
Ethernos D Grace

Registered Senior Member
All space object cluster into a sphere why?
Equation for photon losing ENERGY as it travels a unit distance?
Gravity surrounding an massive object has field connecting mass n space more the mass more the field density. Photon moving through this field losses electron moving perpendicular to magnetic field jumping from 1 field to another losses energy hence the collapse of wave function.
All space object cluster into a sphere why?
Gravity. All the particles are being pulled to the center of gravity, so that naturally forms a sphere.
Equation for photon losing ENERGY as it travels a unit distance?
Photons do not lose energy per unit distance.
Gravity surrounding an massive object has field connecting mass n space more the mass more the field density. Photon moving through this field losses electron moving perpendicular to magnetic field jumping from 1 field to another losses energy hence the collapse of wave function.