Have You Voted?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by joepistole, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Have you voted today? If so please feel free to discuss the experience. I voted today. There was nothing unusual about it. Like millions of Americans I cast an early vote by mail. A few years ago, I began voting early with a mail-in ballot. And I love it. There are very few hassles, no long lines, no parking problems, no hanging chads, and I get time to research people and ballot issues.

    I don't miss going to the polling station, and I absolutely hate waiting in lines. I wonder why more people don't early vote by mail. It's just so damn convenient.

    So, have you voted? If so, how did you cast your ballot? What do think about the experience?
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  3. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    Me an wife voted thursday.!!!
    I went to the IN Gov website an we filled out an application online to vote early in person.!!!
    Im old enuff to use the mail in a ballot (wit no excuse needed) but my wife ant so we both went in person.!!!
    As we made a left turn in the buildin to get to the votein room some old guy settin on a bench said "what you doin"... i said goin to vote... he said "what you got"... i said my early vote application an just stared at him an he didnt say nuthin else... an i then noticed he an the two old ladies by him all had a badge on ther shirts so i guess they was legit volenteers but his questons was a bit weird.!!!
    After we got in the votin room we gave the person our applications an they had to discuss it wit a coworker cause they hadnt seen the forms typed out befor... an finaly anuther guy came over an said its fine an they put a sticker on it an sent us on our way to mark our ballots.!!!
    It all took us less than 15 minutes an we was back on the road agan.!!!
    A lot beter than standin in line for 1 1/2 hrs on election day.!!!
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  5. MacGyver1968 Fixin' Shit that Ain't Broke Valued Senior Member

    I've been eligible to vote for 30 years now, and have voted in 7 Presidential elections. This will be the first one I will sit out. I can't, in good conscious, vote for the Giant Douchebag, or The Turd Sandwich (Southpark ref.). I think Clinton is much better prepared to do the job, but in my mind, she's so crooked, she could swallow a nail, and poop out a corkscrew. Trump...well...is just Trump. I don't think he has the temperament or the experience for the job. So I'm staying home.
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  7. Janus58 Valued Senior Member

    The wife and I voted last week when we got our ballots. Here in Oregon we vote entirely by mail. We also just instituted automatic voter registration through the DMV. Any eligible voter is registered if they hold a driver's license. Notices were sent out a few weeks ago to inform/remind people of this so they wouldn't be confused when they got a ballot even when they hadn't personally registered.
    cluelusshusbund and joepistole like this.
  8. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Inculcating that is the goal of the Republican campaign - the reason for all this weird stuff about Clinton (a homicidal maniac likely to start WWIII?) As long as enough people think that where there's smoke there must be some fire in there somewhere, the smoke blowers have the advantage.

    Voted absentee ballot a couple days ago. Pleasant experience - was able to research the school board candidates and contested judges if missed, have a cup of coffee, take my time.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    That's the way it should be done in every state.
    Russ_Watters and cluelusshusbund like this.
  10. PhysBang Valued Senior Member

    This seems inanely poor reasoning. You have a chance to actually do something with your vote, i.e., stop Trump from becoming president, and you will not do this because you think that voting somehow reflects on your conscience in some other way. It does not.
    sideshowbob likes this.
  11. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    One question: What do you have to compare to?

    Thing is, you don't.

    In truth, I think if we treated Colin Powell this way, he would either be ruined or we would have decided handling his secretariat through Yahoo! mail just wasn't that big a deal.

    Seriously, we don't do this to any other politicians; we have no basis for comparison whatsoever.

    Frankly, I think it's because she's a woman.

    I don't think you would treat a man this way.
  12. cluelusshusbund + Public Dilemma + Valued Senior Member

    O man... wish i had read you'r post befor i voted :-(
    It woud be nice not to have voted an then no mater who won i coud criticize ther mistakes an proudly say that "I" didnt vote for 'em.!!!
    An so what if me not votein does help Trump to win... whats the worst that coud hapen... atomic war... lol... but serously... mayb a good dose of Trump woud be a good learnin experience for Americans.!!!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  13. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Yes I voted on the 24th, All Oregon's ballots are mail-in. So much easier. Goodbye Trump. I hope to never see your disgusting orange mug on my HD TV ever again.
    joepistole likes this.
  14. ForrestDean Registered Senior Member

    Nah, I don't participate in presidential elections unless it suits me for entertainment purposes.
  15. sideshowbob Sorry, wrong number. Valued Senior Member

    In our recent civic election there was a drive-through voting booth outside City Hall. I wondered what kind of idiot drives all the way downtown to vote when the polling station is two blocks away.

    They also have a drive-through booth to pay your taxes. I wonder what kind of idiot drives all the way downtown to pay his taxes when there's a mail box on every corner.

    Apparently "convenient" means never having to get out of your car.
  16. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    You apparently didn't read the other half of the explanation.

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    ....Or maybe you just missed the point of the South Park reference: The "Turd Sandwich" is Hillary. I think it is perfectly reasonable to stay home on election day rather than vote for a Turd Sandwich.
  17. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    Colin Powell's actions and Clintons are not even close to comparable unless you skip most of what Clinton did and compare only a vague/superficial description like "both had personal email accounts".
    Don't do what? Treat them with intense scrutiny? Really? That's part and parcel of what it means to be a politician!
    Maybe I'm missing something about what you think her bad treatment is, but do you seriously believe Trump isn't being treated worse than Clinton by the media and by other politicians?
  18. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    Twice today and I'm going to vote tomorrow too!

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
    PA doesn't have that option, but I live in a small town and there are rarely any lines on voting day.
  19. PhysBang Valued Senior Member

    No, I read everything. Apparently neither that poster nor you understand how voting works. One votes for a preference between options, not some endorsement of an entire platform or individual. People that stay home are essentially voting for whoever wins, Trump or not.
  20. PhysBang Valued Senior Member

    Let me guess: you're white.
  21. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    As far as we know Colin's were worse, from a security standpoint anyway.
    1) You can vote from home. I did.
    2) Welcome Political Greaterevil - W&Cheney, for example. Love them Iraq Wars, FEMA Katrina fuckups, economic crashes, skyrocketing financial fraud rates, Supreme Court degradation, political discourse depravity, and so forth.

    Because when you allow yourself to be manipulated by the "both sides" irrationality, you abandon the role of reason in the allocation your vote as well as the value of maintained expectation in the existence of your vote.

    The bad guys are already on scene - they only need you to stay home. They're dealing from power - they don't need reason, approval, any of that. The lower the percentage of people who vote, and especially -> are expected to vote, by people in a position to make decisions, the greater the advantage of power - financial and otherwise - over reason, in the arrangements of public and political life.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  22. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    We can't figure out whom to vote for, so we haven't voted yet. Both of the major party candidates, and both of the minor party candidates, have issues that make them somewhat unattractive. (Or horribly unattractive, in one case.)

    The first election in which I was old enough to vote was 1964. I voted for LBJ, and then was horrified that he not only did not end the Vietnam War, but made it worse. Geeze, I thought that after Korea, every American knew that you can't win a war against China if you're fighting in China's backyard! Yes, LBJ did wonders for civil rights, but we all assumed that Ladybird, one of the nicest women who ever lived, had him in a hammerlock.

    So in 1968 I voted for the Peace and Freedom Party. I had no respect for either of the major party candidates, and assumed that their campaign promises were all lies. By 1972 the Libertarian Party had caught my eye, and I voted for their candidates all the way up to 2004. In 2008 I broke with my tradition and voted for Obama. We'd had our first President not of British ancestry (Van Buren) and the first Catholic (JFK) so it was time to have the first black President, even though he's actually only half black. I voted for him again in 2012, so I wouldn't feel horrible if he lost by one vote.

    But this time? Holy crap. Yes, I know that Hillary is the only candidate who can come close to doing a decent job: Trump has no government experience, and the Green and Libertarian candidates both want to make it legal to not vaccinate children, which would take us back to my childhood when people I knew personally caught polio.

    I might consider not voting at all, but there are several state and county offices with good candidates, and a couple of ballot initiatives.

    And we'll probably end up with our first female President, which isn't so bad.
  23. Russ_Watters Not a Trump supporter... Valued Senior Member

    Not sure what that has to do with anything, but yes.
    Apparently they can vote in ways and for reasons you don't approve!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016

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