Putin's invasion of Ukraine

if they can hit their ammunition pile then they wont have any ammunition

cutting off their ammunition(blowing it up) is just as good as blowing up their weapons
That's what you hit first supply vehicles and command vehicles. Poorly supplied troops without leadership are easy to rout.

must be dozens of casualties
the report of the ammunition exploding is probably when a 2nd amount of casualties occurred which they are probably telling the families of those who died as being caused by the ammunition explosion.

calm seas shows it didn't sink from stormy weather

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Why not Russia launch more supersonic bomb to hit Kyiv's targets?
Destroy the presidential building? :D
Maybe, employ a small scale nuclear warhead on Kyiv? Sure Ukraine will surrender. o_O
Please be clear. Are you advocating that Russia should employ nuclear weapons against Ukraine?

What would it mean to you if nuclear weapons were used to target Kyiv, say - knowing that this would inevitably kill large numbers of civilians as well as military?

I think that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin erred in telling the USA and NATO what it would take to goad him into attacking, and then attacking as though he was their puppet on a string.
You put the blame for Putin's war on the USA and NATO? What agency, if any, do you concede to Putin? Would you absolve him of an attack on the USA as well, on the grounds that the USA must have goaded him into it?

Are you aware of what the United Nations has to say about the international legality of wars, sculptor? Are you aware that Russia signed up to be part of the international legal community? Indeed, Russia sits on the UN Security Council.

Are you aware that Putin's war of aggression on Ukraine is an obvious and illegal breach of international law? Are you similarly aware that Putin's soldiers have been committing war crimes, which are in obvious and flagrant breach of related international norms?

Is Russia's disregard of international law really the fault of the USA?

Would you perhaps prefer it if the USA was a vassal state of Russia, ruled ultimately by Putin or somebody like him? Part of an authoritarian regime?

See, I'm struggling with your position on this, as you sit there in a comfortable chair very far from the events on which you are passing judgment, presumably eating your popcorn. It sounds like you're convinced that the current world order is broken, and you'd prefer a different one. I wonder whether you'd change your mind if Russian troups were marching on your home town. Or would you still be saying "Oh well, it's our own fault. The USA drove them to this!"
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The Grand Duchy of Moscow sounds like a better and better proposal by the day, animals don't really need a lot of land to graze on these days anyhow. IMO it's worth the nuclear war if necessary.
CNN reports on recorded radio conversations between Russian soldiers who appear to be considering shooting their commanders.
The commanders are getting food, cigarettes and other perks while they leave their brigades to fend for themselves. There's a bit of a morale problem.

I believe the correct military terminology is, a shitshow.
putin orders blockade of steel plant & orders not attack it
looking at what video is coming out there is lots of civilians inside and lots of kill zones and booby trap opportunity's
news reports say there is extensive tunnel systems turning any attack into a tunnel war which would require special training which most Russian soldiers do not have.
plus the steel factory is a key industrial asset

hopefully they will allow the UN to evacuate the people inside the plant out to west Ukraine
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CNN reports on recorded radio conversations between Russian soldiers who appear to be considering shooting their commanders.
The commanders are getting food, cigarettes and other perks while they leave their brigades to fend for themselves. There's a bit of a morale problem.

I believe the correct military terminology is, a shitshow.

No, the correct military terminology is: ordinary daily life for relatively highly functioning Russians.
new videos
new Ukraine action

helicopter taken out by Ukrainian military
(unsure when this was taken)

Russian tank column taken out by Ukrainian military

long shot
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Certainly beats Call of Duty War zone streaming...lol
What I fail to understand is how the Russian Christian church leadership (Patriarch Kirill) can ignore the teachings of Christ and condone and even encourage the atrocities committed in Ukraine by the Russian forces. Hypocrisy much!
You would think Putin would be encouraging investment in Russian resource development and ultimately the unification with the West not discouraging it. Paranoia much!
All Putin has managed to achieve is pushing Russia back 100 years or more in just about all areas of concern.
end of rant.