Muslim Women Dress Code?

There is a woman I know (Portuguese) that needed daycare for her 2 girls after school.
Everyone who provides home daycare around here at the time was full, so she went with a Muslim woman. She said she didn't really want to but really had no choice at the time. They lasted 2 days there. Apparently this woman also watched a few boys. There was also one other little girl there.
This woman had different rules for the boys and girls. The boys were allowed to run around and play but she wanted the girls to just stay seated, and they were not allowed to play with the boys. This is the rule that really pissed the mom off. When the girls got home they told her they weren't allowed to sit on the couch when they watched TV. The boys sat on the couch and she told the girls they HAD to sit on the floor.

She took the girls out of her care, immediately after that. This is not the first story I have heard like this either. There are so many ppl around here that will NOT send there
kids to an Indian sitter, they rather try and rearrange their schedules or find other arrangements.
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Sam you are trying to make it sound like these woman can pick and choose how they want to dress, the choice is totally up to them. . You sound like they are as free as me who can pick and choose to wear anything I want each day. I was under the impression that if they did not follow certain dress codes they would suffer consequences.

As I mentioned above, it seems to me that girls and women are treated like crap compared to boys/ men.

As far as women's rights in Canada, they can go topless just as men can if they wish. They passed a law many yrs ago allowing them the same option.
Sam you are trying to make it sound like these woman can pick and choose how they want to dress, the choice is totally up to them. . You sound like they are as free as me who can pick and choose to wear anything I want each day. I was under the impression that if they did not follow certain dress codes they would suffer consequences.

As I mentioned above, it seems to me that girls and women are treated like crap compared to boys/ men.

As far as women's rights in Canada, they can go topless just as men can if they wish. They passed a law many yrs ago allowing them the same option.

Its their society and these are their beliefs. So, do you go topless?

I think its a different cultural mindset. I was talking to this white guy who is married to a hispanic woman and he told me that he often had problems coming to terms with cultural differences. When the womans [large] family came over, all the women would congregate in the kitchen and the men would sit together in the living room. I did not find it odd at all, this is the custom in most Asian families. When I visited with my HIndu friends or Catholic friends, the father or brother or husbands or sons may pop in and say hi, but it was not necessary. They rarely sat with us and its not like we're uneducated, my friends are pilots, scientists and economists who are all settled in different parts of the globe now. Its just culture.

My own family was different because my parents are both from different backgrounds, brought up in poor households where propriety is not so much of an issue [survival being more important]. But in "well brought up" families, there is a "way" for people to interact socially that is considered permissible. I have also seen this in Mediterranean families. In Arab households, this is common in public gatherings. But in private gatherings at home they mix together since everyone knows one another. I've been to Arab homes for dinners and they call everyone in to greet you and sit around and treat you like a curiosity. :p
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I rather have progress laws than none at all.

We are not comparing beliefs we are comparing freedoms.

Freedoms and beliefs are interlinked. I think India is more free than the US in many ways. We enjoy our beliefs, live life between the burqa and "nakidity" and are not tied down by shallow mindless lifestyles like I have seen in the west. We could lose ALL our money and it would not deter us a bit. All we lack is economic development, which is a residue of the British exploitation and has become less of an issue the more generations removed we are from colonialism. The damage to the Indian identity is surely but slowly getting thrown off and we are reinventing ourselves in the modern world.

The Saudis have no such issues. They were never colonised. They have lived with social changes within their society only and except for a brief foray 1400 years ago, which lasted barely a hundred years [notwithstanding its impact on the beliefs of a billion and a half people and the language and culture of the entire middle east] have never been anything but nomads and traders. This continued static lifestyle has been the driving force in their self enforced isolationism. They don't care for change very much.

After the Saud takeover, they accepted the Saud family as their king [about 100 years ago] but until the discovery of oil in the 1920s, there had been almost no change in their society for over 1200 years. The loss of their trade routes first to the Persians and then to the Turks further reinforced this isolation. I think this is something that is not recognised or even realised by people on the outside. The oil dramatically changed them from a nomadic society to a settled one, just three generations ago. So it will be some time before they are adapted to settled living. For that track record, they have done amazing well. They have some of the best infrastructure, will soon have educational institutions that rival the US and an economic framework with a banking system that can withstand any credit crisis. Women scientists publish in international peer reviewed journals and women will in another generation or two, become a significant part of the workforce.

I think its a mistake to underestimate the Arabs. Just because they prefer the desert life, does not mean they are inept.
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Its their society and these are their beliefs. So, do you go topless?

It doesn't really matter if I do or don't. The point is women can choose to go topless if they so wish. They have the same freedom as the men do. Not all men choose to go topless either, but either sex can if they choose to do so.
Like I said, shallow mindless lifestyles. The Arabs will easily surpass you in another century.


Or decide its all crap and go back to the desert.
Personally, I think clothes on women are a waste of material and money. I much prefer women in their natural state, as God made them. Don't you think that God might be a little upset with us covering up his greatest work of art?
There is a woman I know (Portuguese) that needed daycare for her 2 girls after school.
Everyone who provides home daycare around here at the time was full, so she went with a Muslim woman. She said she didn't really want to but really had no choice at the time. They lasted 2 days there. Apparently this woman also watched a few boys. There was also one other little girl there.
This woman had different rules for the boys and girls. The boys were allowed to run around and play but she wanted the girls to just stay seated, and they were not allowed to play with the boys. This is the rule that really pissed the mom off. When the girls got home they told her they weren't allowed to sit on the couch when they watched TV. The boys sat on the couch and she told the girls they HAD to sit on the floor.

She took the girls out of her care, immediately after that. This is not the first story I have heard like this either. There are so many ppl around here that will NOT send there
kids to an Indian sitter, they rather try and rearrange their schedules or find other arrangements.

Missed this post. So this is an Indian Muslim Canadian woman who segregates the children? The Indian sitters segregate their children? From which part of India? Seems highly unusual, I haven't seen it in Indian Muslims

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Missed this post. So this is an Indian Muslim Canadian woman who segregates the children? The Indian sitters segregate their children? From which part of India?

Honestly I don't know the specific background. I tend to compile them all into one, Indians, Pakistan, Muslim....all pretty much the same to me. I just know some of the horror stories of ppl that have sent their children to home daycares run by "Indians".

I have no idea where they came up with these strange ideas, but the mother was not going to put up with it.

Maybe you could explain why it is ok for boys to run around and play but not girls?

Why would the girls not be allowed to play with the boys? At school they are together.

Why would girls be told to sit on the floor while the boys could sit on the couch. Btw there was room on the couch, but they just weren't allowed to sit there.
You'll have to tell me where they are from, I haven't seen this even in Arabs.

Freedoms and beliefs are only interlinked in how much freedom of belief you have, if your neighbor wants to walk around naked, does he have the freedom to in act that belief?

What your saying with relativity is that it does not matter how much freedom is allocated, its all relative and based on personal custom so no morality can be placed on it: If women are oppressed in Saudi Arabia we can't judge them on it its their custom. So if slaver is legal somewhere, what ever its their custom! Or if Palestine is oppressed it Israel custom, who are we to interfere?
You're simply saying that you don't see the similarity in having cultural norms that are enforced by law in both societies. I'm sure there are women who want to show their face in Saudi Arabia, just as there are women who want to be able to go naked in Chicago. But if by and large the majority in society disagree with the concept, the laws will stand. No matter what you personally think about it.
You're simply saying that you don't see the similarity in having cultural norms that are enforced by law in both societies. I'm sure there are women who want to show their face in Saudi Arabia, just as there are women who want to be able to go naked in Chicago. But if by and large the majority in society disagree with the concept, the laws will stand. No matter what you personally think about it.

So if the majority of the society agree that slavery is OK, then who are we to judge them? If the majority of Saudis think oppressing women is OK, can't touch them, so if the majority of Israelis think oppressing Palestine is OK, hey it their culture!
Only if the majority of the people do not feel oppressed. Occupiers do not count, the people do not have the ability to decide under occupation. :)

Or did you miss that part completely?
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I'm sure there are women who want to show their face in Saudi Arabia, just as there are women who want to be able to go naked in Chicago. But if by and large the majority in society disagree with the concept, the laws will stand. No matter what you personally think about it.

How is being allowed to show your face in public the same as walking around naked?