Obama is not black

Anyway, like I said, not "american black" enough IMO. He's technically not the "black man" that has been struggling with american society for a few hundred years, so it's not legitimately the triumph for black people that it is billed as.

I dont think you realize how many African Americans are in politics: governors, mayors, police chiefs, judges etc.
Yeah but a black president is so much more significant. It's just a shame it couldn't have been a "Jermaine Jackson" or "Lamar Jones".
Don't black panthers have names like "Shareef Jabbar" and "Mohamed Abdur Rahim"?
Or is that just the nation of islam racists?
Anyway I'm talking about good old fashioned cotton pickin christian american negroes.
Don't black panthers have names like "Shareef Jabbar" and "Mohamed Abdur Rahim"?
Or is that just the nation of islam racists?
Anyway I'm talking about good old fashioned cotton pickin christian american negroes.

Yeah thats the nation of islam, the black panthers were considered commies by the government, not racists. They had a 10 point plan and were basically a militia, they did not endorse any religion.
If anything, Barack Obama is a white man with a little tan. He was raised by his white grandparents and went to harvard (meaning only rich people can afford to go, i.e. many white people).
He was raised by his white grandparents and went to harvard (meaning only rich people can afford to go, i.e. many white people)
Harvard undergrad is one of the easiest schools to handle financially if you are poor - their endowment is fantastic.

If you can get in. That's where the being rich helps - you are more likely to have a legacy edge and/or solid preparation.

Harvard Law School is a bit different - the Obamas just finished paying off their student loans a couple of years ago.

Obama is still black in America, btw. And his election is the same barrier break it would be if his ancestors had been slaves - racism in the US is based on appearance, not ancestry.

Which is one reason he lost the white male vote, and lost most of the states of the old Confederacy.
Well.... Barrack Obama is Technically A mixed race person, Scientifically that would be a called Hybrid.
Hybrids usually have unique biology, Usually showing a ability to function well in contrasting enviorments..... They are as well The corner stone to maintaining the biological Stature of a population as a result of new gene propagation influx preventing gross inbreeding rates, referred to as a biological insurgence when it occurs in mass numbers such as in war, or Co-habitation during great periods of peace.

As a Hybrid Barrack Obama is part of a very small group of people since Hybrids account for about 1 in 1,500 people, in other words there is 1 Hybrid for every 1,500 people of the world population. There are estimated 4,000,000 hybrids in the world, of which there are many kinds of hybrids as each have a different racial mixture.
Barrack Obama, being a mixture of Black and White races would be in one of the larger groups having a population of about 1,000,000 hybrids. The largest group appears to be the White Asian mixture.

Hybrids are marked throughout science as exhibiting Robust preformance, weather they plants or animals ect... and science uses hybrids to understand genetic preformnce and to gain high yeilding crops... but amoungst humans the practice of producing hybrids is uncommon as a result of human racism. Oddly this racism effect appears natural in the patterning order of nature, however in nature the behavior is actually segeration according to duties or work prefromance being simular to the work place rather than racism or racist belief. The Racism appears simular to natural pattern because the production of Number of hybrids persons that occurs as a result is simular to the natural pattern that we would observed in nature (with out human social beleif consturct) which is about 1 in 1,000...... generally we find as a result of pattern that pinnacle preformance runs a rate of 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000 sometimes one in 120,000 these individuals are pigeoned holed as the leader and are easily identified for example in the insect species.

As President Barrack Obama has exceeded the constructs we would find in nature as he would be 1 in 260,000,000 persons.
As a hybrid the position would be suiting, but we have to remember that under natural order only 1 in 20,000 or one in 50,000 as a pattern is appyable to humans in remarkable preformance which accounts for 120,000 rulers on earth by natural pattern.
Is Barrack Obama within that cast or does he actually belong in the 1 in 1,000 group Which would be the equivalent to a sentry ant in a ant colony (For humans that would mean regional Stature support of the population).

Hybrids of the human race such as Barrack Obama historically have had a difficult time, many have been tortured, socially out casted and frequently murdered at birth as custom.......exspecially so in America.......So to see him as the President is Definity interesting and even more so because of natural pattern.

How the fuck can two humans who have children together be hybrids exactly?

Is there anyone on this science forum who actually knows anything about genetics and 'gene pools'?
It's not "scientifically" a hybrid, because what America views as "race" is not a scientifically useful term like "species", "subspecies" or even "variety".
Well.... Barrack Obama is Technically A mixed race person, Scientifically that would be a called Hybrid.
Hybrids usually have unique biology, Usually showing a ability to function well in contrasting enviorments..... They are as well The corner stone to maintaining the biological Stature of a population as a result of new gene propagation influx preventing gross inbreeding rates, referred to as a biological insurgence when it occurs in mass numbers such as in war, or Co-habitation during great periods of peace.

As a Hybrid Barrack Obama is part of a very small group of people since Hybrids account for about 1 in 1,500 people, in other words there is 1 Hybrid for every 1,500 people of the world population. There are estimated 4,000,000 hybrids in the world, of which there are many kinds of hybrids as each have a different racial mixture.
Barrack Obama, being a mixture of Black and White races would be in one of the larger groups having a population of about 1,000,000 hybrids. The largest group appears to be the White Asian mixture.

Hybrids are marked throughout science as exhibiting Robust preformance, weather they plants or animals ect... and science uses hybrids to understand genetic preformnce and to gain high yeilding crops... but amoungst humans the practice of producing hybrids is uncommon as a result of human racism. Oddly this racism effect appears natural in the patterning order of nature, however in nature the behavior is actually segeration according to duties or work prefromance being simular to the work place rather than racism or racist belief. The Racism appears simular to natural pattern because the production of Number of hybrids persons that occurs as a result is simular to the natural pattern that we would observed in nature (with out human social beleif consturct) which is about 1 in 1,000...... generally we find as a result of pattern that pinnacle preformance runs a rate of 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000 sometimes one in 120,000 these individuals are pigeoned holed as the leader and are easily identified for example in the insect species.

As President Barrack Obama has exceeded the constructs we would find in nature as he would be 1 in 260,000,000 persons.
As a hybrid the position would be suiting, but we have to remember that under natural order only 1 in 20,000 or one in 50,000 as a pattern is appyable to humans in remarkable preformance which accounts for 120,000 rulers on earth by natural pattern.
Is Barrack Obama within that cast or does he actually belong in the 1 in 1,000 group Which would be the equivalent to a sentry ant in a ant colony (For humans that would mean regional Stature support of the population).

Hybrids of the human race such as Barrack Obama historically have had a difficult time, many have been tortured, socially out casted and frequently murdered at birth as custom.......exspecially so in America.......So to see him as the President is Definity interesting and even more so because of natural pattern.


ohhh... that's how he won the election. better fuel economy than ol' diesel mccain.
Well I thought it might be a good Idea to look at how this natural patternaization could relate to such large nations as the US or China.....
If you remove the Hybrids from the equation you will still get A 1 in 20,000 or a 1 in 50,000 pattern.
In which case the world as whole has 6,000,000 Sentry and 300,000 rulers based on the 1 in 20,000 pattern.
if we add the hybrids in to that same heiarchy system we get 2 Sentry for each hybrid as there are about 4,000,000 hybrids, of which 200 hybrids would have marked prefromance as rulers under the natural pattern, this results in 150 non hybrid rules to each 1 hybrid in a heiarchy system governing over 30,000,000 people by natural pattern.
It seems that this exstended pattern of natural pattern does not give a figure for One Hybrid rulesship over 260,000,000 people as the case with Barrack Obama.

So Lets look at a much more appliable system, this basically changes the sentry system to 1 in 100 which seems to work rather well with humans.

Order for the World Population
60,000,000 Minor Sentry
60,000 Sentry
3 Rulers
This type of system does not include hybrid invovlement in the biological stature, it is a senrty standard which relfects the overal stature of the general population. Where the 3 Rulers are based on senrty groupings this would be more a military society,( like when a ant colony sends out a group to find food ). this does not seem to fit the Barrack Obama Profile.......

There is also the Attack Mode system grouping this puts the sentry system at 1 Sentry per 10 persons. this would be when a ant colony attacks a beatle, moth or spider. in humans society this would look like Gorilla life style manily because it is not even tribal behavior. this is the kind of pattern that defines a one world ruler...... this also does not seems to fit the Barrack Obama profile.

Well I think you guys and pick up the drift of how the natural pattern works.

Race is not a question of genetics is more of a social label... why is this in Biology subforum?
Has this guy been introduced to our local friend, the english language? I suspect he may be misspelling his own name.

BTW-If Obama isn't black, why do all the black people I know call him Black? Are they misinformed?
Has this guy been introduced to our local friend, the english language? I suspect he may be misspelling his own name.

BTW-If Obama isn't black, why do all the black people I know call him Black? Are they misinformed?

I bet you they are. Most people don't know that he's only half black (raised "white"), and that he's related to Dick Cheney and George Bush.
Well if you are talking at the level of genetics everyone is related to Dick Cheney and George Bush regardless of whether they are half black or half white.
I bet you they are. Most people don't know that he's only half black (raised "white"), and that he's related to Dick Cheney and George Bush.

If your skin is "black" you can't be raised white. You can be raised around other white people or raised by white people, but you will always be different. And you will be treated as such. The "drop of blood theory" still applies in the US. I'm just speaking from personal experience. I may have Irish blood, but I sure don't fit in with the local Irish community. I'm black, mixed with some other stuff, but no one cares about that other stuff, just the black part and that goes for all of the ethnic communities I've been raised around.