Post a new slang word/phrase

I like the word "Chi"
Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is
that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being.

I believe this may actually refer to "quorum sensing". A healthy Chi is a strong and efficient cell and bacterial communication system in an organism.

Chilax, a moment of physical relaxation...........
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Meghan Markle

If someone accuses of being a Meghan Markle, it's because you use people, and when they add no more benefit to your life, you toss them aside.

ha That's a new one.
Meghan Markle

If someone accuses of being a Meghan Markle, it's because you use people, and when they add no more benefit to your life, you toss them aside.

ha That's a new one.

that piece of gob-shite-gossip is keeping many papanazi magazine writers in jobs
non discrimination policy in effect... giving haters jobs
''Gloomer'' - someone who always looks for the negative in most situations

I know a few people like this. :rolleye:
Spitting feathers - to be incredibly thirsty

''He was so parched, it felt like he could spit feathers.''

An alternative definition is to be very angry, practically foaming at the mouth.