I have proof

Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
From a planet with liquid methane so you only meed a fluid substance to propagate life and maybe I could get more learned with thermodynamics at a quantum level.

But I still have proof!

From a planet with liquid methane so you only meed a fluid substance to propagate life and maybe I could get more learned with thermodynamics at a quantum level.

But I still have proof!


Or is this a (rather good) pastiche of Beaconator? :D
From a planet with liquid methane so you only meed a fluid substance to propagate life and maybe I could get more learned with thermodynamics at a quantum level.

But I still have proof!

as/re proof
did you switch from 80 to 101 without reducing the volume?
From a planet with liquid methane so you only meed a fluid substance to propagate life and maybe I could get more learned with thermodynamics at a quantum level.

But I still have proof!

I take many near death experience accounts seriously so......
this is evidence that I accept.. .but I could not call it proof.... but it was interesting!

Christian Andreason, chapter two of his near death experience account....
What about beings from other planets, do you think they visit here?

Yes I do. And I think those who have been permitted to cross over into our world have been doing so for a very long time now (for a very important purpose) as Divinely arranged by Heaven. Since my NDE, because of a few things I was shown, it is now my deep belief that some of the more phenomenal events depicted in the Old Testament (such as the Great flood of Noah, the parting of the Red Sea for Moses, the mass explosion of Sodom and Gomorrah, etc) are not only very true, but were moments in time which were orchestrated and performed by beings of a much higher order and intelligence than our ownwho may have volunteered their technology and understandings or even sent to help guide and shape a culture within humanity during a pressing time within its development and evolution.

Why do some claim to see these beings and some do not?

I think we pass by things all the time without noticing them, but that does not mean they do not exist or that they are not there. We human beings tend to form and fashion what we call 'our reality' based upon what we believe we can handle.
From a planet with liquid methane so you only meed a fluid substance to propagate life and maybe I could get more learned with thermodynamics at a quantum level.

But I still have proof!

i met a person once many many years ago
who told me they were from a different planet, that they had been born on a different planet other than earth.

they appeared 'relatively' sane(some people will say anything to try & get someone to have casual sex with them).

some people call that proof
but its just a "report"

personal "reports" by "people" or "experiencers" is not "proof"

but the American media evolution toward making up facts to present news value in a highly competitive click market, have promoted the idea that an "experience" is "proof"
its not

an "experience" is a "report" of an "event"

the "event" then requires its own "proof" which does not consist of "witness reports"
"proof" is scientific data that defines things to be non earth originating
like a metal that is unable to be identified by professional research labs
or genetic material that is clearly identified as being non human and non earth related.
the "proof" its self is the conclusive scientific funding of something being directly non earth/human related.

for example there is no proof god exists
there is also no proof jesus existed
any person who is created/born/etc who lives & then dies and no physical body remains to be scientifically tested has no proof of life.

human experience tends in a majority toward aspects in modern life that is effectively non provable because the primary function is to "experience" rather than gather "proof"

the human evolution obsession with "proof" & one could argue "truth" as a religious dualism

was during the middle to later end of AD 1500 to AD 1900

imagine if you had to prove everything you said
what type of world would that type of demand on others be like ?
nazi party (germany 1920's to 1940's) ?

stalins purge russia ?
maus red gaurd ?
moonies ?
wako texas ?
hale bob comet cult ?
poll pot ?
tutsies/hutu's ?
the grand inquisition ?
(suggested) aztecs blood(adult human, teen & baby) sacrifice culture ?

for an example of relative comparatives

look at existing animal sacrifices & ritualistic killings for personal opinion/religious belief[killing of one animal & making it suffer for personal entertainment{cock fighting, dog fighting, animal baiting, bull fighting, torture then eating of animals for spiritual belief's}]...
(extremely wide spread)

ironically the human conceptual morality of non suffering of an animal prior to it being painlessly killed for human needs based subsistence is extremely modern
try and comparatively equate that concept of moral position to concepts of xenophobic nationalism toward human co-habitation.
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