Jews antisemitism and sciforums

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Why are sciforums mods and admin so touchy about threads on Jews?

The IDF organ trade thread was closed, the questions on what is Judaism was closed.

Why is is alright to parody, make fun of or demonise [and call names] all religious and areligious groups except Jews?

Whats with the special treatment? Why can't Judaism be treated like any other belief system is treated on sciforums?
Maybe the Administration is a Jew or they are scared of Jews who will cry anti semitism .
Look how many threads bashing Islam and Muslim as if it is fashionable to do so .
The Jews control a huge part of the media, the courts, the NATO Administrations and businesses .
I guess Jew hating is so ingrained into your psyche you don't realize when you're being a total cunt.
I guess Jew hating is so ingrained into your psyche you don't realize when you're being a total cunt.

Don't know any Jews I hate personally as a matter of fact. But thats no reason not to have an opinion on their beliefs and practices as a community, is there? Its valid enough to go around saying "theists" or "Muslims" on sciforums. Even "atheists". So why the panic button if anyone says "Jews"?

If a Jew says, we Jews stick up for each other, we can point out that its a generalization . Can't we?

And why can't I be a cunt or a bitch? Isn't the right to offend what everyone is defending here? Or is that only a platitude that is mouthed for offending other people but ignored when you are the one being offended?
We all should say that Jews are GODS and leave them rule the world .
That is what they want some folks here .
No one is immune from debate even God himself.
You see people say there is one God, no God at all, multiple Gods.....etc.


is it as james asserted?

it does seem strange tho
i attempted to substitute any ref in that thread to judaism and jews with theism and theist and saw reasonable questions.

perhaps we can now only talk in generalities?
Hmm thats a notion. Its politically correct to be offensive only when all theists are lumped together. So instead of saying, the Jew threw his kid into the gas chamber, we should say, theists following the Abrahamic cult routinely sacrifice their children due to tribal motivations?

Is that right? Is that a good faith discussion then?
the premise should have some justification so assuming it indeed has, i'd say.....

"some theists...............occasionally sacrifice"

kinda like what you did in that thread....


i'd also lose the "tribal motivation" and go with something more specific

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How come I see a bazillion threads criticizing Israel, jews, the world zionist conspiracy and all that, and almost no effort to criticize the actual tenets of the religion and the religious practices they carry out? There's no historical or scientific discussion about the Bible, just political talk and complaints about how the jews are ruining the world because they haven't moved back to Warsaw yet.

SAM might put up the occasional picture of a rabbi watching while some orthodox settlers beat up on an arab kid or something like that, but that too is never meant as a discussion about judaism as a religion. There's never any attempt to instigate a positive discussion about how this situation could be improved without removing Israel from the map, hence poisoning the topic and turning it into yet another existential political argument.
How come I see a bazillion threads criticizing Israel, jews, the world zionist conspiracy and all that, and almost no effort to criticize the actual tenets of the religion and the religious practices they carry out? There's no historical or scientific discussion about the Bible, just political talk and complaints about how the jews are ruining the world because they haven't moved back to Warsaw yet.

SAM might put up the occasional picture of a rabbi watching while some orthodox settlers beat up on an arab kid or something like that, but that too is never meant as a discussion about judaism as a religion. There's never any attempt to instigate a positive discussion about how this situation could be improved without removing Israel from the map, hence poisoning the topic and turning it into yet another existential political argument.

the premise should have some justification so assuming it indeed has, i'd say.....

"some theists...............occasionally sacrifice"
i'd also lose the "tribal motivation" and go with something more specific


I was trying to figure out why Jews have such strong tribalistic inclinations. Ones that go beyond religion and loyalty, which are usually deal breakers in other tribal communities [or at least ones we have seen in India]. Whats the PC way to ask such questions? Or at least a way in which you generally ignore any bad things Jews do as a community, because pointing out their failings as individuals or communities [which can be linked to their ethnocentrism] is antisemitism.
I mean if you want to talk about orthodox jewish men making their wives sit in the corner for hours behind a curtain while they pray, or some other issue like that, anyone who tries to shut it down with the antisemitism card would just look stupid.
I was trying to figure out why Jews have such strong tribalistic inclinations. Ones that go beyond religion and loyalty, which are usually deal breakers in other tribal communities [or at least ones we have seen in India].

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