Post has been moved


Registered Senior Member
I posted in World News and Events under the title Witnesses for Ufo Congressional hearing. Yet my post was moved to Pseudoscience. Who makes theses distinctions is this a communist Forum? I posted this topic where it belongs. And I don't feel I should have to justify where each post should be placed. It's too biased, key word "UFO" stick it into PseudoScience who makes these ridiculous rules.
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No, it's a dictature (One chief with a few generals). The mods can move any thread if they think that it's not in the good part.
if YOU don´t like the mods,you can send them away ,right?
you are bigboss here ,a dictator ! if you don´t want sciforums anymore ,you can easyly shut it down without asking somebody ;)

perfecto diktaturo :D
Thats a good point Fluid.
However I am not suprised at there misjudgement of the information involved in the material provided.
They probly thought that it was just more trivial u.f.o. "stuff".
What ever.
The people that are lucky enough to be able to view that conference,won't need to say much more.
Which is kind of a catch 22.
Peace Out
I never thought the phrase"left in the dark" would take on such literal meaning.
My eyes are open:eek: