No, and that's the point. If we pronounce them as words, then they are acronyms. We pronounce NAFTA that way. Also NATO, radar, ANZAC, Fortran, UNESCO, SETI... there are lots of acronyms in American English. But if we pronounce them letter-by-letter, then they are just abbreviations. IBM, CIA, FBI, USA, G.I., EU, IRS. But people have been calling those "acronyms" for so long that the word has lost its precision.Hmmmm... so, when there are abbreviations, you all speak letter by letter in English? UNO, NAFTA etc? Down here they all become words, mainly if we have consonat-vowel-consonant types.
I have no idea what UNO is. Is that what you call the United Nations? We call it the U.N. and it's not an acronym.
No. Never heard of it in America. It's just "the United Nations" or more usually "the U.N."Yes. Don't you consider the word "Organization" after United Nations?