Google spellchecker


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I am dsylexic and often need my words corrected and the best checker has to be google. How does google get it right so often? I can some time write a word that not even I would guess what it say yet google can often work it out, how?

Also, if google is so good why is MS Word so bad?

Also, is there so way to improve MS Word or have my documents spell checked by a better program?
If you could find a software engineer who could integrate both forms, I think because Goodgle uses the web to cross reference the order and no. of letters while microsoft searches an inbuilt dictionary its better, but i'm not even close to a computer expert..
Myself, I use Open Office and find its spellcheck system good for my poor spelling. However, it always ends up telling me that when something is "proven" it should be written "pro ven"!

I get the same thing with Google.. :shrug:
It's like the spell checkers don't know the word lol