Interbreeding with Animals

I can't understand these animal-orientated wierdo's that marry their horses and have sex with their dogs... It makes me sick to the stomach...
One thing I've always wondered...if a lioness in a pride happened to adopt some tiger cubs, would those cubs hunt cooperatively when they got older?
Not likely. Pack-social behavior is an instinct. Only humans have a powerful ability to overcome our instincts, because of our enormous forebrains. And even so, it's taken us ten thousand years--hundreds of generations of adaptation--to change from pack-social animals to herd-social animals. To change from solitary to pack-social is surely even harder and will take longer.
Interspecies adoption is rare but has been known to occur.
All mammals have a strong parenting instinct and that can be redirected to the young of another species. But that doesn't mean that they will transfer their genetically programmed instincts to the other species.
I deny the existence of breeds. If a frog wants to have sex with a cat or a man with a chicken then who are we to stand agaisnt love and unity?
You're confusing breeds with species. A Somali and a Balinese White are two breeds of cats. They can interbreed and produce offspring. A cat and a frog are two different species of animals.

Amphibians don't even "have sex." The female frog lays her eggs and the male fertilizes them externally. Oh, and this process must take place underwater or the eggs will die. Do you still think a cat can participate in this?