NASA Publishes some Amazing Photos.


Valued Senior Member
NASA has published a treasure trove of cosmic feces that includes wonderful images taken by telescopes from around the world, these images were captured in infrared, radio waves and gamma rays, and provide a stunning scene full of colors, spirals and star explosions, regardless of color coding adjustments and multiple wavelength layers, this is how the angles look Different to our universe.





Explanations under each photo at the link.....
Yup, another good one today. I did a series of astro paintings for my SO a few years back, using some of the pictures as models.
NASA has published a treasure trove of cosmic feces that includes wonderful images taken by telescopes from around the world, these images were captured in infrared, radio waves and gamma rays, and provide a stunning scene full of colors, spirals and star explosions, regardless of color coding adjustments and multiple wavelength layers, this is how the angles look Different to our universe.
While I appreciate the intent behind you sharing these I have to admit the false colours don't work for me. I have an aversion to Purple (but nothing against the artist formerly known as Prince). And Eta Carinae, which I think is the 3rd picture, freaks me out at any wavelength. That might be an aversion to supernovae. So there you have it - aversions to purple and supernovae. If reincarnation is real I must have had a weird previous life. (I'm not obligated to make sense after midnight, local time.)