ether matrix exists which can explain Quantum Entanglement and also indicates a rational model for why antiparticles are not found in the universe. (In the Model, I propose that, creationally, forces were projected through the ether which directed antiparticles (which are much larger in size than the units of the ether) to follow "like unit" channels through the ether matrix, into black holes, which would amount to a first-ever way to explain the absence of antiparticles, as well as the presence of black holes, in the Universe. This same kind of Model can also account for how neutron stars are formed.

To start the neutron-star model, we can consider how this model of Ether would apply to the destruction of a normal star. -As in standard theory, as ordinary stars age, they gradually lose their internal energy (they become "tired"). Eventually, this process reaches a point where the star is destroyed in a very violent event. -Here is where my Ether Model departs from the standard model based on quantum physics. -In the Ether Model, the violence of the destruction results in an "erasure" of atomic "signatures" in the old star system, producing freed-up protons, neutrons, and electrons., all fluxing wildly within the ether matrix. With the Ether Model, these freed-up units will tend to follow "like unit" channels through the surrounding ether matrix (similar to the Model's description of how antiparticles followed like-unit pathways through the ether toward black holes.) -Thus, the protons would follow similar pathways, and be able to form a new star. or Nova. The neutrons would likewise follow similar pathways, and form a neutron star. The electrons would likewise tend to aggregate together, into massive gamma ray formations.

The Nova would remain in the same area as the previous star had. The neutrons would leave the area, going toward neutronic-attractor regions elsewhere in space. The electronic gamma rays would also leave the area as gamma-ray emissions. If the destruction event were large enough, they might produce a gamma ray burst.

We can see that this kind of ether model adapts itself to explaining how a neutron star can be formed.
[QUOTE="RADII, post: 3539820, member: 286183" ] Astrophysicists, however, have pretty much solved that weighty question.[/QUOTE]

how so ?
The repliers don't appear interested in a point-by-point dialogue. Just saying standard theory "is better" isn't really replying. The Post made specific points. Specific criticism would allow me to clarify any points I made which you consider debatable.
The Post made specific points

But without detailing the evidence

Specific criticism


would allow me to clarify any point

Clarify away with definitions and the meanings of your points and how the experimental results show the truth of your points

I made which you consider debatable

None of it debatable because no idea of what you are posting about

The repliers don't appear interested in a point-by-point dialogue. Just saying standard theory "is better" isn't really replying. The Post made specific points. Specific criticism would allow me to clarify any points I made which you consider debatable.
I think they can simply see that you don't know what you are talking about. You are just making stuff up as you go along.
Astrophysicists, however, have pretty much solved that weighty question.
please excuse my ignorance, i was under the impresion that a proclaimed Quantum theorist must first be a physicist
astrophysicist being a variaty containing theorists which then align diametrically with quantum mechanics as a model of required scientific proof etc ...
all theorists may also be mechanics as they are required to comprehend the mechanics, however a name of mechanic is devised by the beleif that theory alone is not enough and that only the provable laws may be set as laws of astro physics etc ... ?
I claim that my Post was based on a new kind of research, i.e., codebreaking sets of codes in a historical Document, which purport to convey "insider" cosmic knowledge. so that derivationally, it's in a different category than standard quantum physics. What I claim to be insights into cosmic forces (as opposed to earth-based observations of forces) conceivably could be a beneficial approach, but that would require an open mind to accept.

If, as I believe, such knowledge exists, it raises the question why it's secret for us. Anyway, an open-forum setting like this would probably not be appropriate to go really deep into all those questions. I do have a potential field test, from my code source, to tap into etheric energy (and produce a levitational, or decreased-density) effect, but I haven't found a financial sponsor to be able to get it done.
I claim that my Post was based on a new kind of research, i.e., codebreaking sets of codes in a historical Document, which purport to convey "insider" cosmic knowledge. so that derivationally, it's in a different category than standard quantum physics.
Or to put it more succinctly, you have a delusion.
What I claim to be insights into cosmic forces (as opposed to earth-based observations of forces) conceivably could be a beneficial approach, but that would require an open mind to accept.
You do not need an open mind, you need an ignorant and gullible mind.
If, as I believe, such knowledge exists, it raises the question why it's secret for us.
The whole secrecy thing is a very common aspect of delusions.
Anyway, an open-forum setting like this would probably not be appropriate to go really deep into all those questions.
Of course not, that could ruin the whole delusion.
I do have a potential field test, from my code source, to tap into etheric energy (and produce a levitational, or decreased-density) effect, but I haven't found a financial sponsor to be able to get it done.
Most venture capitalists don't invest in delusions.
it's in a different category than standard quantum physics.

... Quantum physics is a pretty big subject, it tends to be fairly open at both ends of its inception and conception.
"Laws of Quantum Physics" tend to be rational rather than material scientific method.
There is a distinct difference between listening to Children invent magical realms and laws of physics(or adults), a Preacher brow beat the upper mind into submission, and a Quantum Physicist explain a theory & postulate possible new and as yet undocumented laws of physics.
i have spent many many hours listening to all 4

if you are going to place Quantum physics into a parallel catagory you probably need to be very simplistic to frame the alternate theory so as to manage the nonsense part that is incapable of being rationally argued.
if it pre-dates newtons creation of calculus i shall be highly sceptical, yet intrigued.

Remember it has been put forward as

based on a new kind of research, i.e., codebreaking sets of codes in a historical Document, which purport to convey "insider" cosmic knowledge. so that derivationally, it's in a different category than standard quantum physics.

I'm thinking here translating Nostradamus
predicting (calculating) a eclipse

purport to convey "insider" cosmic knowledge is
equivalent to Nostradamus
the findings of CERN

I think it's a wooden rocking horse against a thoroughbred horse

Mate, when I came to this thread I had fears that you'd be responding seriously.

Should have known better. :D
Perhaps because it was coded and you have been the only one smart enough to decode this historical Document

A heady mix of

The Fifth Element

Tomb Raider

The Da Vinci Code

Remember folks you heard about it here first


The historical Doc is the Declaration of Independence. (A claim that it contains cosmic scientific information of course would imply that T. Jefferson wasn't the true author of the Document.) -I did decode it, and derive scientific information, and I am pretty sure no one else has done that, but that wouldn't mean anybody is "smarter." -I spent a lot of time over a period of years studying scientific enigmas, which put me in an open-minded position to interpret coded kind of "alternative" information. -To get into this kind of cryptography, you'd need to study alphabet-substitution tables such as those of Vigenere and Porta, which were known in Jefferson's time. You'd then have to figure out how to arrange the text with the correct number of letters to each line, in "blocks" of lines, and intuit correct "key" word(s) in order to set up a cipher text properly, (I mostly used Vigenere's method) which you would juxtapose with the plain text (the Declaration itself.) Then you would be ready to derive decoded messages, which appear, many of them in tic-tac-toe fashion. -This may sound fallible, compared to mathematical, more-objectifiable, modern codes, but my belief is that the encoded messages were purposely done this way, and used special "ether" computers. -I have yet to derive any messages that were internally inconsistent (inconsistent with the rest of the messages) even after deriving a few thousand message-lines.
I might as well give full information on these sets of codes in the Declaration Doc, inasmuch as Michael 345 has asked.

The person who discovered these codes was a Canadian author named Neil Dunfield. His book "Not So Self Evident Truths", 1990, gave how to apply Vigenere's method to the Declaration Codes. Dunfield discovered how to set up the texts with the correct number of letters per line, and he found a few keywords which worked, both huge steps if anyone wanted to work with the Dec. Doc. codes. He wasn't a scientist, but didn't want to collaborate with me. He felt that anyone wanting to work with the codes should do so entirely on their own.