If you are an Emo, rise your hand

no, he wouldn't have to wait to get to school to get beat

LOL..... I find it funny that the ones mostly defending it don't have kids.

I wonder if they would stand proud if they had to introduce this kid as their SON dressed like that. :rolleyes:
So you like to wear plastic headbands and pink berets in your hair? Do you hang around with a lot of guys that do?

I'm sorry, since when did this thread become about me ? Is this an attempt to divert attention from something?

I commented on the fact that wearing plastic headbands and pink beret shouldhave nothing to do with a fathers pride in son, as a father should be able to accept their son's styles and phases. Unfortunately, it seems that parents breed their kids to be clone copies of themselves, or society.

Emo does not mean drugs, Alchohol. It's an expression. So be it if he gets heckled by idiots for it, it's his choice. Any father that can stand by an emo kid in public is worthy of respect.
I'm sorry, since when did this thread become about me ? Is this an attempt to divert attention from something?

I commented on the fact that wearing plastic headbands and pink beret shouldhave nothing to do with a fathers pride in son, as a father should be able to accept their son's styles and phases. Unfortunately, it seems that parents breed their kids to be clone copies of themselves, or society.

Emo does not mean drugs, Alchohol. It's an expression. So be it if he gets heckled by idiots for it, it's his choice. Any father that can stand by an emo kid in public is worthy of respect.

Well I just wondered if you would be proud to hang out with guy friends like that. Would you?

So if you were a father you would have no problem hanging out with your son dressed like that? Be honest now........
...Emo does not mean drugs, Alchohol. It's an expression. So be it if he gets heckled by idiots for it, it's his choice. Any father that can stand by an emo kid in public is worthy of respect.

agreed. My husband feels the same way. He said "If *** has no problem with me wearing my beer can hat, I'd have no issue with him wearing a headband."

Parents can be just as embarrassing as their kid.


and for the record, he doesn't have a beer can hat, but I think he is now hoping our son comes downstairs in a head band and barrette just so he can go get one. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he buys our son a headband and pays him to wear it. LOL :D
Well I just wondered if you would be proud to hang out with guy friends like that. Would you?

So if you were a father you would have no problem hanging out with your son dressed like that? Be honest now........

None whatsoever. Because at that age, I would have learnt to recognize him as an individual. This is a teenage thing.
To be honest, most outings that involve father and son, usually are either in places so loud, no one remembers each other, or they're family outings.
Now, If my 5 year old son was doing that. I'd be concerned.
Do you know him? Do you actually know that he's only doing it to get a reaction?

Getting a reaction is probably not his sole reaction, no. But he'd be an idiot if he didn't realise he was going to get one.

People could say the same thing about us with our leather jackets and other metal gear, you know...

And in my case, that would be true. I did dress to get a reaction. I wanted people to know I firmly rejected the poncy 'New Romantic' trend that was happening in the 80's when I grew up. Having long hair meant I wasn't a Nazi fuck skinhead or sympathiser. It meant I wasn't a pansy ass Mod.

How do you know he doesn't have the courage to go out in public? Do you know him?

The clue is that the picture is taken in the bathroom, most likely the only room in the house with a lock. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out.

'I'm older than you' is not a counter argument.

Having 20 more years life experience as an adult does, however.

Ah, of course. You suffered something as a youngster, therefore you are right and I am wrong. Yawn.

Nope, it was just life experience.

I had a group of chavs surround me and threaten to rape me, does that count? Do I get to have my opinions considered higher than other people's because I had a bad experience? Can I go about calling people self-centred because they don't agree with me?

You've had some life experience, and yes, that means you can judge chavs as being violent, threatening assholes.

As for being self centred, well, you must recognise that people will judge you for the way you look, and it's naive to think that people shouldn't do that, you can't control the world. Moaning about being judged is introspective bullshit.
...The clue is that the picture is taken in the bathroom, most likely the only room in the house with a lock. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out....

So he did his hair in the bathroom for privacy and then posted the picture on the web?
Where do you do your hair? The kitchen?
first hting i try and remember is not to make fun of people because you dont know what theyre dealing with at home.
Getting a reaction is probably not his sole reaction, no. But he'd be an idiot if he didn't realise he was going to get one.

And in my case, that would be true. I did dress to get a reaction. I wanted people to know I firmly rejected the poncy 'New Romantic' trend that was happening in the 80's when I grew up. Having long hair meant I wasn't a Nazi fuck skinhead or sympathiser. It meant I wasn't a pansy ass Mod.

The clue is that the picture is taken in the bathroom, most likely the only room in the house with a lock. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out.

Having 20 more years life experience as an adult does, however.

Nope, it was just life experience.

You've had some life experience, and yes, that means you can judge chavs as being violent, threatening assholes.

As for being self centred, well, you must recognise that people will judge you for the way you look, and it's naive to think that people shouldn't do that, you can't control the world. Moaning about being judged is introspective bullshit.

The clue is that the picture is taken in the bathroom, most likely the only room in the house with a lock. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out.

I take them in my bathroom sometimes because of the white light in there.

Having 20 more years life experience as an adult does, however.

Nope, it was just life experience.

Yeah, yeah. You have more life experience so you're automatically right and I'm automatically wrong. When you explain why, I'll give you some credence, right now I think I will just roll my eyes, yawn, and reach for some more caffeine.

You've had some life experience, and yes, that means you can judge chavs as being violent, threatening assholes.

Some. Not all. I do not judge every young male who wears sports gear as a violent asshole.

As for being self centred, well, you must recognise that people will judge you for the way you look, and it's naive to think that people shouldn't do that, you can't control the world. Moaning about being judged is introspective bullshit

Bullshit. I know better than to put a label on someone because of how they look and I expect the same reasonable behaviour from others. I don't respect people who see dark clothes and immediately think 'Whiny, entitled weakling.' I figured that out a long time ago, if a teen can understand that, older people damn well can.

And is anyone gonna tell me why males shouldn't adopt a female-typical style and vice versa?

The world isn't gonna end because a guy wears a style associated with females.
So he did his hair in the bathroom for privacy and then posted the picture on the web?

Do your parents see what you post on the Internet? Maybe they don't associate your handle here, with your real name? Maybe, this kid knew his parents wouldn't see the pic online?

Where do you do your hair? The kitchen?

I don't 'do' my hair, and I don't take self portraits in the bathroom. I don't take self portraits.
Do your parents see what you post on the Internet? Maybe they don't associate your handle here, with your real name? Maybe, this kid knew his parents wouldn't see the pic online?....

So he took the pic in the bathroom because he was hiding from Mom and Dad?? Do you think with the lip piercing, the gauged ear, and the hair across his face that they are gonna be shocked by a headband?
Just would like to see how many are here and how many of them dare to admit it.


P.S.: Draqon, you don't need to rise your hand, we already know it...

Are Emo kids only guys/boys? If not, what is the girl version looked like?

Edit: nevermind, I should have googled it in advance:


Actually now that I think of it, those kind of make ups are quite popular in Japan, i.e. harajuku style. Looked a bit ridiculous for the guys, but for the girls, are kinda cool. I wish I would have experienced wearing Emo style like that :D
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Just would like to see how many are here and how many of them dare to admit it.


P.S.: Draqon, you don't need to rise your hand, we already know it...

Is that picture actually the correct representation of Emo kids? From what I google, they looked like this:

Typical Emo kids from that link:

Not so girly. Maybe that one in the OP is just an extreme case of Emo kid. I won't let my kids (if I will have any) have that kind of hair, though, kinda disturbing.. How would you read or walk properly when your hair covering your eyes?!
I think that hairdo looks cool.

I used to have a cut like that but not so short. It would flare into my face all the time. I just learned to see through my hair. I don't think I ever had reading/walking problems.
That kind of looks like Marilyn Manson, but more normal looking.

Yup. Marilyn Manson is kinda scary (to me).

I think that hairdo looks cool.

I used to have a cut like that but not so short. It would flare into my face all the time. I just learned to see through my hair. I don't think I ever had reading/walking problems.

That's because the hair (of that guy) is good. On the other hand, if the hair is oily (like the one in the OP), I would imagine he'd get lots of pimples on the forehead :p