Israeli/Hamas disregard for human life.

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Both sides hurt eachother and inflict this kind of harm on eachother. Its sad, but not any sadder than the 100s of kids killed recently in Gaza. And it will continue until the international community gets its head on right

I agree. Except for the international community.
A community is a group of people that have something in common.
The international community for all intents and purposes is useless, and has been.

No, I tend to say. True power comes from the barrel of a gun. OR the willingness to sacrifice life. The Palestinians have half of each, unfortunately it's not good enough. The Israeli's have all the guns, and the willingness to use it.

I find it funny that the word terrorist was used within the first line. For all we know, he could have been a mentally unstable person.
Go suck neturei's dick you Muslim bastard, that goes for you too SAM. Your advocating the bare-hand slaughter of an innocent child based on mythical peaceful times with mythical people. This is the real world. This boy was really hacked.

Im advocating the slaughter of innocent children? Just because I dont find the killing of a Jewish child any more cruel and sad than the killing of a Palestinian child? Even after I have said I find the situation sad? :bugeye:Wtf are you on dude?
Mostly East Jerusalem.

So they do not have to suffer the 700 checkpoints between Palestinian villages, cutting off of water to fill Israeli swimming pools, not being paid whenever Israel decides it will not release cash [which it collects from the Palestinians], none of the hundreds of checkpoints where pregnant women are forced to give birth and fetuses or newborns die, having their agriultural produce rot because Israelis decided they will not allow it through, eating grass because the IDF decided you should go on a diet, finding their children on their rooftops with sniper bullet wounds in their foreheads, having the IDF move in whenever they feel like it and preventing them from going out, being kicked out of their homes, having their homes and orchards demolished, being cut off from their farms by the separation wall, having the IDF enter their homes day or night and taking off with their family members who then disappear for years, having illegal Jewish settlements in their backyard, being beaten and abused by fanatics who want their land.

And thats not even touching on the daily military incursions and the violence of the Israeli troops or the missiles that have them walking on streets filled with body parts with their children. Or of their children.

I'm guessing that years and years of walking through and collecting body parts of family members can change your views on violence and instill a desire to let the other feel what you feel.
Children aren't responsible for the sins of their parents, they can't defend themselves against the evils of the adult world.

So its more honourable to rain down white phosphorus and burn them to the bone instead? The Americans SUPPLY the means to kill children to Israel. They FUND the occupation. They VETO any action taken against the oppression of unarmed civilians in Palestine.

So I do not believe they have any moral high ground left when it comes to Palestine. If they don't like whats happening in Palestine, then they should stop putting their money into the conditions that drive them to it. After all you destroyed two countries for two buildings. Whats two kids for 60 years of lost homes and murdered families?
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I agree. Except for the international community.
A community is a group of people that have something in common.
The international community for all intents and purposes is useless, and has been.

No, I tend to say. True power comes from the barrel of a gun. OR the willingness to sacrifice life. The Palestinians have half of each, unfortunately it's not good enough. The Israeli's have all the guns, and the willingness to use it.

I find it funny that the word terrorist was used within the first line. For all we know, he could have been a mentally unstable person.

nice to see some one has the brains to see biased framing. the option was for the Brits to leave...because they already HAD A HOME LAND.
The jews had home lands. the german jews had germany and so on and so forth.

The Jews don't...there are no Jewish states. The Palestinians have numerous countries that practice sharia law.

The Palestinians have no country. They would have but 3 countries in violation of the un charter annexed their land. In order of blame based on land taken they are Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. Also fuck off you racist bastard jewish rights aren't more important than other people's rights.
Im advocating the slaughter of innocent children? Just because I dont find the killing of a Jewish child any more cruel and sad than the killing of a Palestinian child? Even after I have said I find the situation sad? :bugeye:Wtf are you on dude?

The problem is that the media focuses heavily on Israeli casualties, and evades any discussion on Israeli atrocities

If Americans were seeing what the Palestinians see [WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED] everyday, they would have a better understanding of what exactly it is they fund, support and veto to sustain.

I bet not many Americans would want to be a part of it.
If you see stuff like this all the time, its bound to affect you

Its to the Palestinians credit that only 8% of them support violence.
Almost all the Israelis support the IDF and the occupation.
The problem is that the media focuses heavily on Israeli casualties, and evades any discussion on Israeli atrocities

If Americans were seeing what the Palestinians see [WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED] everyday, they would have a better understanding of what exactly it is they fund, support and veto to sustain.

I bet not many Americans would want to be a part of it.
If you see stuff like this all the time, its bound to affect you

Its to the Palestinians credit that only 8% of them support violence.
Almost all the Israelis support the IDF and the occupation.

Actually this news didn't make American headlines.
Actually this news didn't make American headlines.

probably because despite your attempt to paint so( and your bigoted source's attempt) it isn't part of the larger conflict so it was viewed as local news and know need to show it here.
Let me know how you react when you family is put in danger by a religious fanatic who decides god gave him your house.

Do the Pals have anything that resembles ....laws?

... Israelis just killed 1300 people, 300 of them children. Surely you don't expect me to sympathise with them for occupying Palestinian land and suffering the natural consequences of oppressing others?

So two wrongs make one right? Is that how you see the world of the rule of law? Is that how you conduct your own life? Is that how Muslims conduct their lives?

Baron Max
Originally Posted by S.A.M.
Let me know how you react when you family is put in danger by a religious fanatic who decides god gave him your house.
If I were a religious fanatic who believed in God, I would find somewhere else to live.
Go suck neturei's dick you Muslim bastard, that goes for you too SAM. Your advocating the bare-hand slaughter of an innocent child based on mythical peaceful times with mythical people. This is the real world. This boy was really hacked.

Do you unconditionally condemn this?

This report documents Israel's extensive use of white phosphorus munitions during its 22-day military operations in Gaza, from December 27, 2008 to January 18, 2009, named Operation Cast Lead. Based on in-depth investigations in Gaza, the report concludes that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repeatedly exploded white phosphorus munitions in the air over populated areas, killing and injuring civilians, and damaging civilian structures, including a school, a market, a humanitarian aid warehouse and a hospital.
Do the Pals have anything that resembles ....laws?

So two wrongs make one right? Is that how you see the world of the rule of law? Is that how you conduct your own life? Is that how Muslims conduct their lives?

Baron Max

Aren't you the one who says society needs more men with guns to enforce the laws?

Its specious to project the Palestinians as people living in a normal society and expecting them to behave normally.

They are a people who are locked, starved and picking up pieces of their families, homes and lives on a daily basis. They will respond as any such people will respond. They are not a free people with a legal system and the freedom to control their lives.
Do you unconditionally condemn this? (some biased report or something)

Big difference, Strawdog! The war was openly declared, the IDF told the Gazans that they were coming into Gaza, they openly and repeatedly told the civilians to leave the area, they dropped tons of fliers to warn the Gaza civilians. Not only did the Gazan civilians not leave the areas, the Hamas fighters used the Gazan civilians and civilians facilities as shields.

Nothing like that happened, not even close, with the ax hacking of a little Israeli boy.

Big, big difference, Strawdog, and it's to your discredit that you can't see it.

Baron Max
Aren't you the one who says society needs more men with guns to enforce the laws?

Enforce the LAWS, yes, but not to hack a young boy with an axe!! Do you see a difference, SAM?????

Its specious to project the Palestinians as people living in a normal society and expecting them to behave normally.

Exactly! And that's why the Israelis are always so cautious around Palestinians! Now do you see why most of the world seems to be against the Pals?

They are a people who are locked, starved and picking up pieces of their families, homes and lives on a daily basis. They will respond as any such people will respond. They are not a free people with a legal system and the freedom to control their lives.

Well, if they're that desperate, they shouldn't spend their money and time and effort shooting rockets into Israel in attempts to kill Israeli civilians!

Baron Max
And go where? They are locked into Gaza.

The IDF even told them where to go! And Gaza Strip is a bigger place than you seem to think fact, you were the one that educated me as to it's size! The IDF warned them ...they didn't heed those warnings.

Can you imagine being forced to leave your parents behind in order to save your children?

Ha! The "children" were out throwing rocks at the IDF soldiers! The people could have easily gotten their parents out ...the kids were busy!!

Israelis are arseholes of the lowest order.

Opinions are always something we have, huh, SAM? ...even if it's hateful, malicious opinions.

By the way, what do you think of the Indians who refuse to provide sanitary sewers for the people of India??? Assholes of the lowest order come to mind, huh?

Baron Max
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