I am right

I am right because you are...

  • Total voters
Now ....I wonder who among y'all would like to make any claims about how great and accurate polls are?

Baron Max
Now ....I wonder who among y'all would like to make any claims about how great and accurate polls are?

Baron Max

The validity of a poll is determined by the accuracy with which it estimates the outcome measure.
And input has no part in the accuracy of a poll????

Baron Max

Of course, so its up to the person designing the poll to ensure that his/her outcome measure will be assessed with reasonable accuracy by careful selection of poll options to avoid bias.
Specify who 'I' refers to first. PS Is this some kind of weird test, or have you taken leave of your senses?

All this cogitation over a simple poll.:D

What is your immediate response on reading the poll?

Who do you think the "I" refers to? And why?
All this cogitation over a simple poll.:D

What is your immediate response on reading the poll?

Who do you think the "I" refers to? And why?

I refers to you, me, and everyone here. Since we are all the same thing essentially...just different bodies.
I refers to you, me, and everyone here. Since we are all the same thing essentially...just different bodies.

I should have known you'd get it.:D

I and you are the same of course.

You get a cookie

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What happened to 'I am right'--because you are wrong, in this case? Which is probably the most correct answer in a real situation.
What happened to 'I am right'--because you are wrong, in this case? Which is probably the most correct answer in a real situation.

But that would depend on weighing the points under discussion, not the person involved in the discussion.

Essentially all those who make decisions based on opinion are defeating the purpose of the discussion, which is to lay out all points of view. All is does is turn people into mirror image protagonists.

I think its interesting that brainwashed morons lead the pack!
Soooo is 'I' you or me? :confused:

I want a straight answer, dammit.

Samcdkey never, ever gives a straight answer ...to any-fuckin'-thing!! But she/he can post a gazillion website links in order to confuse you even more!!! ...LOL!

In fact, that's what makes her/him such a great propagandist. I imagine she/he must make a damned fortune being a propagandist! :D

Baron Max
Well shes got to be better than some of the biased delusional morons, whos backwardness and eerie difference, wouldnt be so bad if they werent so uneducated.
Why has she 'got' to be? How do you know she isn't a 'biased delusional moron' too? On what criteria can you make this judgement? You don't have any criteria at all!

Baron Max redarmy11
Because shes not your sister?:p

Thats the standard Im gauging the biased delusional morons, whos backwardness and eerie difference, wouldnt be so bad if they werent so uneducated........ Through todays square window with big ted.