Reptilian face



    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • GOD

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    Votes: 18 85.7%

    Votes: 2 9.5%

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If you look above the church you will notice a reptilian face.Open for feedback.I have noticed that some of you claim you can't see the photo. I have the photo enlarged on Simply go to message boards,click space,science&astronomy,than reptilian face.Even if you can't see the face it is obvious there is a unusual distortion in the atmosphere.
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Uh.. it is a comicbook style demon methinks.

Could be scary to see... if I was on drugs! :D
It's just like a camera flare or something. You know whats REALLY scary, if you've seen some pictures of the WTC as its falling apart the clouds of smoke look like a face, vaugely, I believe there's about two of them, I saw them briefly on Headline News. That pic of a dumb college kid standing on the top of the WTC is fake though.
that looks like there was either a water droplet on the camera lens....or some sort of artifacting due to the light of the sun

and that picture of the student on top of the WTC is fully bogus LOL....
not THAT one. There's these other pictures of the wtc collapsing and a cloud of smoke with an 'evil' face on it. Who knows, maybe its...god! I'll look for the website later I have to go in a time.
Hi there...

I don't think the face was god... look a this picture I got, you will understand my point...
hi everyone! i'm new!!!!!! eheheh! (rookie?)
would like to know how it works with this forum before!
so i'm just taking a look to your conversations!
i'm italian so my english isn't so good!!!!!!
see ya !!!!!
Smoke is very easy to manipulate in images as it doesn't go by the rules that something solid does. Dake for instance smoke can be slightly transparent and things can be seen through it, this means there is no embodiment to cast a shadow or get reflected.

So I agree with "Hoax" probably by someone with one of other motive:

Perhaps they wanted an image to float around the internet to call their own (Possibly with a .pif virii attachment.)

Perhaps they were of some religious group that wanted to portray the existance of something purely evil.

Perhaps it was done because they wre bored and had nothing better to do. (How comes on all the video tapes of the atrocity there are no such smoke fomations?)
Bobby Lee


I don't know you either however I did offer to give you the negative of the photo but I see you have already made up your ming concerning it.I don't care to decieve people are waste time.
Not to get all technical on you, but Lucifer, Beezulbub, and Satan are not at all the same thing. Satan is the Jewish term for Dionysius, and is understood to be in charge of pure, ecstatic emotion, and is credited with reducing human beings from rational animals to appetitive animals. Lucifer is in charge of over-rationalization. I imagine his connection with the sciences is why he's a fallen angel and not a demon... anyway, the translation of his name is "light bringer" and is identified with Apollo. Beezulbub is just fun to say... i don't think he has any previous incarnations... I think it's sort of like naming something ookiemookie just to say it. :>
Anyway, it's really just a footnote to the discussion, but sometimes it's important to keep the identities apart. Caio.

yeah, I've seen a few pics with so-called ALIEN looking figures and faces.......could be somethin'......hell, if these benevolent (hoefully) have any sort of brain they surely must have OR understand the concept of irony and the HUMAN BEINGS inane feelings towards the unexplained and forteana....they probably want to mess with us.
Hi lady, a nice picture, but if it is a Reptilian or whatever....

i doubt it, but it is really funny that it is hanging above the church.:p