Registration questions.


Registered Member
When I registered with this website, it asked 2 questions about some TV show that are impossible to answer for most people. It might prevent alot of people from registering. I never saw the TV show, so I had to ask somebody who did just to answer it. Seems like alot of inconvenience to register.
When I registered with this website, it asked 2 questions about some TV show that are impossible to answer for most people. It might prevent alot of people from registering. I never saw the TV show, so I had to ask somebody who did just to answer it. Seems like alot of inconvenience to register.

I did not know the answers either so I just googled the questions. Very easy but it stops bots.
Thanks. I think it's good security, but there already was an image that showed a photo with a number. And having to find answers to questions about a TV show might discourage people from even bothering to register. Just my feedback.
Thanks. I think it's good security, but there already was an image that showed a photo with a number. And having to find answers to questions about a TV show might discourage people from even bothering to register. Just my feedback.

You could be right but then do we want people that have so little interest in this place that they can't be bothered googling the answer for a minute? I trust that the owners of this website put the questions there because it was necessary.
Anyway, you are here. You made it in after all... Welcome :)

But thanks for taking the trouble to give feedback :)