Men never set their feet on the Moon

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A "stowed" microphone still works just fine. It's just in its stowed position.
As long as it's connected to a power source, I suppose that's true.

I'm still waiting for one of you to address this.

(from post #65)
I still want to hear your comments on why the sound of the power drill the space station astronauts were using didn't get picked up the way you said the sound of the Apollo astronauts' hammering got picked up.
Stop stalling and address the issue I asked you to address (bottom of post #65).

The damn cheek of this bloke! You do NOTHING but evade and divert. There are dozens of unanswered posts in this thread and you have the gall to pull someone up about an irrelevant side issue!
As long as it's connected to a power source, I suppose that's true. I'm still waiting for one of you to address this.

(from post #65)

And again! How about you start addressing the dozens of posts you pretend not to see! The circumstances are totally different!

The Apollo astronaut is on a flat surface that can also transmit vibrations. Contact related vibrations with a hammer are completely different to a high frequency motor on a drill. Nowhere has this liar Wintzer shown anything more than a few seconds of an EVA. Do you really think he has gone through all of them to see if this is consistent? NO!

In addition the communications system on the ISS are using more advanced microphone technology.

You have completely failed, as you always do, to acknowledge your hopeless lack of knowledge on this subject. Cardioid polar patterns are used to stop extraneous noise, that is they pretty much ONLY pick up sound waves coming from a certain area - his mouth! On top of that, the field of sensitivity to sound is also setup so that it only picks up sound waves that are VERY close to the microphone.

The EVA I posted is original NASA footage, only a complete moron would suggest it has been doctored without evidence. It is also a DIFFERENT mission and was used to show that when circumstances vary, the sound is not transmitted. Wintzer deliberately uses a small piece of the hammering section - this is because like the liar he is, it goes out of sync, doesn't capture every strike and only a few are at the same point as him hitting the core. I cannot prove it, but my suspicion is that something is bashing within his suit causing the sound, it doesn't sound like hammer on metal.

Wintzer doctors his movie by omission. He deliberately misses sections out that contradict his claims. Since you are too inept to open a link to proof of this from direct links to the Apollo archives, it is somewhat difficult to show this to you. Besides, you are so dishonest you just avoid or deny. Only YOU can fail to be able to open a dead easy link to a video. You have to be the most useless person going for uploading videos/pictures or anything that requires technical skills usually acquired by a five year old.

Now, once again. The LM wiring acts to generate a sound wave by microphonics. It is not some made up word and is very much a problem that sound engineers have been working to eliminate for some time. The sound from the wiring is transmitted by vibration into the LM relay. The suit mics as explained have no capacity to pick anything up. It is also another major moronic idea for some hoax nuts to admit that the sound was recorded with hot microphones rather than dubbed on later as other hoax nuts claim.

Of course you failed to comment on the amazing acting skills of these people over the course of long EVAs that sound 100% natural. Go back in your box, your bullshit on Covid 19 you are currently posting everywhere is just scummy trolling.
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I'm not going to take your word for it. I'm not going to rule out the sound being picked up by the microphone in his suit until I see it proven somehow.

You will never acknowledge it no matter what is presented to you, you also lack any skills to verify it.

So you maintain that the hoax-believer added the sound to his video. Is that right?

No. The sounds are all legit. He deliberately uses a tiny section because not every strike produces a sound and some sounds occur out of sync!!

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. As far as I can tell it's just video footage with audio.

Are you that dumb that you cannot see how this means they must do all the vocals in real time with activities using hot mics?

As I said before, I'm not just going to take your word for it.

You only take the word of morons and are unable to be persuaded otherwise.

I can't get this to open.

Ask a 5 year old for help.
The EVA I posted is original NASA footage, only a complete moron would suggest it has been doctored without evidence

Start watching the video at the 41:33 time mark.

Jet Wintzer, MOON HOAX NOW

Why is there sound in the above video and not in this video?

Astronaut Charles Duke During an Apollo 16 Lunar Surface EVA

I don't think it's so silly to suspect that the sound was eliminated in the second video.
Start watching the video at the 41:33 time mark.

Why is there sound in the above video and not in this video?

I don't think it's so silly to suspect that the sound was eliminated in the second video.

Different missions for starters, different hammers, different surfaces, different objects.

How dishonest is this clown Wintzer when he can't even get the mission correct! He says it is Al Bean on Apollo 12. Well guess what, there is NO surface video from Apollo 12 since they burnt out the camera! Looks like Apollo 15 and he is banging a rock as opposed to the footage shown from NASA where he is banging into the surface on a core tube.

You are incapable of answering posts for some reason:

How about you start addressing the dozens of posts you pretend not to see! The circumstances are totally different!

The Apollo astronaut is on a flat surface that can also transmit vibrations. Contact related vibrations with a hammer are completely different to a high frequency motor on a drill. Nowhere has this liar Wintzer shown anything more than a few seconds of an EVA. Do you really think he has gone through all of them to see if this is consistent? NO!

In addition the communications system on the ISS are using more advanced microphone technology.

You have completely failed, as you always do, to acknowledge your hopeless lack of knowledge on this subject. Cardioid polar patterns are used to stop extraneous noise, that is they pretty much ONLY pick up sound waves coming from a certain area - his mouth! On top of that, the field of sensitivity to sound is also setup so that it only picks up sound waves that are VERY close to the microphone.

The EVA I posted is original NASA footage, only a complete moron would suggest it has been doctored without evidence. It is also a DIFFERENT mission and was used to show that when circumstances vary, the sound is not transmitted. Wintzer deliberately uses a small piece of the hammering section - this is because like the liar he is, it goes out of sync, doesn't capture every strike and only a few are at the same point as him hitting the core. I cannot prove it, but my suspicion is that something is bashing within his suit causing the sound, it doesn't sound like hammer on metal.

Wintzer doctors his movie by omission. He deliberately misses sections out that contradict his claims. Since you are too inept to open a link to proof of this from direct links to the Apollo archives, it is somewhat difficult to show this to you.
Besides, you are so dishonest you just avoid or deny. Only YOU can fail to be able to open a dead easy link to a video. You have to be the most useless person going for uploading videos/pictures or anything that requires technical skills usually acquired by a five year old.

Now, once again. The LM wiring acts to generate a sound wave by microphonics. It is not some made up word and is very much a problem that sound engineers have been working to eliminate for some time. The sound from the wiring is transmitted by vibration into the LM relay. The suit mics as explained have no capacity to pick anything up. It is also another major moronic idea for some hoax nuts to admit that the sound was recorded with hot microphones rather than dubbed on later as other hoax nuts claim.

Of course you failed to comment on the amazing acting skills of these people over the course of long EVAs that sound 100% natural. Go back in your box, your bullshit on Covid 19 you are currently posting everywhere is just scummy trolling.
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The EVA I posted is original NASA footage, only a complete moron would suggest it has been doctored without evidence.
The evidence that it's been doctored is the comparison with the video of the astronaut hammering on something in which the sound of each hit corresponds with the physical hit.

It is also a DIFFERENT mission and was used to show that when circumstances vary, the sound is not transmitted.
What exactly are the different circumstances that would cause such a difference in physics? I want to focus on this for now.

it doesn't sound like hammer on metal.
The view is blocked by the astronaut but it sounds to me like he's hitting a rock.

This difference is pretty clear evidence of manipulation of some kind. Either the sound has been added in the hoax-believer film, or the sound has been deleted in the video you posted. I can't think of anything else that would explain such a difference.
The evidence that it's been doctored is the comparison with the video of the astronaut hammering on something in which the sound of each hit corresponds with the physical hit.

One video he is hitting a rock twice, the other he is hammering into a core tube. The original footage has not been doctored you clown.

What exactly are the different circumstances that would cause such a difference in physics? I want to focus on this for now.

When a hammer collides with a rock it sends a reactive force through the arm, since the rock doesn't move it is 100% When the hammer hits a hollow core tube it moves, there would be little reactive force.

The view is blocked by the astronaut but it sounds to me like he's hitting a rock.

Yes on that tiny clip, but there is also footage of noises during core hammering but as I said they are only in sync for 1 or 2 strikes out of about 6 or 7 and they sound like communications noise caused by movement.

This difference is pretty clear evidence of manipulation of some kind.

No it isn't.

Either the sound has been added in the hoax-believer film, or the sound has been deleted in the video you posted. I can't think of anything else that would explain such a difference.

That's because you know nothing about any of it. Hitting an immovable object, hitting a hollow core that moves and glancing blows too - not even close to the same circumstances

Video Clip ( 3 min 30 sec 0.9 Mb RealVideo or 35 Mb MPEG )
143:29:03 Cernan: Now, I want to try to take this piece off first. (Pause as Gene hammers)

143:29:10 Schmitt: Pretty hard, isn't it.
[Hammering sounds - a soft "plock" - can be heard through Gene's suit. He takes seven whacks at the top of the boulder on the east end.]

[Cernan - "Although we can hear on the tape that the microphone in my suit was picking up the sound of my hammering, I don't ever remember hearing it. I could certainly feel it; and I've always contended that it's a very fine line between hearing noise and feeling noise. With that hammer, when you hit something the shock went through your whole body; but I'm not sure I ever heard the noise, probably because my ears were covered with the Snoopy helmet."]

[What seems likely is that, when Gene hits the rock, the hammer rebounds against the palm of the pressurized glove, creating a sound wave in the suit loud enough to be picked up by the microphone at Gene's lips. In brief, the suit acts like a drum.].
You are beginning to sound like a covid pandemic denier, where an entire segment of the population claims it is a conspiratorial hoax and refuses to get vaccinated.

Sadly, that is exactly what he is doing over on the political forum - cluster spamming half a dozen threads with his antivaxx crap.

Video Clip ( 3 min 30 sec 0.9 Mb RealVideo or 35 Mb MPEG )
143:29:03 Cernan: Now, I want to try to take this piece off first. (Pause as Gene hammers)
This is the message I get when I click on that link and follow all the steps.
Missing codec

Choose something else to play. This item is in a format we don't support.


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One video he is hitting a rock twice, the other he is hammering into a core tube. The original footage has not been doctored you clown.
What you say there is nowhere near proof that the silent hammering video hasn't been doctored. The hammering on the rock is loud as hell. Do you think that if the astronaut who's hammering the rock had the same core tube next to the rock and hammered it too, there would be no sound coming from the hammering on the core tube? That's kind of hard to believe.

When a hammer collides with a rock it sends a reactive force through the arm, since the rock doesn't move it is 100% When the hammer hits a hollow core tube it moves, there would be little reactive force.
So you say that this explains why hammering the rock was loud as hell and hammering the core tube was silent.

Viewers: Look at post #85 to see what he's saying.

Yes on that tiny clip, but there is also footage of noises during core hammering but as I said they are only in sync for 1 or 2 strikes out of about 6 or 7 and they sound like communications noise caused by movement.
I'd like to see that footage.

Hitting an immovable object, hitting a hollow core that moves and glancing blows too - not even close to the same circumstances

Let me get this straight. Here's what you said caused the noise in the video in which we can supposedly hear the astronaut hammering a rock.
(from post #83)
I cannot prove it, but my suspicion is that something is bashing within his suit causing the sound, it doesn't sound like hammer on metal.

That's a pretty loud sound and it sounds just like the way it would sound if he were in fact hammering a rock. It's true that I have no formal science background but I like to think I have basic common sense. I find your explanation pretty far-fetched. Do you at least agree that the sound is consistent with his hammering a rock? Saying it's consistent isn't saying that's what's happening.
This is the message I get when I click on that link and follow all the steps.

Then get the right bloody codec! It's Cernan hitting another rock and also making audible sounds.

What you say there is nowhere near proof that the silent hammering video hasn't been doctored.

You seem to be getting confused here. It's not my burden to disprove your idiotic claim.

The hammering on the rock is loud as hell.

That's low frequency vibration for you.

Do you think that if the astronaut who's hammering the rock had the same core tube next to the rock and hammered it too, there would be no sound coming from the hammering on the core tube? That's kind of hard to believe.

It's all about the reactive force, the object being struck and the position of the body and suit. I really couldn't care less what you find hard to believe. I saw many exchanges on the political forum where you were being shown stuff impossible to refute and you couldn't even get that, so I'm blowed if I can give a rat's ass what you think.

So you say that this explains why hammering the rock was loud as hell and hammering the core tube was silent.

It wasn't loud as hell, it was audible. A hammer against a rock is bound to create significant vibration. The problem isn't the sound, it is stubborn ignorant people unable to comprehend the obvious. You have failed to respond to the major issue about doing the vox live and the incredibly natural acting for hours and hours of footage!

You have failed to acknowledge the object striking the LM that could not possibly be picked up by the suit microphones, 3 layers of visors and opposite it's polar pattern and close proximity.

I'd like to see that footage.

You are too inept to work out how to watch both supplied clips.

Let me get this straight. Here's what you said caused the noise in the video in which we can supposedly hear the astronaut hammering a rock.

No, that is referring to intermittent noises on the core tubes, not the rock strikes.

That's a pretty loud sound and it sounds just like the way it would sound if he were in fact hammering a rock.

Not denied. Hammer hitting rock. Vibrating through arm and suit. Cernan said he didn't even hear it, confirming vibration.

It's true that I have no formal science background but I like to think I have basic common sense.

No, you most certainly do not and a basic science requirement is fundamental to understanding almost every aspect of space travel.

I find your explanation pretty far-fetched.

You have misread thye sequence it was explaining - core tube noises from Al Bean audio.

Do you at least agree that the sound is consistent with his hammering a rock? Saying it's consistent isn't saying that's what's happening.

I'm pretty positive it is the sound being transmitted through the suit/body from hammer impacting rock. It isn't the sound transmitted through air that could NEVER go through 3 layers of helmet into a microphone with low proximity pickup!!
What do you think of the possibility that he heard it and said that he hadn't heard it?

Very much the kind of dumb things you routinely come out with. Since the sound was recorded and broadcast it makes no sense for him to even bother about it.

I'm fairly sure that my post was longer than one sodding line! You are a complete waste of time.
I'm pretty positive it is the sound being transmitted through the suit/body from hammer impacting rock.
So you say that's possible when the astronaut beats a rock but not when he beats a core tube.

It isn't the sound transmitted through air that could NEVER go through 3 layers of helmet into a microphone with low proximity pickup!!
I'm not going to take your word for it.
So you say that's possible when the astronaut beats a rock but not when he beats a core tube.

The rock is solid and immovable, larger reactive force. The core is hollow and moves into the regolith. Totally different.

I'm not going to take your word for it.

Again you are getting confused. You are not the kind of person who can be taught anything. You lack any logic or critical thinking so explaining anything to you is futile. You are not capable of assimilating anything that contradicts your batshit conspiracies. I couldn't give a monkey's what you think. You got pawned on the political forum and never conceded even when you got humiliated, and are now dumping your dog turd antivax posts all over the place. You are actually a menace to society. Well done.
The damn cheek of this bloke! You do NOTHING but evade and divert. There are dozens of unanswered posts in this thread and you have the gall to pull someone up about an irrelevant side issue!
?? Surely you have read his posts before? That's all he does. He knows nothing about science or physics; he merely trolls the net looking for Youtube videos made by cranks, then reposts them here. That's it. He has zero interest in learning anything. If you get mad - he considers that a win.
The rock is solid and immovable, larger reactive force. The core is hollow and moves into the regolith. Totally different.
I have no science background but I don't find this very convincing.

Jet Wintzer, MOON HOAX NOW

At the 41:34 and 41:54 time marks the astronaut pounds on the rock with a hammer. At the 50:14 time mark the astronaut throws an object against the side of the LEM. The sounds sound quite similar.

There's no footage of an astronaut hitting anything in the space station footage but at the 41:20 time mark the astronaut says that there's no sound when they hit stuff.

In post #83 you said this.
. I cannot prove it, but my suspicion is that something is bashing within his suit causing the sound, it doesn't sound like hammer on metal.
I find this laughable. You sound desperate to find a way to obfuscate the idea that the sound travelled through air.

Your arguments don't seem to add up; the sounds of the rock being hammered and the object hitting the LEM are consistent with the atmosphere explanation as the sounds are consistent with there being air.
I have no science background but I don't find this very convincing.

You are not qualified to judge any of it if you cannot understand truly simple data.

I find this laughable.

You don't have any idea.

You sound desperate to find a way to obfuscate the idea that the sound travelled through air.

You sound fixated on something that has been explained away. You have no capacity to understand it, verify it or take in information that you haven't seen before. You just ignore it.

Your arguments don't seem to add up

You're not qualified to determine that. You have been given the setup and have made no mention of it. The suit microphones are close proximity through THREE LAYERS of visor!

For those too dumb to understand this, the object outside his suit striking the LM is way too far away and would not penetrate the suit or visor. The microphone was designed specifically to only capture vox! In addition to this you have failed to acknowledge that hot mics require the astronauts to do the dialogue in real time and that is hours long "acting" that is perfectly normal, consistent and natural, with ZERO time discrepancy issues. These type of headsets are used by helicopter pilots who have enormous great engines a few feet from their heads!!

the sounds of the rock being hammered and the object hitting the LEM are consistent with the atmosphere explanation as the sounds are consistent with there being air.

Idiotic statement. The rock sounds are consistent with low level vibration through his arm/suit. The LM strike is perfectly consistent with microphonics through the relay. The wiring acts as a microphone and is and always has been something sound technicians have tried to reduce or eliminate.
The suit microphones are close proximity through THREE LAYERS of visor!
That's what they show us but do you think they were actually using helmets with three layers?

All we can see is the outside layer.

They show us what the inside of their backpacks was supposed to look like but in the hoax scenario it's plausible that they were just carrying empty boxes.

You're basing your arguments on the assumption that NASA is telling the truth about this stuff. On a movie set it's plausible that none of this is true.
That's what they show us but do you think they were actually using helmets with three layers? All we can see is the outside layer.

Sorry, I forgot I was dealing with a troll who will just make up endless amounts of crap to connect the dots. We now have a situation where they are using hot mics in situations where ANY sound could potentially give the game away. That is ridiculous and dumb - maybe if you were running the show that is what they would have done! We also have hours and hours of continuous, seamless, natural dialogue that fits with every activity.

They show us what the inside of their backpacks was supposed to look like but in the hoax scenario it's plausible that they were just carrying empty boxes.

Idiotic, irrelevant crap. The videos, 50+ hours of it (why so much when "eagle eyed" hoax nuts are seeing "things"!) quite clearly show that the PLSS has significant mass, from their postures and the way it moves. Feel free to disagree like a troll who knows nothing about anything.

You're basing your arguments on the assumption that NASA is telling the truth about this stuff.

No, I'm basing it on the astonishing volume of evidence that you are too dishonest or too ignorant to acknowledge.

On a movie set it's plausible that none of this is true.

You don't even know anything about movie sets and your use of the word "plausible" is never correct - you are not qualified to determine what is and isn't plausible. It is absurd for this to be filmed in real time using hot mics if they were faking 50 bloody hours of video! Only a complete moron would risk extraneous noises and dubbing voices later would allow it to be read from a sheet. You are so busted. All you have is your ignorant opinion and a complete dismissal of the used equipment by suggesting all participants were idiots. Even a single layer on the helmet and a close proximity microphone would stop sound from more than a few feet away. This does not discount vibration from direct contact.

Twenty years you have been trolling the internet, and you are still completely clueless about even streaming a bloody video online! All that is happening is that slowly but surely every forum you pollute with your spam, bans you and deletes your garbage. It takes a special kind of troll to get banned from a basketball forum.
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