Fusion power


I have always been interested in the use of nuclear fusion as a power source. It would be very difficult to obtain, and possibly expensive, but I think it will be an excellent source of electricity once it is off the ground.

Opinions on nuclear fusion power plants welcomed.
last time i heard about the fusion reactor in princeton, i think i heard a number like 60% or 70% yield. but it was a long time ago (4 yrs?), and i can t remember too exactly. i d like to hear more recent data if anyone has them..
there is a fusion reactory in south australia

dont rember much except that it exists

THINK its a donut reactor
HEY from that it seems the only state of any importance (i mean what could tassi contribute:p) thats missing is victoria:(

we got left out again:(
HEY from that it seems the only state of any importance (i mean what could tassi contribute) thats missing is victoria

Victoria is only there to shorten the distance to Tassie. What else could it be for? ;)

I'm a Westralian :D
i been to perth

beautiful city

lots of parks cause they dont have enough people to build anything else:p
Melbourne's not bad, don't like the newish trams though. Prefered the old style. I lived there from 67 to 77. Most of the family still there.

I'm in the Sou'West of WA these days.:)
i agree

i love the old W class

thats what your citys missing B\W

you need trams and history

when i was there everything seemed so NEW, i couldnt find anything with any history like flinders street station ect
when i was there everything seemed so NEW, i couldnt find anything with any history like flinders street station

Yep, West Aussies don't seem to like old things, except if they have to travel vast distances and pay money. I think we have the 'cultural cringe' mentality the worst of all the states. Probably trying to prove we are as good as the eastern states instead of being happy with who we are.
MIT has a very promising reactor. their Qs are competetive with most other experimental reactors. I don't know if they are with ITER or not, but I think they are on par at the very least with them. I'm a huge proponent of fusion, and I've taken considerable time to reserch the subject and whatnot. plasma physics is pretty challengine. xxx.lanl.gov has some good preprints on the subject of fusion and plasma physics. It's not very n00b-friendly though. the articles are very math-laden. Ever try actually reading the text in between the equations in a math book? it's kinda like that.
