If you don't workout report here for briefing.


Ok all people who don't work out come and present yourself in this here thread, then you shall all start a basic workout scheme. If you never workout you must report here and actualy do the small workouts that won't take up much of your time and will improve your life.

No objections, you want to take part you find it good.

Okay, I walk a lot and do yoga [which I started due to a stiff back eons ago]. So I have great endurance and flexibility.

I want to do training to improve my muscle tone and strength. I can work out a maximum of 2 hours a week [thats all I'll take seriously, at any rate]

What you got?
I walk about a mile on days that I don't walk to or from school, on days that I walk to or from school, I walk 2 miles, and on days that I walk to and from school, about 3 miles.

that's about it.
Merely walking doesnt yield any endurance at all.

You have to breathe hard.

I can walk 8-10 miles a day without feeling tired. Thats endurance. Breathing hard is aerobic capacity. Thats different.
Best execrcis is isometrics; pushing your own weight. Wake up, do 3 sets of 10 or 20 pushups and situps in 5 minutes and pelvic floor exercises, yeah, even for guys, it works. :)
I don't work out.
If I suddenly feel like doing something strenuous I lay down until I'm normal again.
Henry Ford: Exercise is bunk - if you're healthy you don't need it, if you're not you can't do it.
Ok all people who don't work out come and present yourself in this here thread, then you shall all start a basic workout scheme. If you never workout you must report here and actualy do the small workouts that won't take up much of your time and will improve your life.

No objections, you want to take part you find it good.


when you say work out, do you mean running, weight lifting, going to the jym>

personally i dont do any of that, i have a little kid that keeps me running around, i run up and down my stairs 3 times a day, i walk every where, isnt excersise, excersise however you get it?
Okay, I walk a lot and do yoga [which I started due to a stiff back eons ago]. So I have great endurance and flexibility.

I want to do training to improve my muscle tone and strength. I can work out a maximum of 2 hours a week [thats all I'll take seriously, at any rate]

What you got?

The yoga is pretty good. You could mix in some body weight exercizes, like pushups and squats---this could work in nicely with your daily yoga. If you only want to tone, you could buy a cheap set of dumbells, and do some light lifting.
Okay, I walk a lot and do yoga [which I started due to a stiff back eons ago]. So I have great endurance and flexibility.

I want to do training to improve my muscle tone and strength. I can work out a maximum of 2 hours a week [thats all I'll take seriously, at any rate]

What you got?

The basics ofcourse, the basics are the best.

Firstly we will work on our core muscles all together, Start with a little cardio to get the blood running. I dont know everybodies fitness levels but thats not a problem just do as much as you can and gradualy build up over the weeks adding more reps and sets where you see fit for improvement.

We will start with the running/jogging, then do some squats, sit ups, push ups, pull ups.

If you dont have a pull up bar then find anything above head height that you can get a firm grip on and use that.

All of you guys know your own fitness level better than anybody, So we will start by seeing how many of the above mentioned workouts we can manage and then set a base level to progress from.

If you can only manage 10 sit ups/push ups/pull ups/squats in a row then thats fine, just make it ten reps per set, then do as many sets as you can. Write down your base level and then each time you workout try to up the ante a little by maybe increasing the amount of reps by 2-3, or even adding on another set.

So for example, We will run for 10-15 mins take a short break (not too long), get down and do 3 sets of 10 sit ups with a 30 second break roughly in between each set. then move onto the pull ups squats and push ups. If you want you can post a reply of your base plan when you fiigure out your starting limits, then post your progress each time you workout so we can see your improvement.

Once we have all got to a decent level we can then move onto doing some moderte nd advanced trining plans, but the basics should never be left behind, even if you can bench 200 Kg's you should still do push ups.

Thats all too complicated for me.

What would be an ideal weekly timetable?

How should I pace the running and workout?

Assume I am a beginner [I hate running]
Thats all too complicated for me.

What would be an ideal weekly timetable?

How should I pace the running and workout?

Assume I am a beginner [I hate running]


ll you do is get down on the floor, do 10 push ups rest for 30 seconds and do another 10 and another 10. Same with squats and the others. Thats not complicated thats being lazy, you will enjoy doing it once you are good at it.

Running is a key workout, the human body is designed to run and track down prey over long distances like the masai tribe still practice. If you are a beginner then you can start by running a small distance then building up gradualy. If somebody hates fruit and veg they can't just say "im never eating any of it because I hate it" It is key that you consume fruit and veg to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you do not then you will suffer with poor health and ability.

Same goes for running, start by running a half mile or something small. At the very least people should go running a few times per week.

The routine will go according to your free time and willing-ness, if you could do sets of push ups/squats/sit ups/pull ups about 5 times per week that would be ideal. It won't take more than 20 mins a day.

Think about it 20 mins of your day is the price you pay and the rewards are having a much better functioning body. It's win win, I gain nothing from helping any of you guys. 20 mins of your life and you may even live years longer.

Nah, don't like it. Thanks. Sounds dull and boring. :)

It wont take more than 20 mins, just listen to music or watch television while you do it. If you go running in a park or somewhere nice just take in the scenery like you were taking a walk, or just bring your ipod.

If you are watching a movie or TV show then doing squats or sit ups is not going to make things anymore boring. you don't need to dedicate hours and hours per day just to get in decent shape. Advanced and specialized training methods that take up half your life are not needed for regular good fitness levels.

You can try doing what I do and make regular tasks workouts, for example when you do laundry/washing, perform squats while picking the clothes up. You could hold stances simular to horse stance/low stance while putting them in the machine, instead of holding them near to your body hold them far away. When walking up/down the stairs bend your knees and do one legged half squats, put ankle and wrist weights on while around the house, eat and walk about with those things on, even putting a fork/chopsticks to your mouth is a workout.

I made a weighted training suit that weighs combined with all it's parts around 50 Kg's, I wore it for about 2 weeks straight before, that was fun.

Just try the workouts what can you lose even hold a horse stance at the table when you eat breakfast, what else are you going to be doing then , put the tv or radio on while you do it, or do squats while reading the qu'ran. Put ankle weights on and do leg curls at the sink while brushing your teeth standing upright on one leg.

There is always a time to workout, even the way you walk and sleep can be workouts. sleep bent like a bow stretched backwards like a cat does sometimes.


These days I'm often so tired after work that I just cuddle myself with a cup of hot chocolate and read a book instead of having a short training session.