Ron Paul


Registered Senior Member
Checked out the link to Ron Paul's web site and all I can say is, If that's the best Texas has to offer ... God help the poor Texans! Talk about FLUFF! Did a quick scan of the bills he either sponsored or cosponsored ... Yikes!
Sorry about that last one, must've hit the post button by accident.

My question to Chagur - what bills did you disapprove of and why?
I think the following half dozen should be sufficient:

Resolution 23 Not to ratify the International Criminal Court Treat!

Resolution 27 Repeal the War Powers Resolution (Con. rather than Pres. declares war)

Resolution 206 Recognizing the important relationship between the United States and Mexico.

Resolution 45 Constitutional amendment abolishing income, estate and gift taxes.

Resolution 694 Amend permit elections to decertify representation by a labor organization.

Resolution 966 To prohibit the Federal Government from planning, developing, implementing, or administering any national teacher test or method of certification
The guy appears to me to be an unmitigated State's rights nut case who is anti-union and an isolationist! Not one of the above have gotten out of Committee!

I'm not going to waste time digging any further, just some of what he's attempted in this session of Congress should be sufficient.
Ha ha ha!!

What makes you say anti-union? I have never understood where that comes from. It is PRO freedom. Certainly we want a union of states, that makes us much more powerful - but what we DON'T want is to wind up with a federal government overstepping the bounds of our constitution and infringing upon our rights.

My favorite one of Ron Paul's bills is to abolish income tax witholding. It's rather insidious of the US government to garnish wages of individuals in such a way that the money is never in their pockets. It makes it seem as if it ins't their money in the first place. I would love to see your average democrat have to write a check every month approximately equal to their RENT check and send it to the IRS. Such an event would cause an outcry that would ultimately end income tax, which is the goal.

Certainly none of these bills will pass with a congress full of socialists. But every one of them is sound.
Like ... Duuuh!


What made me say 'anti-union' is
Resolution 694 Amend permit elections to decertify representation by a labor organization.
Whether you realize it or not, that resolution has to with the National Labor Relations Act and LABOR Unions! It has nothing to do with the States!

Oh, and by the way one of the most supportive groups outside of Texas appear the Michigan Militia Corps Wolverines. Here's their URL if you're interested:

I suggest that you research your idols a bit more thoroughly before placing them on a pedestal.

Who's YOUR idol, Chagur?

I don't have any idols. I simply consider the positions and I trust myself.

I checked out that link - but I'll admit I didn't read the whole thing - I'll look again when I have more time - from what I can tell they are pro-militia - which means they oppose guns laws. I have no problem with that. If that's an issue for you maybe we should start a thread about gun laws. Anyway - it's irrelevant what they stand for - I don't rate a person's ideas by who supports them - only by whether I agree with the ideas!

So I see now you mean labor unions rather than US union - I am not particularly pro-union, either. All a labor union is, in my opinion, is a way to bully an employer into giving you everything you demand, whether you are worth it or not. I am also against minimum wage.

There are good reasons for all of these positions. Try to step out of the brainwashed world of the typical US citizen who takes all of his liberties for granted. They are slowly being erroded in the name of "freedom for all." That's about as bogus as it gets.

Instead of writing off these positions as fanatical, consider the reasons for them. I guarrantee you they are not meant to bully, discriminate, or take away anyone's freedoms. On the contrary, they are to RESTORE them.

Perhaps we should debate issue by issue, then.
My Idol ...

The only Presidential candidate I ever went out knocking on doors for was Barry Goldwater. He was intelligent, honest to a fault, and after what they did to him, and I'm talking about his own party, I said 'A pox on all your houses' and only support local politicians who I personally know.

As far as 'debating issue by issue' ... no thanks. You're not near as much fun to 'debate' with as Tiassa. And, as you may have noticed, I've decided to go easy on him lately. ;)

Take care.