Mysterious object spotted on comet

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
"A mysterious object has been photographed by the spacecraft Rosetta, and experts have yet been able to give an explanation.

Sitting on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, is an object that many truth-seekers say, does not belong. When compared to the rocky outcrops that surround it, there appears to be no similarity, despite being in the same light casting the same shadows at the same angle.

This celestial anomaly even shows signs that the it is reflecting the sunlight back into Rosetta’s camera lens, very much like a metallic object would.

The photograph was taken on September 10th, and released by the European Space Agency (ESA). It’s caption reads:

Four image NAVCAM mosaic of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, using images taken on 10 September when Rosetta was 27.8 km from the comet

Could this be an artificial structure caught on camera? Or, is it just like NASA wants us to believe about the “Face on Mars,” a trick of lights and shadows?"

Does "truth-seeker" mean someone that will believe anything, as long as it's irrational?
So... what is it, MR? A ghost or a monster?
Or perhaps a UFO? Not that it's obviously flying or anything...
Or, is it just like NASA wants us to believe about the “Face on Mars,” a trick of lights and shadows?"
I would suppose NASA doesn't care. If you want to be gullible/foolish/silly that is probably fine with them. All they can give you the data, if you want to be a believe a crazy/fantastic/outrageous fantasy, that is out of their control.
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So... what is it, MR? A ghost or a monster?
Or perhaps a UFO? Not that it's obviously flying or anything...

Looks like an unidentified flying object to me. Since it IS attached to a flying comet. What do you think it is? The planet Venus?
"We know that many of you like exploring these images, and one feature you may quickly notice is the rather bright object seen near the centre of the slope in the upper right. We too were curious and looked at an image taken earlier and it was not visible (the shadow beneath it is coincidence; this is also seen in images without the object). Therefore it is most likely either an image artefact or a transient object in the foreground.

Indeed, if you adjust the contrast of the image you will see that there is a lot of ‘noise’ in the background. Some of this is simply detector noise and cosmic rays, but there seem to be a few bright objects that may be dust/ice particles between Rosetta and the comet."

"We know that many of you like exploring these images, and one feature you may quickly notice is the rather bright object seen near the centre of the slope in the upper right. We too were curious and looked at an image taken earlier and it was not visible (the shadow beneath it is coincidence; this is also seen in images without the object). Therefore it is most likely either an image artefact or a transient object in the foreground.

Indeed, if you adjust the contrast of the image you will see that there is a lot of ‘noise’ in the background. Some of this is simply detector noise and cosmic rays, but there seem to be a few bright objects that may be dust/ice particles between Rosetta and the comet."


Good info. Tks..