Reality is stranger than we think

how is this rational? how is it that sometimes you can know things out of the blue without a logical explanation? it's something that comes to you, not what you can consciously do.

and why this particular case that she had visions of but say not another? she doesn't know why and can't even explain it herself.

i'm sure there is a mechanism to everything. the problem is we don't know how everything can work or is possible. that is why current ideas of what is rational can be irrational because it is only based on what we know conventionally as rational or most 'often'.
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how is this rational? how is it that sometimes you can know things out of the blue without a logical explanation? it's something that comes to you, not what you can consciously do.

and why this particular case that she had visions of but say not another? she doesn't know why and can't even explain it herself.

i'm sure there is a mechanism to everything. the problem is we don't know how everything can work or is possible. that is why current ideas of what is rational can be irrational because it is only based on what we know conventionally as rational or most 'often'.

I tried to look at the details of this case on Wikipedia. I think seems like they want to keep everything secret. Only detail I did find was she thought she had powers when she was young but not until age 32 she went to the police about the missing nurse in white

I got as far through the video to the point where she found the body, cop turns up
Understand she was arrested on suspicion of involvment but released when the real killer confessed
Says she still helping police

So here's the thing
Where can I get a Warren Commission size investigation report into this and, as she is still helping the police, all the other cases helped solve?

Certainly abilities like this warrant bigger headlines than
"JFK double was shot and real JFK was taken to the moon where he now currently resides with a MM clone"


how is this rational? how is it that sometimes you can know things out of the blue without a logical explanation? it's something that comes to you, not what you can consciously do.

and why this particular case that she had visions of but say not another? she doesn't know why and can't even explain it herself.

i'm sure there is a mechanism to everything. the problem is we don't know how everything can work or is possible. that is why current ideas of what is rational can be irrational because it is only based on what we know conventionally as rational or most 'often'.

If she has continued to find body after body, this would bear more investigation. Otherwise, it's just a matter of someone being right once in their life.

Someone calls the top of a stock market bull market just before the start of a bear market. They rarely are able to do it twice. We don't focus on all the people who call the bull market top and are wrong. We don't focus on all the times when this person made an incorrect call.

I'm sure this is the case here. We also don't know all the details. We are just getting it from a TV program called "Strange but True" or whatever it's called.
Why I find weird - strange about stories like this, the producers of the programs do not take them serious
A person who can predict where murder victims could be found would be a world wide gold rain maker
Bigger than the Kardashians combined backsides
Why do they emphasize the spooky side with spooky music?
It's a rhetorical question but feel free to make a guess

Why I find weird - strange about stories like this, the producers of the programs do not take them serious
A person who can predict where murder victims could be found would be a world wide gold rain maker
Bigger than the Kardashians combined backsides
Why do they emphasize the spooky side with spooky music?
It's a rhetorical question but feel free to make a guess


To my mind they want drama , the spooky side , music adds to drama . Sell , sell ...etc.