Genonymous Terms


Registered Senior Member

The word genonymous comes from Greek genesis (origin) and onoma (name).
Genonymous terms are those that are related because some contain the previous one in its definition.

In Biology:

1- Cell is the essential microscopic unit of living beings.
2- A tissue is each of the structures of cells of identical nature and origin that together perform a certain function in living organisms.
3- An organ is any of the parts of the body of a living being composed of tissues that play a differentiated function
In Astronomy:

1- A star is the celestial body that shines with its own light.
2- A planet is the solid celestial body that revolves around a star and is made visible by the light it reflects.
3- A satellite is the star that revolves around a planet, describing an orbit subjected to the force of gravitation.
In Astronomy:

1- A star is the celestial body that shines with its own light.
2- A planet is the solid celestial body that revolves around a star and is made visible by the light it reflects.
3- A satellite is the star that revolves around a planet, describing an orbit subjected to the force of gravitation.
3- A satellite is the star that revolves around a planet, describing an orbit subjected to the force of gravitation.
I saw a Japanese movie once in which every celestial body was called a "star" - earth was a "star". Maybe Google Translate is letting you down.

(You defined "star" as a "celestial body that shines with its own light." A satellite doesn't.)
I saw a Japanese movie once in which every celestial body was called a "star" - earth was a "star". Maybe Google Translate is letting you down.

(You defined "star" as a "celestial body that shines with its own light." A satellite doesn't.)

OK. Thanks for the observation. I did not realize the error. It was due to the google translator.
In Philochrony:

1- Becoming is the continuous succession of irreversible moments.

2- Time is the becoming passed between two sequential moments.

3- Duration is the permanence of things in time.
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In Grammar:

1- A syllable is the sound or articulated sounds that are pronounced in a single voice emission.

2- A word is the syllable or set of syllables that has a fixed meaning and a grammatical category.

3- A sentence is the word or set of words with which a complete grammatical sense is expressed.
In Geography:

1- A city or town is the set of buildings, streets and a large or small population governed by a town hall.

2- A province or county is the set of cities delimited and maniged by a government.

3- A country or nation is the territory delimited and divided into provinces governed by a national or federal State.
In Physics:

1- One minute is equal to 60 seconds.

2- One hour is equals to 60 minutes.

3- One day has 24 hours.

4- One year has 365 or 366 days,
In Computing:

1- An instruction is the expression formed by letters and numbers that indicates, in an electronic device, the operation that must be performed and the corresponding data.

2- A program is the set of instructions that perform a specific task on a device.

3- A system is the set of basic programs that is responsible for controlling both the hardware and software of a computer.
In Theology

1- A religion is the set of dogmas, norms and practices related to a divinity.

2- A church is the group of faithful who follow a certain religion.

3- A believer is the person who congregates in a church.