Gender reveal


Valued Senior Member
Bells, what are your preferred pronouns?

I thought I knew at one point, and then I started second-guessing myself.

No hidden agenda here, just been bugging me. (At some point I'm going to refer to you in third person more than once in the same sentence, and "Bells is so tall, Bells can see the next town over." just sounds awkward.)
Bells, what are your preferred pronouns?

I thought I knew at one point, and then I started second-guessing myself.

No hidden agenda here, just been bugging me. (At some point I'm going to refer to you in third person more than once in the same sentence, and "Bells is so tall, Bells can see the next town over." just sounds awkward.)
[...] No hidden agenda here, just been bugging me. (At some point I'm going to refer to you in third person more than once in the same sentence, and "Bells is so tall, Bells can see the next town over." just sounds awkward.)

Apparently I missed something key or vital in the past as to why "she" would be problematic, unmannerly, etc.

Aside from the neologistic pronouns that few would probably even recognize or remember, "they" and "their" seem to be the most preferred for gender-neutral. Example:

But employment of such can become monotonous in some situations, or there is a continual brain-twitch privately occurring with respect to the traditional plural meanings, as the many occurrences of "they" and "them" in that bio may also illustrate.
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To be clear, asking for Bells' pronouns was simply the 21st century lingo for 'I forget if you're a dude or a dudette'. (Not that it makes any difference.)

I know Bells does identify as one of the binary he/she genders, I've just second guessed myself too many times - first thinking I'd remembered wrong, then thinking I'd remembered remembering it wrong.

Frankly, for some reason 'Tiassa' and 'Iceaura' likewise sound to my ear like female names.

Dunno why. It is certainly no sign if disrespect, just a bug in my name-assignment subroutine.
It's because they end with -a.

Maybe. I'm not immersed in non-English languages so, while I am aware that 'a' tends to end females names, its definitely not in the top drawer of my lexical toolbox.

For me, I think its more that Tiassa is very close to tiarra, and Iceaura brings to mind the image of an ice witch (like Elsa). And Bells, obvs, seems to be a girl's name.

Interesting that the historical default when gender is ambiguous has usually been male, but I seem to be defaulting to female.