Reality is One

Discussion in 'General Philosophy' started by Son, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. rr6 Banned Banned

    Gravity Unites Universe as Uni/One Interreconnected Integral Whole

    Physical/energy reality is "one", via gravity's inter-connectedness to all.

    gravity unites Universe, as one interrconnected, integral whole.

    Universe = God

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  3. river

    So the Universe = god = gravity

    = mechanical

    Hence god is mechanical
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  5. rr6 Banned Banned

    Closer But No Banana

    Ive never stated that God is gravity.

    Gravity is the essence of God/Universe, ergo the basis for all existence and I have elaborated in detail on this in various post in various threads around here.

    "All of Universe is technology"...Fuller so your "mechanical" more closely approaches Fullers definition.

    All of finite, occupied space Universe has three primary, interrelating componets/parts;

    1) gravity,

    2) bosons,

    3) fermions.

    Get your self a book on physics and cosmology as these three have been known now for some 70 or more years. My best guess.

    Duality open set of quasi-2D ex convex ' ( ' concave, or, 1( on ) 0( off )

    Triangulation is open and closed set of 2D and potentially quasi-3D and/or 3D( tetrahedron ) ex subidivided triangle that is warped/twisted plane/surface/opening.

    The latter having various combinations of 1's and 0's. I'm not a binary mathematician so cannot show you all the options for binary subdivided triangle, warped or not.

    If mechanical is synonym with techological, then I think you have fair assement with that word usage.

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  7. river

  8. rr6 Banned Banned

    Getting Facts Straight

    No. God/Universe = gravity( quasi-physical], fermions and bosons( other than gravity ) ergo the latter two are considered physical/energy and gravity is not, all three occupy space.

    Geometry i.e. the science of pattern is metaphysical and is complementary to all occupied space. There may exist geometrical patterns we can conceive of the do not have a occupied space complement.

    001) "G"od/"U"niverse is all inclusive ergo 3 kinds of metaphysical and the occupied space including gravity.

    01) God/Universe is less inclusive and only includes the occupied space.

    1) god/universe is the least inclusive and only references our local sphere of influence and local gods.

    All of Universe has a complementary, dynamic set of shapes, that have their basis-- and derived from ---in some( 3 ) static polygonal( 2D ) and polyhedral( 3D ) shapes, that are called the regular/symmetrical polygons and polyhedra and specifically the tetrahedron, octahedron and icosahedron.

    "life energy"? You will have to be more specific as to what this "life energy" is.

    Biological = sou-1l
    ...a part of reality....

    Spirit-1 = physical/energy this as reality.....

    "All of universe is technology"..Fullers quote
    ...reality( physical/energy and gravity( quasi-physical )


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