PS3 or Wii?

PS3 or Wii?

  • PS3

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Wii

    Votes: 31 64.6%

  • Total voters
I'll wait...for the intial price drop, system improvements (you know PS3 is gonna have many user reported problems).

The first version of a new system is just like a giant public beta test for Sony. Sony has proven with their past systems that they release a console, get complaints, release V2 after they fix the bugs and streamline the process of making the new system more efficient and faster.

In about a year or so there should be a $100 price drop (or sooner).
I'll wait...for the intial price drop, system improvements (you know PS3 is gonna have many user reported problems).

don't they use firmware to fix the problems now? Atleast i've heard some stories about it. So all upgrades can be done without waiting for a newer system.
Wii is the only new generation console, so I'm going for that

PS3, I'll admit, would look very pretty, but I don't care about graphics, and games like Pikmin show that nintendo will always be ahead in terms of gameplay.

The ps3's controller is a ghost of the wii remote, taking enough of the wii remote to increase the price, but not enough to make it useful
Wii is the only new generation console, so I'm going for that

PS3, I'll admit, would look very pretty, but I don't care about graphics, and games like Pikmin show that nintendo will always be ahead in terms of gameplay.

The ps3's controller is a ghost of the wii remote, taking enough of the wii remote to increase the price, but not enough to make it useful

Whats new generation about it? Nothing. Its a GameCube with a different controller. Another gimmick system made by Nintendo (like Gameboy Advance SP), this is Nintendo's last hope, they haven't shined since N64.

XBOX360 and PS3 are new generation consoles. They actually go forward in technology instead of remaining in the same place.
I would prob go for the PS3. I’m mainly into strategy games and they are best on PC. I’ve had trouble getting into games recently, I’ve played quite a few games but get bored easily, it takes a lot to keep me playing now. The PS3 would look good as an entertainment system, but the WII is fucking nice too, gonna wait and see. When its all said and done I might not get anything.




I love Yoshi!

PS3 is PS2 with better graphics. Wow... what an improvement... :rolleyes:

At least XBOX360 and PS3 are going forward in technology.....

Why didn't Nintendo try to have HD Graphics and a different controller? Then they'd actually be moving forward in technology...but no..its the same old cheap Nintendo....
From a technological standpoint, Nintendo has always been behind the times. This has crippled their market share. Nintendo was an ecomomic giant in the 80's. It is now in last place.
At least XBOX360 and PS3 are going forward in technology.....

Why didn't Nintendo try to have HD Graphics and a different controller? Then they'd actually be moving forward in technology...but no..its the same old cheap Nintendo....
Nintendo doesn't NEED eye candy, cause Nitendo has SUBSTANCE. :rolleyes:
Nintendo doesn't NEED eye candy, cause Nitendo has SUBSTANCE. :rolleyes:

thats why they're always behind in technology...they're always so cheap..Sony is losing money with each console because they're not cheap....

If its all about substance why not go out and buy an old nintendo? it has great games and gameplay.....

You forgot to mention that Nintendo hasn't made a grown up game of worth...ever.

Seriously, consider the reason why Nintendo is failing as a business company in the console market. Why? Because the Playstation and X-Box are meant for the real video game market: Young men.
I suppose the Zelda series wouldn't be considered "grown-up", either. So what? It was successful, and was a hit for the general populace irrespective of age and gender.