Reality as wave-particle

Nothing is proven in science.
If you were fair dinkum, you would know that.
You also violate point [1] in the Alternative Theory thread, if you ever wanted to be taken seriously.

Are you saying that the entire field of Physics exists in a world of deception? That Logic is a fool's game?
My impression is Id is somewhat 'sick and tired' with sock puppets. Just my guess. I don't think you're the sock puppet of the aether troll. I think you're the sock puppet of the 'fantasy mathematics troll'.

Indeed since the recent invasion (January-ish?) the reincarnated sock puppets of banned sock puppets of banned users have just been coming out of the woodwork. And I would have to defer to your better troll-detection skills as to which is which. I've gotten pretty good at spotting reiku, thanks to Origin, who first alerted me to what I now recognize is the bizarre cut-and-paste signature of that odd bird. The rest slowly dawned on me -- the childish narrative that tries to treat each weird little formula like a powerpoint slide, without ever simply explaining anything . . . that sort of thing. In this case I probably got my wires crossed here, as the trolls will be glad to know.

You do realize you've been handed the baton as Origin took off for happier hunting grounds? :cool: Glad to see you're keeping these nuts in check. I've basically concluded that all attempts to prove aether exists are just religious pseudoscience leading to some future claim at ICR, or wherever, that "aether is the spirit of God" or "aether is the waters above the firmament", or some such nonsense. Who knows? I can't think of any other reason for bothering with it. And I can't think of any other group so doggedly insistent on repeat-posting the same old tired arguments year after year.
Are you saying that the entire field of Physics exists in a world of deception? That Logic is a fool's game?

No, I'm saying a scientific theory is just that...always remaining open for modification, falsification or correction.
I'm saying that one of the main recognition points of a alternative theorist, is their models are inevitably put as a faitre complei, 100% certainty. That right from the outset, gives them away.
In other words their associated delusions of grandeur and/or tall poppy syndrome are their only motivation.
In saying all that, worth noting point 10, that some scientific theories like BB, SR and GR are so well supported, that they are about as set in concrete as any theory could be.
My introductory post explains that wave-particle duality has been shown to be correct and that logic is vital in verifying this. Reality is probabilistic in nature and its system probabilities can be described by the wave-function.
The wave-particle duality concept demonstrates that everything, and I mean everything, has a wave-particle duality make-up to it.

Evidence supports the wave/particle duality of light and other sub atomic particles. I have no argument in that regards.

I do though argue your "and I mean everything" has a wave/particle duality to it.
Indeed since the recent invasion (January-ish?) the reincarnated sock puppets of banned sock puppets of banned users have just been coming out of the woodwork. And I would have to defer to your better troll-detection skills as to which is which. I've gotten pretty good at spotting reiku, thanks to Origin, who first alerted me to what I now recognize is the bizarre cut-and-paste signature of that odd bird. The rest slowly dawned on me -- the childish narrative that tries to treat each weird little formula like a powerpoint slide, without ever simply explaining anything . . . that sort of thing. In this case I probably got my wires crossed here, as the trolls will be glad to know.

You do realize you've been handed the baton as Origin took off for happier hunting grounds? :cool: Glad to see you're keeping these nuts in check. I've basically concluded that all attempts to prove aether exists are just religious pseudoscience leading to some future claim at ICR, or wherever, that "aether is the spirit of God" or "aether is the waters above the firmament", or some such nonsense. Who knows? I can't think of any other reason for bothering with it. And I can't think of any other group so doggedly insistent on repeat-posting the same old tired arguments year after year.

My worry: That to many hard working folks don't realize the consequences if the ideologue sociopathic message prevails. It's a war against reason and our global community.
My worry: That to many hard working folks don't realize the consequences if the ideologue sociopathic message prevails. It's a war against reason and our global community.

Well, the practical consequence will be that this becomes a crank forum, because the rest of us will walk away, as Origin did.

I've nearly given up on Sciforums myself: it was only the decent bit of chemistry that recently appeared that has kept me here. But the Physics section has become just ridiculous. Though I am intrigued by Aq Id's slightly paranoid suspicions about IDers trying to sneak God into science via aether and information theories. It's a possibility I suppose - though half of me thinks such ideas belong in the Conspiracy section.:)

Wave potentials. Impossible, it seems. The wave-function returns to acting like a particle when observed, i.e. it is collapsed. Reality is a wave of potentials. Superposition is the only possible explanation for this.
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It is certainly the current theory that is seems to match observation and experimental results extremely well.

I see. We could also relate Quantum superposition to many-worlds theory and dreams (realities that we observe while asleep). The subjective has equal priority as the objective.
The video above might imply that reality is self-aware. In other words, that there is no separation between mind and reality.
I see. We could also relate Quantum superposition to many-worlds theory and dreams (realities that we observe while asleep). The subjective has equal priority as the objective.

I am skeptical of the many worlds concept.
The video above might imply that reality is self-aware. In other words, that there is no separation between mind and reality.

Not being up on philosophy I do not really know what that is suppose to mean.
Not being up on philosophy I do not really know what that is suppose to mean.

The way I define "no separation" you may conceptualize as a merging between our thoughts and the so-called "external reality". This is not to say that "external reality" is subject to anything that we conceive in our minds, but rather, it is aware of our thoughts and can relate them back to us as observer-participants. Photons in other words, are aware that we are observing them and they relate back to our acts of observation.
The way I define "no separation" you may conceptualize as a merging between our thoughts and the so-called "external reality". This is not to say that "external reality" is subject to anything that we conceive in our minds, but rather, it is aware of our thoughts and can relate them back to us as observer-participants. Photons in other words, are aware that we are observing them and they relate back to our acts of observation.

That's not science that's new age crazy talk, and as such does not have a place in the science section of the forum. If that is where you want the discussion to go you should post in the fringe section. If you post there I will discuss this with you other but I will not discuss it here because I don't want to encourage nonsicience topics in the science section.

Have nice weekend
That's not science that's new age crazy talk, and as such does not have a place in the science section of the forum. If that is where you want the discussion to go you should post in the fringe section. If you post there I will discuss this with you other but I will not discuss it here because I don't want to encourage nonsicience topics in the science section.

Have nice weekend

Reality makes sense as reality. This logical predication might mean it is self-aware. See this link.
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I am skeptical of the many worlds concept.

It's a pedagogical interpretation of QM. Some folks would like to say it's more than an interpretation when they call it a theory. It's an interpretation of QM not a theory. QM is the theory. You're right to be skeptical of the nonsense flowing forth. "....... there is no separation between mind and reality." LOL. There's a lot of separation between mind and reality going on at this site.
It's a pedagogical interpretation of QM. Some folks would like to say it's more than an interpretation when they call it a theory. It's an interpretation of QM not a theory. QM is the theory. You're right to be skeptical of the nonsense flowing forth. "....... there is no separation between mind and reality." LOL. There's a lot of separation between mind and reality going on at this site.

Yes, mind can be separate from reality but you must remember, mind, thoughts and observations are all real. What appears separate from reality is reality.
Yes, mind can be separate from reality but you must remember, mind, thoughts and observations are all real. What appears separate from reality are the subjects of imagination.

Why is this in the physics section? What part of that post can possibly be considered as physics?