Fortean phenomena

The last bout of discussion (and the subject of the thread) has raised a point that I do not generally see raised.

"Today the term Fortean is more commonly used to describe the aberrations of nature and the natural world, rather than hauntings and UFOs."

Who says all these aerial phenomena are technologically sourced? Why not magical creatures? I mean, they at least have a basis in Earthly biology, despite being tricked out in magic.

Why is everyone so eager to go looking for aliens from light years away, instead of well-hidden creatures right here on Earth.
There is certainly as much evidence for magic as there is for flying saucers. Certainly the accounts of magic in literature and history are virtually countless. And - cryptobiology (hidden creatures) is a known, developed science.
The last bout of discussion (and the subject of the thread) has raised a point that I do not generally see raised.

"Today the term Fortean is more commonly used to describe the aberrations of nature and the natural world, rather than hauntings and UFOs."

Who says all these aerial phenomena are technologically sourced? Why not magical creatures? I mean, they at least have a basis in Earthly biology, despite being tricked out in magic.

Why is everyone so eager to go looking for aliens from light years away, instead of well-hidden creatures right here on Earth.
There is certainly as much evidence for magic as there is for flying saucers. Certainly the accounts of magic in literature and history are virtually countless. And - cryptobiology (hidden creatures) is a known, developed science.
In the Fortean spirit, and to make the trolls here tremble:
Don't ask me if it's real or not. Fits the ask for 'natural ufo's' though. Go set up your own time-lapse long-recording IR camera somewhere 'known to be active'. Which evidently is most everywhere up there.
In the Fortean spirit, and to make the trolls here tremble:
Don't ask me if it's real or not. Fits the ask for 'natural ufo's' though. Go set up your own time-lapse long-recording IR camera somewhere 'known to be active'. Which evidently is most everywhere up there.
And photos don't lie! That's pretty compelling evidence!
And photos don't lie! That's pretty compelling evidence!
Of course photos can lie i.e deliberate fakes or misidentified artifacts like lens flare or out of focus bugs as 'orbs' or 'rods' etc.
But the sheer number and span of just for example joint visual/radar observations & close encounters experienced by well trained military personnel is way too compelling to chalk down to the sort of nonsensical 'debunking' thrown up in say that Portage County incident thread.
I made the point there or some other thread that whoever/whatever is behind the genuine UFO phenomena, they like to play games with us and likely will NEVER oblige our cravings or sceptical insistence for 'direct and incontrovertible evidence'. Just enough interaction to keep the pot stirred. Capriciousness. Why would higher intelligences not be capable of such 'agendas'? Facile assumptions to the contrary not withstanding.
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way too compelling to chalk down to the sort of nonsensical 'debunking' thrown up in say that Portage County incident thread.

James R is actually proud of that tedious display of denialist chicanery. Don't tell him he was being laughed at.
Of course photos can lie
Have you not read several hundreds of posts from MR about how compelling photos of supernatural phenomena are??
Just ask him. A picture of a UFO is worth a million words.

And witness accounts! Witness accounts of UFOs are never to be treated with skepticism!

Have you not read several hundreds of posts from MR about how compelling photos of supernatural phenomena are??
Just ask him. A picture of a UFO is worth a million words.

And witness accounts! Witness accounts of UFOs are never to be treated with skepticism!

I get your drift. But I also get the problem of rigid ideological commitment. 'Don't throw out the baby with the bath water' remains a pertinent proverb. As that 'incontrovertible evidence' event will always elude, it gets down to forming a value judgement based on a lot of varied evidence.
Have you not read several hundreds of posts from MR about how compelling photos of supernatural phenomena are??
Just ask him. A picture of a UFO is worth a million words.

Just like Holocaust deniers...All photos of said events are faked by a conspiracy of evil believers.
Just like Holocaust deniers...All photos of said events are faked by a conspiracy of evil believers.
HEY! You are ignoring me! You don't GET to respond.

The comment is disallowed; the jury will disregard.

Also: Reported for violation of this rule:
  • Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.
HEY! You are ignoring me! You don't GET to respond.

The comment is disallowed; the jury will disregard.

Also: Reported for violation of this rule:

    • Avoid engaging with members with whom you have a personality clash.

Calm down and just breathe. You'll get thru this..
Calm down and just breathe. You'll get thru this..
Yeah. I'm way too interesting to ignore for long.

You have discovered that the tactics you use to promote UFO accounts as compelling, bordering on fact can be equally applied to something that you - like most everyone else - recognize it as too outside reality.

You won't admit it, but you are in a quandary.

Accept that pixies are as plausible as UFOs (i.e. a "fact", as you would have it), or acknowledge that your criteria for plausibility and factuality is too forgiving to build a logical, plausible world view.

It doesn't really matter what you say to rationalize this; the deed is done.
Yeah. I'm way too interesting to ignore for long.

You have discovered that the tactics you use to promote UFO accounts as compelling, bordering on fact can be equally applied to something that you - like most everyone else - recognize it as too outside reality.

You won't admit it, but you are in a quandary.

Accept that pixies are as plausible as UFOs (i.e. a "fact", as you would have it), or acknowledge that your criteria for plausibility and factuality is too forgiving to build a logical, plausible world view.

It doesn't really matter what you say to rationalize this; the deed is done.

Yeah..we're all just so impressed. You couldn't even support the plausibility of pixies as the cause of the Delphos incident. Is this the only form of ego stroking you get in life, congratulating yourself on winning petty little tiffs like this?
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It's a responsibility thing. You're not the only one reading this. Others will learn critical thinking by seeing how flawed arguments are identified and dismantled.
So you're performing before some imaginary audience? Whatever floats your boat dude..
Imaginary? This thread alone has over 6000 views.

Those are all people who might appreciate a critical (if somewhat tongue-in-cheek) dismantling of a flawed argument.

And yes, I, like you, visit on science fora because I like to discuss sciencey things. You should have no problem with that.
Imaginary? This thread alone has over 6000 views.

Those are all people who might appreciate a critical (if somewhat tongue-in-cheek) dismantling of a flawed argument.

And yes, I, like you, visit on science fora because I like to discuss sciencey things. You should have no problem with that.

And they're all so in awe of you and you're alleged demonstration of "critical thinking", whatever the hell that is. What was it again? Oh yeah--pixies are as plausible an explanation for the Delphos ring as ufos, even though nobody saw a pixie but did see a ufo take off from that very spot. If that's critical thinking then I'll have no part in it.
And they're all so in awe of you and you're alleged demonstration of "critical thinking", whatever the hell that is. What was it again? Oh yeah--pixies are as plausible an explanation for the Delphos ring as ufos, even though nobody saw a pixie but did see a ufo take off from that very spot. If that's critical thinking then I'll have no part in it.
I'm gonna start a new thread in the About the Members section entitled "Quotable Quotes from MR".