God and Soul in Quantum Theory.

My comment was in response to Michael's post by the way and not a reference to your post.

The first post in this thread is weird however, as are many on sciforums.

"The Physical answer ( in my opinion) is more concrete:
There is an Absolute, Infinite, Eternal Reference Frame and IT is
Vacuum in the condition of Absolute Zero: T=0K,
that take the functions of God and create everything in the Universe.
Zero Vacuum T=0K is a "solo fabric" of creation everything in the Universe.
Zero Vacuum T=0K is a Metaphysical / Spirit World."

Regarding life being all things, of course.

"God and soul" isn't made any clearer by bring quantum physics into the conversation however.

To your last statement , disagree

It is clearer , that quantum physics is , in the end , makes god and soul make sense .

However , I have not finished the book by , Howard Bloom
To your last statement , disagree

It is clearer , that quantum physics is , in the end , makes god and soul make sense .

However , I have not finished the book by , Howard Bloom
What is it about quantum physics that makes god and soul, make sense?
Because all forms of life move towards their ultimate form . Evolution of the form .

So... what you're saying is...

What I'm saying is this ; All life forms evolve to their fullest potential as a life form .

That's the essence of evolution .
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What I'm saying is this ; All life forms evolve to their fullest potential as a life form .

That's the essence of evolution .
No it isn't. And no they don't. That is kind of exactly the opposite of what it means to understand evolution.

To be succinct: evolution has no goal and no potential.
What I'm saying is this ; All life forms evolve to their fullest potential as a life form .

That's the essence of evolution .
Evolution is more like water forming puddles; it's opportunistic, but not in the sense of planning.
I'd say it is utterly reactive. Evolutionary changes are entirely at the mercy of the environment resulting in survival for one animal and doom for another. The one that survived (perhaps because it had an advantage) passes on its genes more often; the other, not so much.
river said:
What I'm saying is this ; All life forms evolve to their fullest potential as a life form .

That's the essence of evolution .

No it isn't. And no they don't. That is kind of exactly the opposite of what it means to understand evolution.

To be succinct: evolution has no goal and no potential.

You missed my point Dave ; the essence of evolution is to evolve . To become more than the life form it was in the past ?


Then why does the evolution of life then exist in the first place ?
You missed my point Dave ; the essence of evolution is to evolve . To become more than the life form it was in the past ?

You are implying that evolution is somehow intelligent.

It is not.

Then why does the evolution of life then exist in the first place ?

This was already explained to you river.

You have a group of creatures (say, 100, for the sake of simplicity) that subsist by eating leaves off of the lower branches of certain trees.
Of this group, 50 are very similar, almost identical. 25 of them, for some reason, have longer necks. 25, for some reason, have shorter necks. Typically, this reason is a random genetic mutation.

These longer and shorter necks continue to be passed down to their offspring as they mate.

Suddenly, there is a very bad drought, and a lot of the trees shrivel, die, or are otherwise not producing leaves. On the remaining trees, the lower branches are quickly stripped away, both by these animals and by other herbivores. Food becomes scarce at the lower levels, and the short-neck animals begin to die off.

As the drought continues, most of the short-neck animals are dead, and now the 'normal' neck animals have eaten all the leaves THEY can reach, and they begin to die off.

By the time the rains come back, and the trees start to regrow, it is the long-necked variant of these creatures that have survived the best, and are slightly more populous. Additionally, many of the short and normal necked animals that were pregnant either died or miscarried because of the lack of food.

As the population regrows, there are considerably more long-necked variants, and the population has shifted, to where there are only 5 short necked, 45 normal necked, and 50 long necked.

A year or two goes by, and this weather pattern repeats. Before long, all that's left are the long-necked variety, which can reach all the leaves on the trees, not just the lower ones.

BAM, natural selection / evolution at work.

Oh, and now you have Giraffes.

Obviously the timeframes and quantity of animals were much, much larger... but this is, in essence, what happened, albeit on a much larger, much slower, and much longer lasting scale. There was also a secondary selection, in that, since giraffes use their necks while fighting over mates, those with longer, more powerful necks had the advantage and, much like colorful feathers on birds, were more desirable to females. Thus the longer-neck trait was passed along more frequently.


You are implying that evolution is somehow intelligent.

It is not.

This was already explained to you river.

You have a group of creatures (say, 100, for the sake of simplicity) that subsist by eating leaves off of the lower branches of certain trees.
Of this group, 50 are very similar, almost identical. 25 of them, for some reason, have longer necks. 25, for some reason, have shorter necks. Typically, this reason is a random genetic mutation.

These longer and shorter necks continue to be passed down to their offspring as they mate.

Suddenly, there is a very bad drought, and a lot of the trees shrivel, die, or are otherwise not producing leaves. On the remaining trees, the lower branches are quickly stripped away, both by these animals and by other herbivores. Food becomes scarce at the lower levels, and the short-neck animals begin to die off.

As the drought continues, most of the short-neck animals are dead, and now the 'normal' neck animals have eaten all the leaves THEY can reach, and they begin to die off.

By the time the rains come back, and the trees start to regrow, it is the long-necked variant of these creatures that have survived the best, and are slightly more populous. Additionally, many of the short and normal necked animals that were pregnant either died or miscarried because of the lack of food.

As the population regrows, there are considerably more long-necked variants, and the population has shifted, to where there are only 5 short necked, 45 normal necked, and 50 long necked.

A year or two goes by, and this weather pattern repeats. Before long, all that's left are the long-necked variety, which can reach all the leaves on the trees, not just the lower ones.

BAM, natural selection / evolution at work.

Oh, and now you have Giraffes.

Obviously the timeframes and quantity of animals were much, much larger... but this is, in essence, what happened, albeit on a much larger, much slower, and much longer lasting scale. There was also a secondary selection, in that, since giraffes use their necks while fighting over mates, those with longer, more powerful necks had the advantage and, much like colorful feathers on birds, were more desirable to females. Thus the longer-neck trait was passed along more frequently.



And yet evolution on its own , could not happen if there was no agent to bring forth the potential of the life form .

Hence there must be an agent which does so . Whether from microbiology or something else .
And yet evolution on its own , could not happen if there was no agent to bring forth the potential of the life form .

Hence there must be an agent which does so . Whether from microbiology or something else .

You are absolutely, 100% correct, river. There is an "agent" enacting this change.

I'll let you in on a secret - I know who this agent is!

Wanna see?


Goes by many names... Death, the Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, etc.

The mechanism by which natural selection works is pretty simple, river. Useful and/or biologically positive traits are passed on... because the animals with those traits live to pass them on. Harmful or otherwise hampering traits are slowly phased out as the animals with those traits die without getting to do the horizontal electric slide.
="Kittamaru, post: 353986You are absolutely, 100% correct, river. There is an "agent" enacting this change.

I'll let you in on a secret - I know who this agent is!

Wanna see?


Goes by many names... Death, the Grim Reaper, Angel of Death, etc.

The mechanism by which natural selection works is pretty simple, river. Useful and/or biologically positive traits are passed on... because the animals with those traits live to pass them on. Harmful or otherwise hampering traits are slowly phased out as the animals with those traits die without getting to do the horizontal electric slide.

such as panda bears

There is an Absolute, Infinite, Eternal Reference Frame and IT is
Vacuum in the condition of Absolute Zero: T=0K,
You're using the term "reference frame" incorrectly.

Zero Vacuum T=0K is a "solo fabric" of creation everything in the Universe.
What is a "solo fabric"?

Zero Vacuum T=0K is a Metaphysical / Spirit World.
I thought you said you were trying to give a physical explanation.

How can I prove my opinion?
1. God does not create this Material World directly Himself.
2. To create Material World and everything in It, God uses Spiritual Particles.
3. The modern name of these Spiritual Particles is Quantum of Light.
What's spiritual about photons?

Quantum of Light is most phenomenal particle in the World.
Quantum of Light is the structural essence of the Material World.
No. The material world (discounting the problem of dark matter) appears to be constructed mostly from protons, neutrons and electrons.

The essence of all material objects is Quantum of Light.
I hope the proof of this is coming later in your post...

In the Vacuum Quantum of Light has maximal speed : c=1
You're using natural units, I take it?

(from our earthly- gravity point of view).
Why does the point of view matter? Is your theory non-relativistic?

No material particles can ever attain this velocity. It means that this
constant characteristic brings quantum of light to the world which
is different from Material World and this is Vacuum World of Spirits.
That's not what Einstein said.

Many kinds of so-called different particles (waves) are only different
manifestation / modifications of Quantum of Light.
How can I prove this opinion?
It seems that different particles create different waves:
EM-waves, Gamma-Radiation waves, Röntgen-Radiation waves,
Light-Waves, Ultraviolet -waves, Super/Ultra-High-TV-waves,
Short/Mid/Long wave- length Radio Emission waves . . . but . .
. . . but the energy of each of them is written by formula: E=h*f.
It means that the difference between all these particles / radiations
depends only on frequencies and the background of these modifications
is one and the same particle: Quantum of Light in different frequencies.
I agree. All of the radiation types you mention here are electromagnetic radiation.

Why the simple quantum particle electron has six ( 6 ) formulas:
+E=Mc^2 and -E=Mc^2 ,
E=h*f and e^2=ah*c,
E=-me^4/2h*^2= -13,6eV and E= ∞ ?
What does E=hf have to do with electrons?

My answer:
Because an electron and quantum of light / photon and antielectron
are one and the same particle in different actions and conditions and
" The Law of conservation and transformation of energy/ mass "
unites them together.
That doesn't work, since the photon is massless and the antielectron is not.

The Quantum of Light is not static / firm particle.
Quantum of Light is an elastic particle and can change its geometrical form.
Please list the possible geometric forms, and explain how you know it has those forms.

Through so-called "vacuum fluctuation / transformation" Quantum of Light
can materialize or dematerialize its body ( virtual particle can become real
and vice versa) using its own inner impulse h or h*=h/2pi.
(Newtonian physics explains movement as a result of outside influence,
Quantum physics explains movement as a result of own inner power / impulse
of particle and therefore Quantum physics is only a modern Aristotle's
I don't see the relevant of point (e) to your argument.

1. The potential state of Quantum of Light in the Zero Vacuum is: E=Mc^2.
What is the value of M for your Quantum of Light?

2. In the straight constant movement its speed is c=1 and its energy is: E=hc
That formula appears to be dimensionally incorrect. Did you make a mistake?

Quantum of Light behaves like a "particle".
3. In the rotation around its axis Quantum of Light behaves like "wave"
with energy: E=h*f.
Which geometrical form are you discussing now? How many axes are there? Which one are you referring to?

In the Zero Vacuum nobody has influence on
behavior of Quantum of Light. Quantum of Light by himself decided
in which state He wants to be, it means that Quantum of Light has some
kind of consciousness.
What is the experimental evidence for this?

The consciousness of Quantum of Light can evolve.
Quantum of Light takes part in creation atom, cell, flower, . . . etc . . . and
in creation every living being. And Its evolution of consciousness is going
step by step (from atom, cell, flower . . . to a living being )
according to ancient
Vedas conception: ‘ from vague wish up to a clear thought ’
Where's the evidence for any of this?

Now . . . . . if . . . .
If Quantum of Light have some kind of consciousness which can evolve and
the Absolute Zero T=0K gave the birth to this conscious Spiritual
Particles . . . .
then . . . . then it means that the T=0K by Itself has an Absolute the Highest
form of Consciousness.
That doesn't follow logically, as far as I can tell. Did you make a mistake?

The tendency to understand "God" by physical laws, formulas,
equations using the Quantum Theory never will be ended.
Oh dear...

My concussions:
Oh, poor you. Is that what caused it?

We don't accepted Absolute Reference Frame T=0K and therefore
we don't know what Quantum of Light and Electron are and therefore
every speculation is possible. I say:
1) God is simple: T=0K
2) Soul is simple: Quantum of Light
( c/d=pi, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, h=E/t, h=kb,
h=1, c=1. h*=h/2pi, c>1, E=h*f , e^2=ach* , e^i(pi)= -1)
3) Everything else (material) is complex.
So, God is a temperature, souls are photons, there are some equations, and matter is hard to understand. Is that a fair summary of your conclusions?
So, God is a temperature, souls are photons, there are some equations, and matter is hard to understand. Is that a fair summary of your conclusions?

You nailed it but you should have known any way as it is all the The Good Book

The Holy Babble

Socratus just had to do the interpretation for you
