My gun collection


Valued Senior Member
All guns should be banned except mine.
I sure would like one of those revolvers that take a 50 cal sniper rifle round. Well two actually and two spares.
Boy howdy, Alex, you must have some massive forearms... A 410 derringer is as much as I can handle.
Hell man, why fuck around with a pansy assed little .50 rifle round?
Go for the 20mm:

using one hand only.

Maybe not one-handed. Have you seen the video of somebody firing a minigun chambered in 7.62 NATO in which the recoil scoots him back about three feet for one burst?
Boy howdy, Alex, you must have some massive forearms... A 410 derringer is as much as I can handle.
I ll take two of those as well.
I had a 410 shotgun that I fired solid shot thru.. Handy gun. I like shotguns, used to shoot trap and skeet. But no guns these days.
All I would like, but you can own such here, is a 22cal revolver so I could use rat shot.
Should not shoot snakes but I dont like them in the house and not able to pick them up and move them, and when you see a rat to have something handy to kill it. And snakes can be very aggressive.. There is a certain time of the year when we drive with the car windows up because snakes are getting on the roads, get hot and they are frisky, and will strike at the car particularly the drivers window.
Black snakes I think, and they are usually pretty calm.
All I would like, but you can own such here, is a 22cal revolver so I could use rat shot.
Should not shoot snakes but I dont like them in the house and not able to pick them up and move them, and when you see a rat to have something handy to kill it. And snakes can be very aggressive.. There is a certain time of the year when we drive with the car windows up because snakes are getting on the roads, get hot and they are frisky, and will strike at the car particularly the drivers window.
Black snakes I think, and they are usually pretty calm.
Once again, everything in Australia is out to kill you. I live in Florida and we have our share of "unfriendly" creatures but nothing by comparison. Are you sure drop-bears don't really exist?
Once again, everything in Australia is out to kill you. I live in Florida and we have our share of "unfriendly" creatures but nothing by comparison. Are you sure drop-bears don't really exist?
No it is not half as bad as you think.
I dont spend my days fighting off killers, you are usually finished by lunch time.
But when I go back I am buying a donkey cause they keep the wild dogs away. These are a worry, each pack is different. A dingo wont attack you, I think anyways, but wild dogs they can be worse than a pack of wolves. Not having my four big dogs getting the donkey seems like a good idea.
hese are a worry, each pack is different. A dingo wont attack you, I think anyways, but wild dogs they can be worse than a pack of wolves.
We have a variety of Dingo here - Carolina Dingo - I had the great fortune of having one adopt me. It is interesting to seek your dog and find him in a tree...


In the interest of transparency, these aren't my pics - but representative...
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We have a variety of Dingo here - Carolina Dingo - I had the great fortune of having one adopt me. It is interesting to seek your dog and find him in a tree...


Very nice dog you have there.

I have seen a dingo out my window just walking by.

Do your dingos climb trees? Mine loved to do that... I have never seen another canine exhibit this behavior. I also raised wolves for a time.
Do your dingos climb trees? Mine loved to do that... I have never seen another canine exhibit this behavior. I also raised wolves for a time.
I dont think they do, I have nothing in my knowledge that says they do.. But I have never asked. A lot of our trees are like light poles.
I once had a dog named doobie who also climbed tilted trees, and ladders. (he was also good at fighting rats)
He introduced me to my sculpting mentor.
I was up on the scaffold laying concrete block for my workshop in Chicago and doobie had run up the ladder and was up on the scaffold with me when a fellow on the other side of the alley came out with his german shepherd dog. Doobie took one look and leaped over the wall and onto the back of the german shepard dog and they began to have an exciting dog fight. So I vaulted over the wall and tried to break up the fight--------------Never get into the middle of a dog fight!--------After a few moments, the other fellow and I managed to separate the dogs. Neither dog seemed hurt, but the other fellow and I were both bleeding. Somewhat embarrassed, I invited him up for hydrogen peroxide, bandages and beer. As luck would have it, he was a figurative sculptor named John Kroll. He invited me over to his studio, shared a model, and loaned me clay and tools and I began to sculpt under his practiced eye, and those of his fellow sculptors.
So, I owe my art to a climbing pugnacious dog and a dog fight (and a few beers), and a generous fellow named John Kroll.
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considering another one =
Thompson Center Compass Win Bolt-Action Rifle with Nikon 3-9x40mm Riflescope
.22s don't bring down deer this one should...and seems a bargain at $379.95
(why in hell do retailers use numbers ending in 9.95 or 9.99?)
considering the 270--or maybe a 30.06---or 308-----though I have no complains about the 300 win mag---(well maybe one or 2---shoulder don't like repeated use, and the damned thing is loud enough to wake the dead and/or set any critter within 1/4 mile to flight)---so far it dropped every deer i shot at. (that's important)
This one has a threaded muzzle for a break or a silencer("solvent trap")
It also has the 3 position win safety which i trust.
Mostly, what I want is to never have to shoot twice to drop a deer.....but i'd appreciate less kick......still, some concern about going to a smaller caliber or lighter load
kz is less than 100 yards
any thoughts?
Mateba Unica 6 Auto-Revolver .357 Mag

Carry a Kahr CW 380.
Would love a Boberg, if they weren't so finicky.
Looking for a Chiappa Rhino (none here locally to see before buying).
Do your dingos climb trees? Mine loved to do that... I have never seen another canine exhibit this behavior. I also raised wolves for a time.

My son and I have a dog that looks similar to your representative pics, and he climbs trees. He damned near caught a bird on the wing last year, as well. 40 pounds of smart and fast.