Is illegal drug use immoral?

All drug use is wrong imo. We don't NEED drugs. They're a scam by the pharm industry. The human body is amazing. It can heal itself. Good nutrition can solve a myriad of problems.

Illegal drug use is just stupid. Drugs are a violation of your body--your temple.

Personally I use prayer. Never drugs of any kind.
I don't think so, no. They're chemicals that elicit certain effects in people, just the same as things like caffeine or sugar just a lot more pronounced. I don't see how using them in and of itself could be immoral, especially when they're only affecting the person choosing to use them.

Also it's important to realize there's a clear difference between a user and an abuser. Millions of people are using illegal drugs, only fraction of them are addicted to the point of abuse.
Lets say a baby is born, his father leaves his mother and the baby never knew dad. The mother doesn´t love the baby, so everytime he is hungry and cryes, the mother beats him until he stops crying. The mother don´t give a crap so the baby grow up to be bullied and violated in every sense of the word.
As a teenager, the grown baby is not socially accepted, so every bully in highschool kicks his ass every chance he get, and every girl reject him, so he never know love.
Lets say someone offers him alcohol and he gets drunk, he makes it a habit and gets addicted. with no money for alcohol, the teenager starts becoming more anxious and experiences alcohol´s awfull abstinence syndrome. Someone in the street offers the teen some crack. The teenager in such a depression, anxiety and endless heatlh problems becomes a crack addict.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Crack makes you need the drug even 5 minutes after the last dose, and if you don´t have the drug, you become like a mental wreck.

Crack/Cocaine addiction

So society view this as inmoral and even criminalize the addict, they send him to jail.

He and his jail-mate live happily ever after...

You can tell this cute story to your kids, it seems to be a common pattern in this society, and people are happy to have those victims in jail and don´t worry about it.
food (like mushrooms and strawberries) is a drug. some drugs are stronger. some food connect us to god. for a moment.

reality is an illusion. we need to eat this illusion. so that we become it. so that it becomes reality/me.

if we don't eat it, reality turns into a hallucination and we die. but some food turns it into a hallucination anyway.
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It's illegal, but is it wrong?

Only immoral if the results of using it will have a harmful effect to a 3rd party. IE, drug user parent neglecting a child. But that goes for legal drugs too, so I don't think you should convolve 'illegal' with 'immoral' as it muddies the waters.

If adults with no responsibilites want to take recreational drugs, legal or illegal, there is no moral issue, unless we take a wide view incorporating the manufacture, import, and gun culture that accompanies sales.

But if you did that, you'd have to question many other items, like clothes, that are made in foreign sweatshops by children, as that supports a framework of harm, that we find unacceptable on our own soil.

So, first, define the terms of your question more clearly, drug use in itself, or the whole supply and use picture?
All drug use is wrong imo. We don't NEED drugs. They're a scam by the pharm industry. The human body is amazing. It can heal itself. Good nutrition can solve a myriad of problems.

Illegal drug use is just stupid. Drugs are a violation of your body--your temple.

Personally I use prayer. Never drugs of any kind.

I assume you don't drink tea, coffee or alcohol, all pharmacologically active substances. You do realize that most foods are also pharmacologically active also. For example parsley is a diuretic.

But you are a troll with a nice ditz lure. Good one.
If drugs change your personality for the worse, aren't they wrong?

They are damaging for your health, yes. They can be damaging for other people (not necessarily). What is most wrong in my view is to criminalize drug addicts just because of their addiction.
How do we criminalize drug addicts. If they are in jail or on probation, they are criminals. If they aren't, then we let them go free. Are you talking about public scorn of prior drug offenders? Well, then, they brought it on themselves - didn't they.
How do we criminalize drug addicts. If they are in jail or on probation, they are criminals. If they aren't, then we let them go free. Are you talking about public scorn of prior drug offenders? Well, then, they brought it on themselves - didn't they.

One issue is hypocrisy: you can abuse alcohol and not be a criminal.

Further there are many legal ways to hurt yourself. It is obvious that illegal drugs are illegal because of reasons beyond hurting yourself. If that is all you can be accused of doing I don't see that that should be a crime.

Hang gliding is dangerous. Free rock climbing. How about riding a motorcycle. Smoking. ETc.

Why do you think someone who takes these drugs who does not hurt anyone should go to jail?
I'll put you in charge of handing out the drugs, then.
What does that mean? Because I don't feel they are automatically criminals, I should be actively involved in gettting them their drugs?

Do you hand out cigarrettes or do you think they should be illegal?

Just what was your point?
My point is not why drugs are illegal, but why they are immoral.
Ok, but they're not immoral. Why would they be? Are you saying anything that has the power to potentially change someone for the worse is immoral?