My theory 1 step at a time

Pincho Paxton

I have decide to break my theory down into a much slower progression. This slow progression will take some time to explain. By the end of this first post we will have only got as far as evolving energy.

Start with this picture again...


I start the Universe from zero. Zero is created from a hole with a membrane, a bubble similar to inflation. The membrane has the same volume as the hole. Add the membrane to the hole and you get this formula +1 + -1 = 0.

My scale therefore is 1.

What is scale?

Scale is relative. A tennis ball is bigger than an egg. A tennis ball in an empty space has no relative scale. How do you know its size? It has no discernible size. My first particle has no discernible size. My scale therefore is 1 for simplicity. My maths is +1 + -1 = 0 for simplicity. My particle has scale, but doesn't use energy to create its scale, because scale is relative. If my particle is size 100 all that has happened is that energy is now scale 100. If my particle is scale 1, then my energy is scale 1. Scaling energy is not the same as applying energy as a force. I can scale my particles, and their total will always remain zero.

+1 + -1 = 0

+100 + -100 = 0

Scale from zero is inflation.

I am trying to explain 1 particle. What if I explain 2 particles? What if I explain infinite particles?

My particles add up to zero. My particles scale energy, not use energy. they are stationary. They sit in their own space. Infinite particles add up to zero as well. Infinite particles can be any scale as well, because they add up to zero. Infinite particles can be inside each other, because they add up to zero.

What are these infinite particles that add up to zero?

They are space-time... the backdrop.

What do we have so far?

Infinite zero particles.

What else do we have?


Do we have time?


Do we have energy?


Do we have Gravity?


At this stage we have infinite particles of zero, and nothing.


Because the particles haven't overlapped membranes yet. They are everywhere, but not overlapping. The membranes = +1 but the +1 is hidden by the -1.

When two membranes overlap... When two bubbles touch.... we get something new. +1 touches a volume of a +1 membrane. This doesn't equal zero. This equals 0 + overlap volume. An overlap the shape of a lens is created. This lens is the first stage of evolution. It is the first thing that isn't nothing.


So what do we have now?

We have a new set of physics... an overlap that creates something. It creates a lens of energy. Energy is the new volume condition. Energy has evolved.
We have a new set of physics... an overlap that creates something. It creates a lens of energy. Energy is the new volume condition. Energy has evolved.

The only "evolution" that you have demonstrated is that you can't evolve from something that doesn't exist to begin with.
Just to cover some things in step 1, and by the end of this post we will have evolved TIME...

Why do you use the word Mass?

It is actually quite hard to choose a word that works 100%. You can use the words Matter, and Anti-Matter, but some people would say that they obliterate each other. Well in a way they do.. they become zero, but it's not destructive at the right levels. Stephen Hawking uses the words Energy, and Negative energy, and I don't choose to use those terms because the energy is stationary. The word Mass sort of makes sense, but stationary weight like a photon weight when stationary. A stationary photon has no apparent mass, a moving photon has mass.

What happens when the membranes overlap?

My particles contain infinite particles of zero. The volume of energy released is actually a volume of infinite particles of zero. A sort of Paradox. But this paradox has already been defined as self eliminating. +Paradox + -Paradox = 0 Paradox.

That's cheating?

The way I worded it creates the illusion of cheating. In fact a lot of the theory seems like cheating, because the English language is based on Mass. we live in a world of mass. Our senses are all conditioned for mass Data. The infinite, inside infinite to release energy is down to scale.

More information on scale...
Particles that scale like this will always try to fill a gap. They will inflate. Our Galaxy is made from a certain scale. It's a scale that propagates C. The space-time grain is fairly uniform but from North to South from our position in the Universe the space-time grain is not exactly the same scale. The reason that space time grain keeps its scale is because to scale up would overlap membranes, and the membranes = +1, and the release of energy would scale them down again. So you get a sort of flutter. The flutter is stationary time, but the flutter is also a bump.

Time has evolved!

This is stationary time. Next we will move on to the Arrow of time.
How you can explain 'space' from nothing ?

You mean what is everything in?

Yes, you are right, I did miss out that part. My particles have scale that they can inflate. The particles are inside another huge particle, the Universal membrane. It is the same particle, but at a different scale.
The Arrow Of Time

Again we reflect on scale, but this time we ask a different question.

Why do my particles scale until they touch, why scale at all?
My particles are inside a huge particle that we can call The Universe. My particles are spherical. We have a sphere stacking problem. We move on to Newtons kissing Problem...

My particles touch, and release energy until they shrink down. You could call this the entropy of heat propagation. All I am saying is that this will eventually make them all a similar size. For example, 1 large particle can be touched for example by 360 small particles. So the large particle loses 360 pieces, and the small particles are the area of least resistance, so they actually gain some pieces. You end up with 12 particles around 1 particle, and gaps that add up to a 13th particle. These gaps prevent the Universe from becoming stagnant. If 12 particles were a perfect fit, the Universe would find a sweet spot, and nothing would ever happen. But there is a shuffling around. The shuffling around becomes spin. Then eventually becomes propagated orbits. But between spin, and orbits we have a moving gap.

The arrow of time is the area of least resistance through a moving gap between spherical particles of the same size. The Kissing Problem. Which leads us to Cause And Effect. The gap is the cause that leads to the effect. The area of least resistance is the Cause that leads to flow.


The Arrow of time is flow into holes.

And from this flow we will evolve Black Holes next.
Black Holes.. you might call the singularity, but multiple... and Galaxies...

I have just discussed a moving gap from the Kissing problem, and the fact that it is the area of least resistance from the release of particles from a larger particle, and we have a flow of time. To be even more exact, the flow will happen also into smaller particles if they are the area of least resistance.. but take into account scale, and direction.

Let's imagine this sequence of physics.


We have many flows through a bubble, the outer membrane of the Universe. This bubble will direct the flows to a central point.

How big is the universe?

I have started my theory from zero. We don't need to imagine a huge Universe at this stage. The Universe at this stage is Galaxy size!!!! :eek:

I think I can see where this is going! :eek:

All of the flows are directed to the centre of a Galaxy, and a Galaxy is a Universe at this point in time. When all of these flows collide they will scale whatever is there down, because that area becomes the area of highest overlap points. When my particles overlap they release energy from the overlap position. But this time the energy is faced with a flow wall back where it came from. This energy is then scaled down again for a second time, and a third, and a forth. This energy is turning negative. Once it turns negative it becomes a new gap. Once it becomes a gap it no longer faces a flow wall, it is more like a neutrino, and can pass through mass. It can pass through mass because all of this time since my theory started we have been adding together two results...

+1 + -1 = 0

But when the energy becomes negative we get

+1 + -2 = -1
+1 + -3 = -2
+1 + -4 = -3

This energy can now travel against the flow because it is considered a hole. But mass wants to move into a hole so it will not stay a hole for long. This will stabilize the black hole, it will maintain a border.

Let's now change the black hole back to the Kissing Problem.

First, take a look at a Galaxy...

It is sort of lens shaped...


Two huge bubbles have been discovered at it's middle...

We are looking at the Kissing Problem as a series of physics. In two dimensions you get a pressure which can be forced through 6 particles. Lets take a look at a common electron orbit...

If the observer were considered as a pressure point, this is the orbit that it would create from the kissing problem. The observer is therefore creating the electron orbit. Electrons don't do that. Electrons flow into the area of least resistance.

The galaxy is flowing into the black hole, but the black hole starts to flow back out again. This is all captured inside a Universal bubble.

In flow, and out flow create a new bubble inside the Universal bubble...

..and we move on to Galaxy formation.
I will post an image for Galaxy Formation, and later I will break the last two posts down 1 step at a Time. In this image you can replace the word Aether for Space-time, and you can replace magnetism for negative mass outflow...

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Let's go back over what just happened.


I have particles inside particles that are released by overlapping membranes. they head into the area of least resistance. They obey the rules of The Kissing Problem. Their fundamental force is Scale, and their secondary force is energy.

Scale = Cause
Energy = effect
Time = effect

The 13th ball = The complex Chaos that results from Perfect symmetry of scale.

Which leads to Time having flow.

Spherical uniformity directs flow towards a central point.

You get a Black Hole.

You get an outflow from the black hole.

You get a new bubble.

And then I skipped to a Galaxy.

Next, a Galaxy 1 step at a time.
I have gone into some detail so far of how the first black hole happened. I only need this black hole to be our singularity. Each Galaxy has its own singularity, so once you complete a theory of a Galaxy, you complete a theory of the Universe. A universe is a Galaxy model repeated, however a Universe is a collection of Galaxy models that interact. The interactions between galaxies are a repeat of the interactions that create a Galaxy. Mostly that the areas of least resistance are combined between Galaxies, the arrow of time moves in a new direction.

A Galaxy 1 step at a Time...

We already have a black hole, and it has been created by the gaps in the kissing problem. We have a cosmological constant into the black hole, and out towards a bubble. It is created by the inflow, and the outflow of mass that is combining in pairs of negative, and positive energy.

A black hole surrounded by a bubble is an empty Galaxy, where does the rest of the Galaxy come from?

The inside of the bubble has uniformity. The uniformity was create by areas of least resistance.. gaps. The gaps were steered towards the centre of the bubble because the bubble membrane has high resistance.

The Outside of the bubble is more chaotic. And the Universal membrane is still inflating. Soon it will inflate to a size which allows the creation of a second Galaxy, and then a third, and then a fourth. But so far the particles are not working like atoms. The particles are not bonding, and the only Gravity that we have is into black holes. Basically, we have a bunch of bubbles with a black hole inside, and a very basic flow pattern.

The outside of a Galaxy Bubble...

Think of the bubble as a drum skin, and outside of the bubble the gaps have no clean direction. The 13th ball of the kissing problem is chaotic. This means that the bubble of a Galaxy gets bashed randomly. The random bashes send patterns through the Galaxy that interact, and overlap. The random bashes cause gaps to fluctuate through the Galaxy. Gaps are the arrow of time, and particles move into gaps. The black hole receives most of this passed information because it is at the centre, and fluctuations will pass through the centre the most often. The black hole gets its stripes.


A black hole at the centre of a Galaxy gets its spirals from bumps coming from outside of the galaxy. The spirals are wave patterns created through a bubble that acts like a drum skin.
At this stage things get complex. The creation of particles is a very chaotic sum of collisions. I have been working on a computer program to model these interactions. So far I only have a test. But from this test you can see how our eyes identify overlapping combinations of particles...

So it might be an idea for me to make a more complete model of the next stage, before I post it.
Has anyone even come close to understanding it all? I'm quite lost in the ideas.
Are you saying each Galaxy started off as it's own center?
Has anyone even come close to understanding it all? I'm quite lost in the ideas.
Are you saying each Galaxy started off as it's own center?

Yes, each Galaxy produces its own particle structure from pressure points that are chaotic through membranes. Because I change so much of current science, it helps if you don't have preconceptions of the standard model. However so many of my posts have turned out true in 7 years, I don't think that there was any other model that predicted so many things.. for example the bubble around the galaxy, the fact that Voyager 1 would be pushed, and the bubbles from the central black holes, and not forgetting Stephen Hawking using a very similar set of rules in his latest TV program. Also the indents in the microwave background, the flow through the universe, the grain structure of the Universe, the man-made celled creature called The Snowflake, and the many other bubbles in the Universe.
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Pincho Paxton:

What new predictions does your theory make?

How can these new predictions be tested experimentally?

Pincho Paxton:

What new predictions does your theory make?

How can these new predictions be tested experimentally?


James: Is this a (testable) "theory"? . . . or just another 'Alternative Hypothesis' . . . . I have one (alternative hypothesis) also, but discussion is not permitted by Prometheus (he calls it trolling or self-promotion).
