gender views cause of incel.

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by gamelord, Jul 3, 2018.

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  1. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Get out of here, you too now?

    I never said women despised themselves, I said they were narcissist, the exact OPPOSITE of that.

    And what the h*ll does this has to do with abortion or infanticide? Does anyone here actually do critical thinking or is this just a mob of Romans crucifying the Lord? (I dare not say jews or else the romans will call me some kind of nazi.)

    I get it, I speak one line against the dogma and you all swarm me like a bunch of zombies in some Twilight Zone episode.
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  3. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    The line was about molesting with eyes, and how guys molest people with eyes and get shamed for it.
    Had NOTHING to do with molesting people with physical touch.

    That was the whole POINT of this thread all along, was to give males a chance for freedom for what they wear.

    I get what this is. Continue to stand up for the right for women to wear whatever clothes they want, but then say I should only wear clothes in certain safe spaces where I am comfortable, and that society has no obligation to give males the right to wear whatever clothing they want. You are absolutely undeniably sexist.
    I feel like I'm a black person literally arguing with a person of the 1800's, like you are so entrenched in your sexism you wont even admit you are sexist.

    So if I have natural healthy male urges and get aroused at sexy females, I must have some kind of problem or defect with me.

    I've been raped, beaten, abused, rejected, ostracized and bullied my whole life. So I know what its like not having ownership of one's body, especially being dissatisfied with the gender I was assigned at birth and being stuck in a world full of bigots like the people in this thread.
    I got a better idea, how bout all the women who've abused me in my life, apologize to me for all the sh*t they put me through.

    I am a hot-blooded macho man only because I live in an American society entrenched in dogma and they are mental slaves and mental sheeple who refuse to reason. And because people like you spread lies and slander about me and hide behind an internet shield where you are free to post whatever hyperbolic sewage you please.

    Wow you are so delusional and slanderous, you are the perfect fake news.

    I have every idea what rape is. Its forced sex, when the other person doesnt want you. A third grader knows what rape is but I guess you want to go on some delusional tangent and spread fake news and slander like some typical fascist modern liberal. How delusional are you to honestly believe I don't know what rape is, you think you are insulting me but you are really insulting yourself.
    No sh*t sherlock. Where is this even coming from? Where did I ever say rape was consensual? But par for the course for outright lies and fake news.

    You aren't understanding anything here.
    I was saying that men want to be approached by women. If they outright ask a woman to slap them on the ass, then THEY are the ones going to be accused of molestation!!!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2018
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  5. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Wow, how delusional and persecutory are you. You are like a Roman who is looking for every excuse to persecute the Lord. (Again, not allowed to say Jew because that would make me an evil nazi of course. So I will just call you some kind of Roman.)

    Last year the stat is 1 out of every 6 college girls is raped, now it has increased to 1 in every 4. My my. Who am I to question these stats. But lets say and assume that these stats are accurate and true.

    Absolutely nothing else in that post of yours was sane or rational. Nothing but delusional false accusations about me. This is what I mean by liberal hysteria.

    Then the liberal will accuse me of being a Republican, conservative, or trump supporter.
    No I am a moderate, neither leftist or rightist.
    Because both sides are clearly insane.

    I am sick of the lies and toxic garbage and false accusations you have dumped on me in this thread. I feel like I'm trapped in a viscous mob of zombies like Silent Hill. Just screaming heads bloodthirsty lunging at me.

    Exhibit 1:
    I never advocated drugging women for sex, I never even ADVOCATED for bars! I said America has bars because women are generally uninterested in picking up guys for sex until they get drunk. But feel free to twist it around in your delusional bloodthirsty zombie-like mind who is just looking for a victim to attack. Me the monster? No that's you.

    Exhibit 2:
    If I say a good date has sex involved, that means I advocate rape? What, are you freaking delusional? There is obviously the possibility of a guy just walking out if after several dates he does not get laid. And my view of dating is that you should not expect to get laid on the first date anyway, so you are just coming hard out of left field.

    Exhibit 3:
    I said stress. Not rape. But the man-feminist white knight in shining armor comes out and says everything is rape. Of course we live in a rape-culture. Because to men-feminists, everything is either rape or advocacy of rape.
    Like if I say, a shy girl is nervous on a date, and her being nervous triggers sexual attraction, you will say that is rape.
    What the freaking frick.

    Exhibit 4:
    More inanities and twisted delusions from your mind. I was saying that evolutionary excuses are generally frowned on by society. In that same token, women ought not to use evolutionary excuses for bad behavoir. I litterally implied that evolutionary excuses were a form of bad behavoir.

    Exhibit 5:
    I didn't diminish rape, I said that women act like they are heterosexual men, and implied that a man raping a straight man is very traumatizing. My point being is that women seem to behave as though they are heterosexual men.
    Because if you flipped it around, and a man got raped by a woman, society would not take it very seriously. Or if a man gets molested by a woman, society does not take it seriously, because society knows men are attracted to women. What I point out is what society doesn't want to say: That women are disturbed by male sexual advance because they very much are not attracted to men hardly at all. I do not ever claim women aren't disturbed by male sexual advance, what I do is state and explore the reasons WHY women are so much more disturbed by male sexual advance, in comparison to males not being so disturbed at female sexual advance. And you know why people don't discuss this, is because of people like you, who hyperbole, spread lies, to anyone dares to have a rational debate or speak truths that you can't even properly interpret due to your irrational vitriolic hyperbole and hysteria.


    The question I must ask you, is have you no shame.

    In any case, I recommend you close this thread, this discussion is getting nowhere, I will no longer tolerate your viscious attacks, lies and piles of inanities you keep assaulting me with. If you can't be reasonable and rational then I do not wish to continue this discussion with people who can't be reasonable at debate. You people aren't good people.
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  7. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    No, you don't make any moral and reasonable sense is all.
  8. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Wait a second, if you agree that females are born narcissistic, you'd be all for female infanticide, wouldn't you?

    Funny how your words can work, if you pay attention to what you say.


    And, you can always cop out with saying you don't know what you were saying in the first place.

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  9. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    When did I say females are born narcissistic? There narcissism is mostly a product of american culture and social attitudes.

    funny because it is humanity at large who makes no reasonable moral sense, and I am usually the only moral person.
    Case in point, I was a strict vegetarian for many years while the people around me always used some form of selective morality in order to justify their murders. Their morality is just whatever happens to be the soup of the day.
  10. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Case in point, women are more inclined to sex if they are not hungry.

    I mean, do I even have to justify that?
  11. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    What is this I don't even.

    Doesn't even make sense, as sex is an extension of the hunger reflex and so hungry people are more horny.
  12. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    And you are trolling, or really that make-believe.
  13. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Sex drive is an evolution of the hunger reflex, not really up for debate.

    Whether or not my last claim, that hungry people are more horny, is debatable.
  14. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    Stop making stuff up.


    There may be a lot of women privy to Spotted Dick - the Queen is cunning!

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  15. Write4U Valued Senior Member

    Or you can rise above it and "forgive because they know not what they do".
    I think that would match your underlying psychological profile, don't you think?

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  16. Beer w/Straw Transcendental Ignorance! Valued Senior Member

    I just felt compelled to post this song.

  17. Seattle Valued Senior Member

    Gamelord, you mention that you feel a woman trapped in a man's body. That's a DNA issue not a cultural issue.

    You've compared cultural gender issues with equal rights for blacks, women, etc. Those are rights under the law, which includes gender as well. They aren't rights for personal behavior. No one has to date a black person, a woman, a Jewish person, etc.

    If you didn't feel like you were a woman trapped in a man's body, you wouldn't be having any issues. Why not address that rather than trying to change society to match your DNA?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2018
  18. RainbowSingularity Valued Senior Member

    brinkmanship narcissism ?
  19. Bells Staff Member

    And you have no idea how many times I have had to deal with men like you. You have no idea how many times we have done this dance with people like you on this website.

    To wit, it is safe to say that I had avoided this thread because it really is too much of a horrific thing. We have done this too many times to count with people who think just like you do. You aren't the first, nor will you be the last. Most importantly, your misogyny is not even original. You are simply repeating the same tired and overused tropes that we have seen countless of times on this website and that permeates society, particularly online groups.. In short, your whining is boring, it is not original and we have seen enough men make sexist fools of themselves to actually feel any shred of sympathy when people like you spout this sort of rubbish and then cry foul when you are called out on it.

    More to the point, we have seen men like you attempt to change the narrative of their own words in a bid to feign innocence or to deny their own arguments when called out on it:

    No no, please, tell us how you aren't advocating and excusing rape some more.

    You aren't preaching truths. You are simply preaching the same old forms of whining we have come to know and expect from people like you.

    I think that is a question you should aim at yourself.

    Have you no shame? At all? Aren't you even a little bit embarrassed?

    Yes. Poor you.

    Attack women as a whole, excuse rape and sexual assault, excuse and advocating for intoxicating and drugging women in bars for sex (because in your warped and twisted view, this is the only way women enjoy sex), and then whine about how you are the real victim here because your misogynistic bullshit is called out. I mean, you are so ridiculous, you even start referring to the men correcting you as women.. Sorry, "female"..


    I am so over men like you blaming women for your inadequacies. I really am. It's boring. Most importantly, it is downright dangerous. You seem to believe that women owe men sex. That "incel's" are owed sex. That you need sex. That the reason you don't have sex is because of women.

    However, there seems to be some thought lately, largely among young men, that if they are denied sex, they are being denied something they are entitled to. In the Trump era, numerous men seem to feel that having as much sex as Hugh Hefner with whatever women they choose is an essential part of the American Dream that ought not be denied to them. They no longer view sex as a hobby so much as a resource that they are owed in order to function in a decent, non-violent fashion.

    So let’s be clear: No one owes you sex.

    No one owes you sex now. No one will owe you sex tomorrow. No one will ever owe you sex. They will not owe you sex if you are nice to them. They will not owe you sex if you threaten them. Because no one will ever owe you sex.


    Getting laid is not going to fix hateful misogynists. It’s just going to hurt women

    If you do not 'get sex', it is not because of women. It is not because women are narcissists.

    It is because you come across as a creep.
  20. TheFrogger Banned Valued Senior Member

    Sex is for creating children. That is it's use. Anything else is ab-use. ☺
  21. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member


    I've never seen that, myself. Basically, you're saying that people get shamed for looking at other people. I find that hard to believe. Leering and cat-calling and stalking, and those kinds of thing are, of course, different matters.

    I said nothing about society's obligations. I stand up for anybody to wear what they want, male or female, within certain bounds of decency and in appropriate contexts. (Naked exhibitionism is not appropriate in front of children, for instance.)

    If you want to wear a dress as a male, I'm right there cheering on your right to do so.

    Not everybody agrees with me, however, so I merely point out that the reception you get will depend on the audience.

    ... says the guy who has spent most of the thread putting his misogyny on display.

    You've got a fundamental disconnect going there with your attitudes. I get the impression that you're young. Let's hope that you get a better handle on what sexism is as you grow up. By the sounds of it, you've been misled by the "incel" movement. You'd be better off divorcing yourself from that. It's quite toxic.

    Your urges and arousals don't concern me. It is how you act on those which concerns me. You present as a creep in this thread. If this is how you are in real life, then it's no wonder women avoid you.

    I am sorry to hear that. Nobody deserves that. But adopting this "incel" identity is more likely to harm you than to help you, in the long term.

    It is unfortunate that such harmful attitudes exist in society. That is gradually changing, at least in some places, and it needs to change more. Trust me, a lot of the people in this thread are on your side on this.

    It sounds to me you're in a bad place, or surrounded by people whose attitudes to gender dysphoria are ill-informed and possibly bigoted. That's why I suggested that you might be better off trying to find a community of like-minded people. "Incels" isn't helping you. It seems to me that you don't really fit in with that, even though you're parroting the rhetoric. You don't need to make yourself a bigot just because other people have bigoted attitudes towards you. You can choose to be better than them.

    Why the fixation on women? Has all the sh*t been from women, never from men? If not, why are you assigning all the blame to women?

    Okay, wait.

    You're saying that you want to become the thing that you hate: the American male who is driven by his hot-blooded macho ego and who treats his fellow human beings like sh*t. Why would you want that?

    For myself, I can only respond to what I see from you on the screen. If you're not actually an angry and potentially dangerous misogynist, here's a hint: don't act like you are.

    You're getting fairly consistent responses in this thread. There are two possibilities: (a) all the responders are liars and slanders who don't see the real you, or (b) they are reacting honestly to what you project. The problem isn't always with other people.

    Then tell me why you would say this:

    A woman (or anybody) reacting to rape is not in any way reacting to "men and males in general". She is reacting to the intimate and forced violation of her personal autonomy and bodily integrity by a specific perpetrator of a heinous crime.

    If some sleazy guy walks up to a girl he doesn't know in a bar and says "Hey baby, why don't you slap my ass? I'm itching for some sex with a hot chick like you", what reaction would you usually expect? Yet here you are essentially demanding that a woman should accept that the sleazy guy has "needs" that she is obliged to attend to. Can't you see what's wrong with that?
  22. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    Almost everyone in this thread seems to be extremely delusional.

    But the flaming on me has gone less extreme, so I've decided to humor them with a reply.

    It is said that second coming of the lord would not be of peace, but of fire and brimstone.

  23. gamelord Registered Senior Member

    So here are you defending racist dating behavoir. Look either make up your mind. Either stand by your racism or dont. But dont go around acting like a liberal, while you go around defending racist views.

    And no, I have noticed that being a man is harder than being trans. It is easier in some ways, to get a job and family acceptance by society. But in terms of romance, it is much harder to get noticed by either sex as a man than it is trans.

    Song to help understand the male struggle

    There is noone exact like me on this website, I am one of a kind.

    Incorrect. And I dare say there is noone on this webpage who has views quite like mine.

    I have already told you and defended myself. If this was Phoenix Wright you'd be the one on your last leg and the one asked to provide evidence for your prosecutory allegations. But I guess you are the judge and jury here, so you can go on your flamebait accusatory rants and noone bats an eye.
    Really because that's exactly how I would describe you.

    Sure even when slander is fake, I do feel some embarassment when people spread lies about me. Such is the nature of gossip.

    You wrap yourself in delusion, bathe in it.
    When did I excuse rape? And when did I even advocate for bars? I said I don't even like going into bars.
    Do you know how ridiculous you sound?
    What's next you are going to try and ban booze from america and claim booze is sexist rapemachines and anyone who drinks booze is an evil bigot.

    I do need sex. And the reason I don't get sex is because of women. You know, because a. not into dudes and b. I believe in consent and dont rape. Because women get to choose who does or doesn't get sex.
    This is a fact, that no doubt you will try to twist around as part of some fake news. So if I say I don't rape, you will say it means I rape. I have come to expect this kind of twisted thinking from people such as yourself. It's like you need a victim to hate, and that victim just happens to be me, to vent all your frustrations on the world on. You are the nazi, and I am the jew, your personal punching bag you blame for every imaginary thing you hate in your twisted mind.

    And fun fact, american women are narcissists. How else to explain the high standards that american males are expected to adhere to? Only a narcissist would expect a man to be stoic and also buy her a diamond ring at the bare minimum.

    Fun fact I don't believe women owe men sex. If you have been listening, which you haven't (as to be expected of people of your type), my views are somewhat the opposite. I have been saying that american women are essentially heterosexual men and as such, are repulsed by men. I was saying rather that society owes men gender rights and gender freedoms to wear more feminine clothing and styles.

    But feel free to go on your hyperbolic crusade against the heretic of the day, seems popular with your species historically.

    Maybe I come off as a creep, because a. people like you spread lies and gossip about me, or b. because american is a sh*thole country and I don't hide my disdain of the common slaves, sheep, mental midgets, hypocrits and traitors that surround me.

    If this was a rap battle, you'd be demolished right now.
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